I've lost my motivation....

I don't know what has happened to me. I lost 35 pounds over the last 9 months, and now all I want to do is eat!! For some reason, I just have lost the fire. I don't want to exercise, I just want to eat. When this happens, I gain lots of weight back. (It has happened before.) Right now, I am scared to death to look at a scale. Does anyone else have this problem? Any advice??


  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    You need to find healthy food that YOU LIKE TO EAT!

    And go stand in front of a mirror for a while and go ahead and plan where you are going to put 35 more pounds.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    you didnt lose your motivation, you lost your willpower.
  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    You need to find healthy food that YOU LIKE TO EAT!

    And go stand in front of a mirror for a while and go ahead and plan where you are going to put 35 more pounds.

    ^This! Or, to find your motivation....go to a store that sells big bags of dog food. Pick up a 30 bag and carry it around for 30 minutes. See how quickly you tire and you'll find that motivation.

    Hang in there....there are days and weeks where this whole process sucks, but it's what we do and we just keep doing it.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    You body is smashotoging you

    Donut let it smashotoge you

    Stay w/ exorcise and calree goal. U cn do it. :drinker:
  • missymuffet459
    I think for me this time it is about taking control. I have lost and gained weight back numerous times. I am tired of it. I want to take control over my life. Don't let your cravings control you and your happiness.

    Baby steps- you don't need to go out and run a 5K today, just go out and walk for 30 minutes. Anything to ease you back into an exercise routine.
  • teamfit2day
    teamfit2day Posts: 213 Member
    I don't know what has happened to me. I lost 35 pounds over the last 9 months, and now all I want to do is eat!! For some reason, I just have lost the fire. I don't want to exercise, I just want to eat. When this happens, I gain lots of weight back. (It has happened before.) Right now, I am scared to death to look at a scale. Does anyone else have this problem? Any advice??

    You need to sit down and go back and find your reason WHY. Why did you even decide to lose weight in the first place? I have lost 48lbs and everyday I wake up @ 5:00am because of my reason why: My Wife and Son. I choose to be healthy because my son will need his father. I cannot make excuses for him because if I do, I will end up teaching him that quitting is ok. I cannot tell him that I am too tired when he wants to play. I cannot tell my wife that I am too tired to be a good husband for her. I cannot afford to allow myself to become unhealthy and sick so that one day my wife will have the burden of having to take care of me because I refused to take care of myself. FIND YOUR REASON WHY and you will never look back.
  • lbigham1
    lbigham1 Posts: 132
    Go ahead and step on the scale now. - That may just give you the motivation you need. Also, as teamfi2day already stated, take a little time to reflect and make a list.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    You lost the weight before, its your choice do you want to go back to the way you were before or stick with it
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    This happens.
    We all go through it, and most people fail. Most people who lose weight gain it all back with a little extra flab.
    And you will.
    Part of that process of gathering your energies is knowing that you are not alone in this fight or the very feeling that is dragging you down.
    Again, we all know this wretched sensation of burning hunger and lack of drive to battle on.
    In a fight it's never over until we stop throwing strikes.
  • ndblades
    ndblades Posts: 233 Member
    I don't know what has happened to me. I lost 35 pounds over the last 9 months, and now all I want to do is eat!! For some reason, I just have lost the fire. I don't want to exercise, I just want to eat. When this happens, I gain lots of weight back. (It has happened before.) Right now, I am scared to death to look at a scale. Does anyone else have this problem? Any advice??

    You need to sit down and go back and find your reason WHY. Why did you even decide to lose weight in the first place? I have lost 48lbs and everyday I wake up @ 5:00am because of my reason why: My Wife and Son. I choose to be healthy because my son will need his father. I cannot make excuses for him because if I do, I will end up teaching him that quitting is ok. I cannot tell him that I am too tired when he wants to play. I cannot tell my wife that I am too tired to be a good husband for her. I cannot afford to allow myself to become unhealthy and sick so that one day my wife will have the burden of having to take care of me because I refused to take care of myself. FIND YOUR REASON WHY and you will never look back.

    Great Advice! Surrround yourself with motivational MFP friends.... read through forums, find somebody that "clicks" to what you feel, and ask to be their friend! When I am feeling like I'd love to splurge, I read the success stories.... then there was last night,, it was 7:00 and instead of sitting on here like it was facebook--- I decided to go EXERCISE instead --- do you get that wonderful feeling after you have exercised? I do.... Push through the first 5 minutes and you'll feel good. Join a 6 week class if you can-- somethign to force you to be active and get back in the groove as well! You can do this -- -You HAVE BEEN DOING THIS!
  • Medenny
    Medenny Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I do totally get what you are saying. I am starting over after losing 70lbs. I've gained back 40 just the way you have described.
    I just went through my summer clothes from last year. Cry cry cry. None fit now. I tell you if you don't want to keep working on losing you'll end up crying in front of your closet. Go try on old clothes or new clothes and remind yourself of what is more important food or your health and beauty. Maybe you can switch up your diet for a few days and try something different just to help you get motivated again. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I don't know what has happened to me. I lost 35 pounds over the last 9 months, and now all I want to do is eat!! For some reason, I just have lost the fire. I don't want to exercise, I just want to eat. When this happens, I gain lots of weight back. (It has happened before.) Right now, I am scared to death to look at a scale. Does anyone else have this problem? Any advice??


    Now...what motivates me right now is looking at the chart that shows my weight loss. I have done so good the last month or so, and I find things on that chart that are positive--a pretty consistent downward trend ( the curve used to be FLAT), the fact that since I tweaked my diet the fluctuations are smaller and less frequent. I am now wearing clothes that I haven't worn in years or have NEVER worn. Why would I want to bury myself in that box of cookies and sabotage myself?

    Whether I am going to like what it says or not, I step on that darn scale 3-4x per week. I'm not too happy with it the last few days--Since Thursday I have gained back my last pound that I lost! Grrrr. However, I know that I got a brutal work out on Saturday ( helped my mom move) and rewarded myself with 50% more carbs than I usually eat. Hopefully when I step back on it tomorrow it will say nice things to me :D If not, I'll know that it is because of the heat and the humidity, and darn it, when the weather cools down, I'll lose it :D
  • laurie0507
    laurie0507 Posts: 92 Member
    I can so relate to this.. been there, done that and doing it again! It's like there is a light switch in my brain and when I start doing well and losing weight I feel like I am ON track. LIke nothing can stop me and I will succeed. Then BAM out of the blue that switch flips and I'm binge eating like no tomorrow. Totally out of control. I don't know why that happens but it is depressing. Even if you go over your calorie limit, promise yourself you WILL exercise. Try new ways to motivate yourself, find a friend who you can lean on. Good luck!
  • stacymama5
    stacymama5 Posts: 391 Member
    You need to find healthy food that YOU LIKE TO EAT!

    And go stand in front of a mirror for a while and go ahead and plan where you are going to put 35 more pounds.

    I love it!!! He motivated me!!
  • angcubby
    angcubby Posts: 31 Member
    Eat more fruit! and veggies!!! and just go for a walk when you feel like eating something when you know you shouldn't! If you feel like you just have to eat something, eat some fruit! You have come this far! You are 100% in control of your body and your cravings! You are 100% in control! You can get through this tough stage. You are strong!
  • ldalbello
    ldalbello Posts: 207 Member
    Omg that is so me. I lost 35 lbs in 7 months. Decided to take a break which lasted 2 months. I was afraid to get on the scale but did this morning and gained 13 lbs. Getting back on the wagon now !
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member
    What started you down this road to begin with in terms your weight loss? Whatever that was (weight loss, wanting to look better, wanting be around for your kids, etc.), return to it by establishing specific short-term goals related to it. Good luck. We are all rooting for you.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Know exactly where you are coming from, great advice on here though, just what I needed to read. Good old MFP, good luck to you and thanks for posting
  • PatasDeGallina
    PatasDeGallina Posts: 155 Member
    Because it gets old. Logging, tracking, weighing, measuring... Every. Single. Thing. You. Eat. And. Do.

    But... It works.

    Yes, everyone has this problem to one degree or another. For me it just takes ONE DAY of screwing around. That next day back is like herding cats to get their teeth pulled. It's terrible. But I know that if I can just make it through that one day, then I can make it through another day.

    Don't look at the mountain. Don't think about all the exercise you have to do in the next week or all control you have to put into eating for the next month.

    Focus on this 20 min walk (take your baby with you, awwww bb, sorry I love kids). Focus on this meal. Focus on this snack.

    The "mountain" of weight you want gone... the next 60 lbs, is really just 1 lb over and over again. A mountain is just a pile of rocks. If you can move one rock today and one rock tomorrow, you can move the entire mountain.

    Here is how I motivated myself. I got real about where I was and where I wanted to go. I made a calendar. I set up goals about losing 5 lbs, 10 lbs, etc. I saw that they coincided with events/holidays/important dates in the future, like my husband's birthday. Then I envisioned myself at his birthday party in a pretty dress being thinner and happy about what I've accomplished.

    Then I closed the calendar and I sat down with one meal. I thought about that one meal. I thought about each bite. Then I went for a walk. I thought about each step of that walk.

    Then I went to my pantry and I threw away all the crap that was easy to eat when I got bored. Then I stopped going out to eat (I only go once or twice a month). I gave myself complete control of my food intake.

    And when it got old, as it will. I pulled out my calendar and I saw that the 4th of July is almost here. Every 4th of July we gather at my uncle's house for a big BBQ because it's also his birthday. There will be swimming and sparklers. I want to look my best in my bathing suit.

    You deserve to look and feel the best that you can in the future, but that means living in the present and being fully aware of yourself. I love to eat. We all do. Most of us are here for that reason.

    It's ok to go off track so long as you come back. Just because you fell off the horse doesn't mean you should shoot the horse.

  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    I can really relate to this. I will do great for a month, month and half and then WHAM one day I just quit. For me, it is a clear and obvious form of self-sabatoge. It's really true about "it's not about what your eating...but what's eating you." And also how it comes "from the inside out." It's a vicious cycle - diet, lose weight, give up, gain a little, eat more, gain more, etc.

    I don't have any answers for you but am in that same boat! I just try to be aware of this and find ways (many suggested here) to overcome.