Does anyone do 1200 calories ??

I have been eating between 1200 -1400 calories a day plus hit the treadmill and burn about 300 calories and still cant manage to lose weight. Since April I have only lost 5 pounds. Anyone else have this issue?


  • Your eating to Few calories try 1400 to 1600 a day.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    When in April? How many weeks total? Are there other body changes like do your clothes fit better? Were you using the treadmill before?

    I average about 1400/day and lose slowly and tend to do so in spurts... no loss for weeks than bam, 3 lbs. down. It seems to average out but it's hard to ignore the short term.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I NET 1200-1300 calories a day. I EAT 1600-1800 a day and usually burn between 350 and 500 doing strength training and cardio.
  • djaymed
    djaymed Posts: 1 Member
    I do 1200 calories and do 40% complex carbs; 30% lean proteins, and 30% fats.....I lost 35 lbs in 5 months.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Some do 1200. I like to eat, I actually noticed @ 1800 I am losing about a pound a week, and out eat many of the boys on my FL :)
  • mayerel
    mayerel Posts: 254 Member
    I NET 1200-1300 calories a day. I EAT 1600-1800 a day and usually burn between 350 and 500 doing strength training and cardio.

    This!! Eat more!!
  • emsnyc
    emsnyc Posts: 16 Member
    That's my calorie goal too... all I'm trying to do is MAINTAIN at this point and it's not working out! It's very hard to balance on it. I'm having a super hard time. I'm either weak, to the point of feeling faint sometimes- or if I am not and I'm going over for too many days in a row, I instantly gain it seems. Something is wrong... I try and up the protein with powders, etc... so I don't know... I really try to watch the nutrition and stuff...

    I do not log my exercise, but even when I subtract it in my head on a day when I go over... it just doesn't compute... and why would I gain so easily? It can't all be muscle.

    Do you strength train? I lift weights, and I run... the running burns a LOT of calories... or should. I don't get it either. I hope people answer your thread.

    What it might be is that our goal of 1200 is a wee bit low for the amount we are burning, and ironically, we are going into starvation mode and slowing our metabolism. I do get those warnings at the end of the day when I finish off MFP log and then I'll eat a snack. I don't seem to get feedback that indicates very often that my weight will climb this fast. Some could be water. But really? 5lbs? It yo-yos a lot and I'm getting tired of it.
  • i do. and I work out 5-6 days a week. and i eat healthy. And ive lost 7 lbs in 6 months. Nice huh?
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    That's my calorie goal too... all I'm trying to do is MAINTAIN at this point and it's not working out! It's very hard to balance on it. I'm having a super hard time. I'm either weak, to the point of feeling faint sometimes- or if I am not and I'm going over for too many days in a row, I instantly gain it seems. Something is wrong... I try and up the protein with powders, etc... so I don't know... I really try to watch the nutrition and stuff...

    I do not log my exercise, but even when I subtract it in my head on a day when I go over... it just doesn't compute... and why would I gain so easily? It can't all be muscle.

    Do you strength train? I lift weights, and I run... the running burns a LOT of calories... or should. I don't get it either. I hope people answer your thread.

    What it might be is that our goal of 1200 is a wee bit low for the amount we are burning, and ironically, we are going into starvation mode and slowing our metabolism. I do get those warnings at the end of the day when I finish off MFP log and then I'll eat a snack. I don't seem to get feedback that indicates very often that my weight will climb this fast. Some could be water. But really? 5lbs? It yo-yos a lot and I'm getting tired of it.

    You both are eating WAY TOO FEW CALORIES. Your body has adjusted by conserving as much as it can. I don't know what your weight is but after MFP sets your calories, eat your exercise calories. Bet to put you settings at -1 / week and adjust from there. You need to search "EAT MORE TO WEIGH LESS" to get the logic behind this.
    Wishing you both, good energy and health.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I have eaten 1200 for the past 7 months and not eaten any exercise calories back and lost 100 lbs. I realize I started higher then others but stop it with the 1200 puts you into starvation mode. That is most certainly not true.

    Depending on what you do for exercise and what your lean muscle was when you started you MAY be gaining muscle. If you go to a gym ask them if they have a body composition scale and track your progress on that.