looing for postive friends

Hi There, My name is Lisa and I am new to this site and looking to find friends to help motivate me. Please feel free to friend.


  • DzLady
    DzLady Posts: 12
    Hi. My name is Teresa and I, too, am looking for positive friends to go with me along this journey to become healthier and lose weight. I started out needing/wanting to lose 71 lbs. I had lost 15 but the last couple days, I have gained 4 lbs back. Husband is very supportive, but brings home cookies and sweet foods and I have a hard time with this and have ate too much of what I shouldnt have touched in the first place. So, I am currently sitting with 60 lbs left to lose and want to find some motivation and support. I would be happy with 50 lbs lost. And I set mini goals of 10 lbs to lose. When I reach that goal, then I set another mini goal of 10 lbs. Hopefully this, combined with husband not bringing home the sweets, I can reach this final goal.
  • lgreeneyes87
    hello Theresa, Thanks for the request. I need to lose about 150 lbs but I will be happy with 100lbs. I hope together we can both reach our goals.
  • oMarilyno
    oMarilyno Posts: 1
    Hi Lisa,
    My name is Marilyn and I too need to lose over 100 lbs. I would be happy to be your friend and join you on this journey.
  • cdip11287
    cdip11287 Posts: 9
    Hi Lisa. My name is Chris I think the more support the better. I also have to lose 100+ pounds, and I think it is nice to have support that also has to lose 100+ pounds. Hopefully we can support each other and become friends