Ripped in 30 Support?



  • tree5981
    tree5981 Posts: 18 Member
    I am on Week 2 of RI30 and I'm so sore. For me personally, I think it was easier to start with 30DS because I too had problems with the cardio. I found myself getting out of breath and had to take breaks. But I think that 30 DS prepares you for whats to come in RI30. I would not be able to do this video otherwise. There are muscles in my a** that are sore that I didn't know existed! LOL.
    I also alternate between the advanced moves and modified. Certain things I can excel in....and others I can't push too hard (like those damn plank moves!). No upper body strength here!
    Modifying the workout to get through the whole video is my goal. Always keep moving in some way to keep burning calories :)
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I did 30 day shred and ripped in 30 last summer. They were hard but so worth it when I was done. I dropped a pant/dress size very quick and my legs were in shape before I knew it. And my cardiovscular fitness improved significantly.
  • jcveng
    jcveng Posts: 10 Member
    I love the yoga meltdown. I do that on days I'm sore from ripped in thirty :)
  • suzikay12
    suzikay12 Posts: 150 Member
    I completed 30DS twice in a row. Killer results. By the end I could do almost all moves like a rock star and was feeling pretty bad *kitten* about myself. Started RI30 on Monday and my friggin hammies and glutes are screaming!!! Apparently I'm not as bad *kitten* as I thought. Darn you Jillian!
  • jpeople5
    jpeople5 Posts: 10
    I just finished day one, week one of RI30. I also felt really discouraged because I am a cardio freak and have dropped a decent amount of weight and this killed me! My legs were jello and I felt like I was going to be sick. But hey, that means its working and makes me believe that I truly will be Ripped in 30!
  • Maiducali
    Maiducali Posts: 35
    It gets easier, but it's only week by week. Today I'll finish week one. Don't worry it's hard, and a lot of people say it will change your body. I hope to drop some weight from this... hopefully!