running shoes

Tell me about your favorite running shoes. Mine is being discontinued-ascics 2140. Help!!


  • Chrisniki
    Chrisniki Posts: 1
    Just got my shoes a week ago: Nike Air Max+ 2012. Livestrong edition
    I have run in them every day since and i couldn't be happier with them, i like them better than my asics.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I have Nike Free Run shoes. Love them, so breathable and lightweight.
  • becky3277
    becky3277 Posts: 64 Member
    Go to a running store and get fitted for a new shoe! I bet you'll find one you like as much or better. There a bunch of new brands and styles since those came out. : )
  • msmindylee
    msmindylee Posts: 61
    It really depends on you and your particular running style - you need to have a professional fit you to be sure you're getting the right kind of shoe.

    I swear by my Brooks Glycerins, but I have a foot that tends to supinate (roll out) so I need a shoe that neutralizes that. Most people pronate (roll in), which is better supported by a different kind of shoe.
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    I have New Balance right now.
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    I'm into the Nike Structure Series... I'm on my 3rd pair in the series. Only reason I knew I liked them was when I went to the running store and the had me run in various pairs.

    Prior to getting properly fitted I swore I was a New Balance girl. Who knew?
  • TerryWiggs
    I have 2 pair of Saucony Kinvara 2's. They are awesome. Really light and comfy. the Kinvara 3 is out so you can find the 2's for $50-$60. (Half price) The only downside is the sole is really starting to wear at about 250 miles. I just keep rotating them and all is good.