Anyone Gain Weight On Mirena?

I've had it for 3 years and it's been my heaviest 3 years. Is Mirena known for this?


  • coffeebrown5
    coffeebrown5 Posts: 73 Member
    I don't know if its known for weight gain but I sure have packed on the pounds since I had it.
  • AshMcWomack
    I did! I had it removed (got prego again lol...but actually lost weight) and now i'm on the paragaurd! I love it! Good for 10 years and NO HORMONES! :) I pack it on with Mirena!
  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member
    I haven't had any problems with it
  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    I had mine for the full five years (had it removed in Feb) and gained alot of weight in those years - and even when working out hard and watching what I eat had a hard time losing.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Nope. I've had Mirena for about 3 years and gained weight, but I gained because I ate a lot and wasn't exercising.
  • Krushchev
    Krushchev Posts: 180 Member
    Isn't weight gain a side effect of almost all hormonal BC?

    That being said, I lost weight (unintentionally) on Mirena & have no problem maintaining.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I've lost 25lbs since being on Mirena. Counting my calories and exercising helped with that. 2lbs loss per week, roughly. So I don't think Mirena contributed to anything.
  • escobar80103
    I gained weight too...just thought it was age. Mine comes out in March...hopefully that will help. I actually gained more weight from the Deprovira shot (40lbs) preveiously that I got.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Nope. I've had Mirena for about 3 years and gained weight, but I gained because I ate a lot and wasn't exercising.

    This. I don't know that it has or hasn't affected me, but I have never actually tried to lose weight without it.
    Edited to add - The weight that I have lost with the Mirena installed is over 100 pounds. When I stick to my calorie goals and exercise properly, I don't have much issue. Now if only I stuck to it all of the time hehehe
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    This is my reply from earlier when someone asked something about Mirena:

    Oooh, goodness, I cringe everytime I see someone who has Mirena. lol. I had it for 4 years with a list of horrible side effects, including weight gain of about 50 pounds...I got it removed April 5th of this year and lost 5 lbs within like 3 days of having it removed, I felt way less bloated and it has been so much easier to lose weight now. I have a little more energy, I'm not a total b*tch anymore, mood swings are not crazy like htey used to be....and the list goes on! I'm so glad I finally had the money to get it taken out, I'll never get it again, neither will a handful of my friends who have had bad experiences with it too. While at my visit gettin git taken out, my doctor said she thinks it has given me PCOS (google it if you don't know what it is, basically it stops ovulation and therefore makes it difficult to have children). So yeah, I'd say Mirena definitely hed me back in so many ways!! I'm so glad it's out and I can get my life back together, I was a totally different person on it!! I do know that everyone has a different experience on it, and there is a smal lhandful of women who love it, but everyone I've tlaked to hated it, and the majority of people online have bad reviews for it that doctors just don't warn you about. I wish all of the research was there when I got it put in and I wish I had been educated on it, because I would have never had that ou tin my body! Good luck to you though :)
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    Yes, I have gained my weight in the last 5 years. Can I blame it on Mirena? No. There could be some influence from it, but it's definitely not even close to a major factor in my weight gain.
  • SquidNebula
    SquidNebula Posts: 107 Member
    I love the Mirena. I've had it for the last three years and it's the absolute best birth control I've ever used.

    Although, I think it's easier to gain weight while you have it. I have a number of things I can point fingers to blame my weight gain on but it would all be just a guess. I think I read something online a couple years ago that you should stick to a diet with a lower fat content if you have the Mirena. I didn't for a while and I did seem to gain weight quicker that I would have before..

    I've been on a pretty strict diet with exercise over the past 48 days and I've been losing weight without any problems-- so, that's nice at least.

    Feel free to msg me if you have any questions.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Weight gain on Mirena occurred in less than 0.1% of participants in clinical trials. So while it's possible, it's rare.

    I lost 40 pounds since I went on it. And I love it, honestly.

    I used to be on Nuvaring when I was younger, but it also coincided with me moving out of my parents' house and working.... and I was dating this crazy guy that is a fantastic cook and loves good food. I gained a ton of weight.

    Fortunately I realize now that what I was eating was the problem, not the birth control.... but I still struggle because that fantastic crazy person is now my husband. :smile:
  • Typhanee83
    Typhanee83 Posts: 313 Member
    I have a Mirena IUD for 3 years and I have lost 100 pounds in the past 2 years. I'm sure it has different side effects for different people, but it hasn't seemed to effect me in that way at all.
  • 1hthurgood
    I had the same side effects as you did with the last one. I have had 2, the 2nd was was so much worse, my PMS, bloating weight gain mood swings and acne. I am sooo happy to have it gone!
  • babyblue_2015
    babyblue_2015 Posts: 9 Member
    I have had Mirena for about 4 years now which now that I think about, wow. :) anyway, I have gained a lot of weight in the last 5 years but I think like others, there are a bunch of reasons that I gained. One being, I was pretty lazy and then stayed lazy after getting married to an awesome cook and we ate and we ate and we ate. So I think that is why I gained weight. Along with the kind of food. I am still on Mirena and it hasn't been "easy" losing weight but I have lost 20 lbs in 6 months so who knows. The hormones in this bc effect different women in differrent ways. Some it is good some it is bad just like any other bc.
  • dawnierenee0201
    Mirena has low amounts of hormones that are released locally, meaning it doesnt effect your entire system. Weight gain isn't a usual side effect of it since it is such a small amount of hormone released to such a small area. I use it for that reason, no weight gain side effect. I'm an RN and feel pretty confident in this subject. Good luck with your weight loss journey!!
  • davigirl1227
    I personally haven't had this problem, I've actually lost weight, but I have also been exclusively breastfeeding since just before it was put in. HOWEVER, this is bought up on a lot of my breastfeeding support groups, and weight gain is one of the most common complaints with Mirena. Really with any hormonal birth control. Its listed as a side effect as well. So, I just thought I would throw that out there. :)
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    How is that even possible? I thought Mirena was just something that was released in the area it's located and nothing else. Not like a pill.
  • jcgarner
    jcgarner Posts: 1 Member
    i think everybody's body reacts differently to hormones. i had mirena put in oct 2011 not for birth control but to help with heavy cycles that developed after my tubes were tied in 2004. it was option that i wanted to try. i was a size 6 (wt 138) when it was put in, by christmas i was a 10. i was bloated all the time my stomach was never flat, i didn't have mood swings my was more like a depression state-crying all day long about 2 days a week. i eat clean and exercise 6 days a week. i'm talking insanity, p90x running, muay thai, brazilian jujitsu, etc. after christmas i tried to make changes to diet and exercise plan to see if i could lose what i gained...nope i kept gaining. i was doing 2 workouts a day and eating clean, i up calories to fuel my body nothing worked, i dropped to lower calories didn't work. in march 2012 i was a size 12 (wt 152) ha-ha i even went to the herbal store to buy something for hormone balance, thinking it would help balance the hormone and weight loss would kick in and my depression would diminish. but its not working either . i'm so disgusted with myself right now i'm a size 14, big stomach, even had to go up a bra size. we just moved (military) and i just made an appointment with my pcm so i can have it removed. i'll write back afterwards to tell if any changes.