Vacation help

I am leaving on a vacation cruise and I'm worried about the food on board the ship. All my meals will be on board. Any suggestions?


  • Bambi0ne
    Bambi0ne Posts: 16
    Enjoy yourself! Do try to not indulge in the desserts too much, walk your butt off every morning!! :P
  • lynnprice
    lynnprice Posts: 101 Member
    Protein Protein Protein
  • fiveferrels
    fiveferrels Posts: 397 Member
    lots of walking on the ship, enjoy, I love cruising!!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    In all honesty - when I go on vacation I want to enjoy my food not over analyze it. It's what I work hard for at the office and in the gym all the days in between and I refuse to count calories on vacation!!

    I will say though that my boyfriend and I took a cruise in February and not only was the food on board excellent but there were many fresh healthy choices as well. I always made sure I had some fresh fruit and veggies everyday. That along with eggs every morning and chicken or seafood at other meals kept it healthy......along with the yummy desserts and ice cream!! We also kept super active and busy with excursions on shore. I didn't gain any weight and when I got back home it was back to my regular routine. That's the wonderful thing about mastering self control and willpower. You can have a fun food day every so often and then just get right back on track again!