I just feel like giving up!



  • beeceezee
    beeceezee Posts: 46 Member
    You have to separate yourself from the feeling this is just a temporary fix to a permanent problem... Your don't want to be a veteran dieter.... You want to make this a lifestyle and nothing short of that... Only then will the scale not be your end all be all... Living a healthy sustained lifestyle is the only thing you should be striving for and once a week if you want that Pizza then by all means have some I do.... Best of Luck....

    Such wonderful, wonderful advice!!!!
  • ModerationCanBeDone
    I agree with the advice that if you REALLY want to have something, have it. If you are craving pizza, have some. Otherwise it's easy to end up eating everything else and then end up eventually eating it anyway! Then the "everything else" becomes the extra calories! Once in a while the body needs a break and a bit of a calorie boost actually helps. Maybe it's just breaking a "starvation mode." Finally keep in mind that NOT LOSING IS STILL BETTER THAN GAINING!! Good luck!
  • caiialily
    caiialily Posts: 28
    You CAN do this. If the stall is recent, you might need to up your exercise. As you get smaller, it takes more effort to keep up the weight loss. If it's been going on for a while, then you might want to seriously re-evaluate what you're eating.

    No matter what the cause, these plateaus are incredibly frustrating, but like a lot of others are saying, you are not alone. If you keep at it, you will succeed.

    And pizza is not the devil. Just don't eat the whole thing! Good luck!
  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    I didn't lose any weight from February til last week....possibly the most disheartening experience ever. It's very hard to know you are doing everything right and nothing is happening. Don't give up...it will come off!
  • Diotima73
    Diotima73 Posts: 13
    Make a deal with yourself: *if* you get the pizza, and make damn sure you go back to your regimen tomorrow.

    It took longer than 19 days for you to get to the weight you are currently at and, I presume, unhappy with because here we are on the same message board. It will take a while for you to form better, healthier, habits. It is possible to give yourself a break while still holding yourself to a high standard

    Be well. I hope you stick around. I haven't been here long, either, but I am happy for the company.
  • kubyshechka
    kubyshechka Posts: 75 Member
    Have a slice of pizza for lunch - It's not really that many calories. I was at plateau for 3 weeks before the scale moved again - it's OK. It takes time. I have occasional piece of chocolate or cake and I still lose some weight - maybe not as fast as I would like to but if I have to learn to live this way - there is no way I am giving up the things I love to eat, I am just learning to eat less of them and if it takes longer to get me to my goal weight - it is OK, if I give up all the foods that I like - I know I will fail, just like all the diets failed me before. So have that slice of pizza - you'll be surprised but you might even weigh less tomorrow .
  • ultim8one
    ultim8one Posts: 80 Member
    I have been eating clean, everything I'm supposed to. I'm a veteran dieter ( unfortunately ) so I know what it takes to lose weight and how long it takes to get it off. But this time is different. I haven't seen any real movement on the scales since June 1st and I am so disgusted.

    I would just like to know from you all what you do to stay motivated even when you aren't seeing any loss. I feel like going out for a pizza! Ugh.

    Hey .. just stick with it ... Consistency is the key
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Wow, thank you all for such sportive comments! Makes me feel better just know you all know how I feel! I was asked for my plan. So in a nutshell, here it is...

    I eat 1200 calories a day, but I zig zag my diet, going from 1000 up to 1400. I know you guys think 1000 is low, but I'm only 5'2, so I don't require as many calories to begin with (at my age and exercise lever). I did see my GP, who reviewed my plan. He actually liked it, so I feel good about it. Now on days that I do cardio, I eat back about half of my calories. One day a week, I have a cheat meal, which generally revs my metabolism and I will see a loss the next day. I think I overdid my cheat meal on Friday. Thenwe went back out to eat on SundY for Fathers Day. So if I had to be honest with myself, I probably have eaten too much in the last few days to see any kind of loss. Probably should be glad I didn't gain.

    I do some form of cardio about three times a week. I am now (as of last week) doing some resistance training. Light weights right now so I don't get too sore. I really don't have alot of time for more exercise, so I keep my calories in check on non exercise days. When I drop another ten or so pounds, I will probably start running again. I only walk right now because of the impact on my knees and hips with the extra 25 I'm carrying.

    I hate water, so I bet I'm not drinking enough. But I will up that tomorrow. And I'm going to up my cardio by another ten minutes or so. Hope it helps. BTW, I ate green beans tonight instead of pizza. WHEW!

    Okay, I've come clean. Don't beat me up too badly. But I would like some advice. Thanks!!
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Wow, thank you all for such sportive comments! Makes me feel better just know you all know how I feel! I was asked for my plan. So in a nutshell, here it is...

    I eat 1200 calories a day, but I zig zag my diet, going from 1000 up to 1400. I know you guys think 1000 is low, but I'm only 5'2, so I don't require as many calories to begin with (at my age and exercise lever). I did see my GP, who reviewed my plan. He actually liked it, so I feel good about it. Now on days that I do cardio, I eat back about half of my calories. One day a week, I have a cheat meal, which generally revs my metabolism and I will see a loss the next day. I think I overdid my cheat meal on Friday. Thenwe went back out to eat on SundY for Fathers Day. So if I had to be honest with myself, I probably have eaten too much in the last few days to see any kind of loss. Probably should be glad I didn't gain.

    I do some form of cardio about three times a week. I am now (as of last week) doing some resistance training. Light weights right now so I don't get too sore. I really don't have alot of time for more exercise, so I keep my calories in check on non exercise days. When I drop another ten or so pounds, I will probably start running again. I only walk right now because of the impact on my knees and hips with the extra 25 I'm carrying.

    I hate water, so I bet I'm not drinking enough. But I will up that tomorrow. And I'm going to up my cardio by another ten minutes or so. Hope it helps. BTW, I ate green beans tonight instead of pizza. WHEW!

    Okay, I've come clean. Don't beat me up too badly. But I would like some advice. Thanks!!

    I was thanking you all for SUPPORTIVE comments, not sportive comments. Stupid ipad.
  • WandaJean1564
    WandaJean1564 Posts: 93 Member
    I actually gained weight:(...its been harder to get out for walks...heat and copd don't mix
  • ShellyShuey
    ShellyShuey Posts: 162
    I just read that days like those often precede a big breakthrough in exercise -- your body is adjusting and your endurance will increase. I noticed that was true for me, and if it's just a mind game, I'm OK with it :)
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I actually gained weight:(...its been harder to get out for walks...heat and copd don't mix

    God bless. COPD sucks.
  • mphlab
    mphlab Posts: 187 Member
    Hang in there. You can have 2 pieces of pizza and still not give up. I am not a physician but I do think that 1000 is too low.Maybe your body needs fuel? It can get over whelming but you can do it. You are worth it! we all have those days.
  • builtforlife
    builtforlife Posts: 259
    I havent seen any change either, since March! But Im not giving up, I will continue to try and findout what Im doing wrong, exercise is cool anyway.
  • Moana41
    Moana41 Posts: 35
    "You have failed only when you quit trying. Until then, you're still in the act of progression. So, never quit trying and you'll never be a failure. " - A quote I found on a MFP's profile who is a good friend of mine.
  • lharing
    lharing Posts: 2
    Ladies our hormones have a lot to do with our weight gain/loss. So If you haven't had blood work done in a while I would suggest a quick visit to your Dr. It could be hormone imbalance or thyroid imbalance causing your lack of wt loss.
  • 124snuggles
    What is TDEE?
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I know you guys think 1000 is low, but I'm only 5'2, so I don't require as many calories to begin with (at my age and exercise lever).

    False. I am 4'9.5ish and eat roughly 1600 calories and still lose - when I was eating between 1200 - 1400 I couldnt lose a damn thing. Figure out your TDEE.. you will be surprised at what you learn.
  • CampKelly
    CampKelly Posts: 172 Member
    We're both 45 and we've both been doing this for a long time! So we know what to do....keep doin it, trust your body and remember "quitting is not an option" xo
  • Chanatx
    Chanatx Posts: 1
    Wow! You've lost 66 pounds! You can't give up! I've got to lose between 70-80 and I just started yesterday. I need people like you to keep me motivated! You've obviously worked real hard to get to this point so don't stop now. :)

    This is my first time to post and I realized I did it wrong! I guess I was supposed to click on the user who wrote the statement I responded too. Oops! :)