New Body November Week 2

Here is the new thread for week two, see you in the morning.


  • madelinetg15
    Don't hate when you barely lose anything. I lost almost 1 pound but a loss is a loss. I will push harder next week. My husband lost another 5 pounds. That is 10 pounds in 2 weeks. Wish I could pull numbers like that. Good luck to everyone weighing in. I will check in later tonight.
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    good morning! Well I lost 2 lbs this week. I feel really good about that number. I have set goals of 5 lbs a month. So far its looking great. I really think that is a reasonable goal. I have a friend coming over this weekend to me help set up the basement so I will be able to do the 30 day shred again. I 'm thinking however I need to really stretch before I do it so i don't pull another muscle that has really limited my excerise this week but I worked really hard yesterday and it worked out.

    I will have a movie review for you all later today. A bunch of us are going to see the Christmas Story so I will let you know what it was.

    Good luck to all with the weigh in today.

    Maddy- You know a pound lost is still good, you are on the right track and thats what matters! As far as you husband well good for him but men always lose faster than woman and you are doing it together. That is a great thing you have support in each other. Keep up the good work!
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    i gained 1lb. im not too bumbed cause i am going by my clothes. they fit super lose and i am hoping i am gaining muscle. i will try to cut down on food maybe that will help my numbers go down.
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    :frown: I know I have to give my body time to adjust but I still felt just a smidgen of annoyance this morning when I weighed myself only to see: 198 on the scale. I just about strangled the scale but then let it go.

    I'll work even harder this week! By golly and gee I will get that number lower!
  • det3386
    det3386 Posts: 21 Member
    I lost about 2 pounds which is good but I did terrible with the exercising! I am finding it really hard to get motivated.
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    Okay, down another .4 this morning for a total of 6.6 since Monday, totally water weight though, no secret here, had a terrible weekend w/ Halloween candy, parties, etc., but got back on track Monday morning. Raking the yard for the last 2 hours, so lots of exercise today!

    Great job everyone, pounds and inches lost! And all of you who don't feel you've accomplished something because your scale or clothes didn't change, think of all the good things you did for your body with healthy eating and exercise, and also just your new mind set!!!
  • AmandaB4588
    Good job everyone!

    Angie--- water weight or not, that's awesome!!

    Well I lost 3 lbs this week. Even though I was expecting more, I am happy with that since I did get a little lazy working out this week. I am ready to hit the gym strong this week, though!

    Keep up the good work guys
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    great job to everyone so far, I think this is a great team and we WILL succeed this time! Lets keep up the great work!:smile:

    So now on a different subject I wanted to share the movie review, My Mom and I went to see THe Christmas Story and well it was a good movie on how they re did it and Jim Carrey was his usual self and that part I really did enjoy but yet in a way I caught myself saying ok next sceen please. Some parts dragged on and other went to fast. Over all it was a good movie to see in the theare but I will not buy this one. Please go check it out and let me know what you guys thought!

    I hope everyone has a good weekend, Off to have dinner with a friend!

    Later everyone

    Tracy :tongue:
  • madelinetg15
    Good job everyone keep it up. I know I shouldn't bum about the almost 1 pound loss but sometimes you can't help especially when you bust your tail working out. But sometimes you have off weeks. your body has to learn and adjust. Everyone keep up the good work this week.
  • hepkitty
    hepkitty Posts: 133
    Grr :frown: 1/2 a kg gain! (Though hadn't weighed myself for a few weeks so that wasn't necessarily from this week, I hope, cos I was pretty well behaved all week1!).

    Trying to concentrate on the things I did well though.
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Grr :frown: 1/2 a kg gain! (Though hadn't weighed myself for a few weeks so that wasn't necessarily from this week, I hope, cos I was pretty well behaved all week1!).

    Trying to concentrate on the things I did well though.

    Just keep plowing onward and work extra hard? That's what I'm planning. :)
  • madelinetg15
    Everyone remember, I even have to tell myself this but the scale isn't the only assessment of how your doing. Measurements count and I am sure some of you haven't really noticed the scale budge but a difference in clothing. Also how to do you feel physically. Do you feel better when you didn't scarf down those brownies or eat a bag of chips or drink cokes all day. I know I do. I even have great energy after my workouts which is good. That means your body is adjusting to your new lifestyle and that is really what we are here for. Yes I want to look sexy for my husband and wear cute clothing and really really want to have confidence to wear a swimsuit but I really truly want to be able to play with my boys and not get tired. I want to run with them and not get winded. I want to be healthy and live long enough to be around to enjoy any grandchildren I might have. With my weight now and my health I probably wouldn't make it that far. I don't have any life threatening problems like diabetes or high blood pressure but I am really on the verge of acquiring those problems. Carrying so much extra weight really puts a strain on your heart and that should be the main muscle we are taking care of and conditioning. Losing weight not only makes you look good but makes your body work better. We all can do this and sometimes we will want to give up but please help anyone you can and you will receive it back 10 fold. Good luck this week and I will check in as much as I can.

  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    Okay, slowing down now, still where I was yesterday, and that with going out to eat for dinner, but I only drank water, had a filet, veggies, and garlic mashed (1/2), so yummy dinner, but not super rich or indulgent. I also went out w/ my running group for the first time since the Great River Relay in August. I ran a little over 6 miles, and then locked my friend out of his car while he ran another few miles, I felt so bad! I did have breakfast/lunch w/ them after at a local restaraunt, but ordered a ham and veggie omelet, and ww toast, ate 1/2 of the omelet and all the yummy toast! Will eat light the rest of the day as this wasn't the kind of place you asked for whites only, or less butter/oil in cooking!
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    Good morning everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend! It was beautiful in Minnesota, perfect yard work weather, and it was snowing 2 weeks ago, crazy!

    I had a good weekend, 3 hours of raking and bagging leaves Sat., 30+ bags to the compost, lot of work. I ran w/ my group yesterday, a little over 6 mi., though w/ them runs are always followed by food, and at night drinking, good thing I only run mornings! I had a veggie/ham omelet w/ ww toast and jam, but only ate 1/2.

    Down 1.2 this morning!!! A total of 7.8 for my first week back on the weight loss wagon! I know this has been water weight after a really bad Halloween weekend, and not so great choices even before, but I'm still very excited, it was a very motivational loss!!!
  • madelinetg15
    Great job Angiebangie, keep up the good work.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Hi Ladies. It was a roller coaster weekend for me. I weighed in on Saturday afternoon, just to see what it said. I was down 1.5 lbs! I was really excited. I did my official weigh in this morning and I was up .5 So a 2 lb swing in 24 hours...gota love our bodies. It is also my TOM so I think I will just skip recording my weight this week and wait until next week.

    This week may be pretty tough for me to eat healthy or get in exercise. I am surprising my husband with a trip to Las Vegas for his Birthday. We fly out Thursday night and get home Sunday night. As fun as it will be, I am sure I will be tempted with millions of things that I shouldn't eat. On the bright side, I will probably get a lot of walking in:bigsmile:
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    I had a great saturday, but totally went overboard yesterday and eat WAY!!!!!!! too much. oh well.. I can't change it. Will drink lots of water today and get back on track.
    Worked out this morning and plan on walking over lunch since it is so Beautiful out....

    I don't weigh in until Wednesday.. I did take a peak this weekend and was the same... After yesterday not sure if I will go down or not.. Anywho... I will not peak until Wednesday morning and then I have off of work for a week!!!!!!:happy: :happy:

    Heres to a great day for everyone
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Week late here. I am thinking I'd like to join this group. Weigh in's are Saturday morning? I usually weigh in on friday, but i'll post on saturday, no biggie here.
  • madelinetg15
    tahmed- just remember portion control and you should be ok. Enjoy your trip with your husband though and don't stress about the food to much. And like you said you will be walking alot.

    Ourgang- everyone slips sometimes it is just important to get right back up and start again. We will hear from you on Wed.

    cds2327 -welcome, we do weighs in on Saturday just let us know how you are doing and we are all here for you.
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    hi all! I will weigh in tomorrow since I forgot to today. I've been eating pretty good and exercising as well, so hopefully I'll go down!