What country do you live in or hail from AND....



  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    Some really interesting responses here! :)
  • yelpat
    yelpat Posts: 414 Member
    Born and raised in Canada.
    A typical breakfast me is cereal and once in awhile I will have eggs and toast.
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    I'm Jamaican.

    Breakfast may be friend plantains or boiled yam, boiled banana with callaloo (greens) or ackee and saltfish (salted cod/bacalao). Porridges: oats, cornmeal, plantain, banana, peanut
    Others have the regular eggs etc.

    Lunch: Patties, rice and peas with chicken/oxtail/mutton/curried chicken, with fresh or steam veg

    Dinner: Boiled yam, dumpling, potato, sweet potato. Chicken foot soup, red peas (kidney bean) soup, various stews, tin foods with rice. Fried fish with a spicy pickle of onions, carrots, hot peppers in vinegar poured over served with festival (a deep friend cornmeal dumpling)

    We also have most fast food joints: KFC, BK, Popeyes, Chinese, Indian, Wendys...but those are for on the road convenience or lazy evening dont-wanna-cook days.

    We're a diverse people who LOVE our food so this isnt even scratching the surface :)

    hella yessss... dont forget...

    Breakfast : liver/kidney and ground provision (yam, cocoa, dasheen, potato.. etc) Baked chicken (yep for breakfast) mackerel,

    Lunch: stew peas with pigs tail and white rice,

    Daaang, i'm hungry... and i just ate
  • Miss_Ever55
    Miss_Ever55 Posts: 14 Member
    All these posts are so interesting!
  • KeisterBunny
    KeisterBunny Posts: 33 Member
    Hello from Wisconsin! Madison to be precise. Breakfast for me is usually a nutrition shake with some fruit added in. Lunch is what was for dinner last night, today it was 21 bean soup. Dinner tonight will be steaks on the grill, brown rice and sugar snap peas glazed with balsamic vinegar...I like taking my 7 month old pit bull terrier for walks and skating roller derby.
  • KeisterBunny
    KeisterBunny Posts: 33 Member
    Im British, i live in Essex in the UK.

    My breakfast is always weetabix, a teaspoon of brown sugar and 150ml semi skimmed milk.
    Lunch is usually a salad when i remember to pack one for work, failing that the shop nearby does fresh lunch pots that average at around 300 cals.

    Dinner tends to be meat and veg, so meatloaf or pork steaks in gravy, although I am sneaking in more veggies and fishies these days. - Having said that, this week i am being incredibly lazy by doing M&S fresh meals instead- we have a voucher that needs using up and it is usually a lot fewer calories than if i cook myself!

    I love Weetabix!
  • CharisSunny
    CharisSunny Posts: 276 Member
    I'm Jamaican.

    Breakfast may be friend plantains or boiled yam, boiled banana with callaloo (greens) or ackee and saltfish (salted cod/bacalao). Porridges: oats, cornmeal, plantain, banana, peanut
    Others have the regular eggs etc.

    Lunch: Patties, rice and peas with chicken/oxtail/mutton/curried chicken, with fresh or steam veg

    Dinner: Boiled yam, dumpling, potato, sweet potato. Chicken foot soup, red peas (kidney bean) soup, various stews, tin foods with rice. Fried fish with a spicy pickle of onions, carrots, hot peppers in vinegar poured over served with festival (a deep friend cornmeal dumpling)

    We also have most fast food joints: KFC, BK, Popeyes, Chinese, Indian, Wendys...but those are for on the road convenience or lazy evening dont-wanna-cook days.

    We're a diverse people who LOVE our food so this isnt even scratching the surface :)

    hella yessss... dont forget...

    Breakfast : liver/kidney and ground provision (yam, cocoa, dasheen, potato.. etc) Baked chicken (yep for breakfast) mackerel,

    Lunch: stew peas with pigs tail and white rice,

    Daaang, i'm hungry... and i just ate
    lol we're so fat as a nation.
    What would we do without Juici breakfast? Lol
  • violabeatle
    violabeatle Posts: 87 Member
    I'm currently a college kid in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

    Breakfast: Greek yogurt with granola and coffee with skim milk and splenda (I've been meaning to try Truvia...).

    Lunch: Option 1: Turkey sandwich with cheese, light mayo and cucumber. Grapes/apple/other fruit on the side. Option 2: Some sort of fast food -soup and salad or sandwich, usually keep it under 600 cals.

    Dinner: Experiment with food time! I typically make some sort of chicken or beef dish.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I live in Canada, but am Italian, so a lot of my food is Italian

    For breakfast, every single day, I start with half a cup of ORIGINAL Fiber One, that is 14grams of fiber which is half my daily intake, and no sugar! I do have to put a bit of pure cinnamon on it to make it eatable. Then I will usually have whole grain toast and some protein like eggs or peanut butter and some fruit.

    For lunch I start with either a bowl of pure homemade vegetable soup (pure meaning ONLY veg and water, no meat, or noodles or anything, usually just carrots, cabbage, spinach, tomatoes, onions and celery with water), or I will have a salad. Then, I will either have crackers with the soup, or add protein to the salad, like chicken, protein beans or hard boiled egg yolk. Sometimes, I will have either just the soup with no crackers, or a smaller salad without protein, and have some leftovers, or veal or eggplant sandwich.

    Dinner is pretty much always, meat, some type of pasta or potato, and two kinds of veg. Some of my common dinners include:

    Chicken Parm with pasta, salad and eggplant
    Hamburger gravy with mashed potatoes, broccoli and green beans
    Homemade Pizza (loaded with meat and veg) and salad

    I also plan my menus one or two weeks at a time, so in the morning before work, I just have to look at what is for dinner, and pull out the meat. That saves TONS of time and mental energy during the busy week.

    I do not plan weekends, on Saturdays, I work long hours, so that is when we are most likely to have burgers or hotdogs or something like that.

    On Sundays, we have a Sunday Dinner, like Roast or Ham, or my partner will make some Jamaican food like chicken and dumplings or the like.....but I eat very few things that are not Italian styled, so sometimes we even end up cooking two different meals....and of course, my partner eats NO Italian food at all.....can get a little interesting.....my kids eat it all, lol
  • kasebrad
    kasebrad Posts: 61 Member
    From Texas, but living in Kentucky now.

    Coffee (with stevia and creamer) and a mix of cereal, plain Greek yogurt, and berries (topped with cinnamon and honey).
    Once in a while I'll have egg whites with veggies and toast

    Salads (grilled chicken or canned salmon/tuna, various veggies, cheese, sometimes nuts or dried fruit)
    Wraps (chicken or lunch meat, beans, peppers, spinach, hummus, etc.) usually with veggies or a small salad on the side
    Stir fries (chicken or shrimp, edamame, lots of veggies, noodles, orange sauce)

    Usually an apple or granola bar
    Sometimes crackers, popcorn, dried fruit or fruit gummies, chocolate, etc.
    Protein shakes after strength workouts
    I usually have a cup of tea after dinner

    Lean meat (usually chicken) + veggies (any and everything) + some kind of starch (usually pasta, but sometimes potatoes/sweet potatoes, beans, etc.). I usually have a piece of bread on the side
    I cook other things from time to time like soups or casseroles, but they pretty much follow the same basic formula.
    Frozen dinners when I'm lazy (I always add a bunch of veggies to them)

    Stonyfield frozen Greek yogurt, half a frozen banana, and a scoop of peanut butter (topped with light cool whip and cinnamon)

    I feel like I eat sooo much because I'm never hungry and the portions seem big, but it usually rounds out to no more than 1500 calories.