Feeling like giving up!

I really feel like giving up this morning! I've been trying REALLY hard at this diet for over a month now with very little success, I'm only down 2.8 lbs. I eat around 1200 calories a day. I also exercise daily, either I go for a walk or I use my elliptical machine. Some days I burn 500-700 calories! It is really frustrating the try really hard all week and then get on the scale and see that I actually gained weight!!!! I also took my measurements a few weeks ago and they haven't changed either!

I feel like I do everything right with little result. I watch my calories, log everything I eat, drink LOTS of water, and exercise. I know that I suffer from hypothyroidism since I had a thyroidectomy in 2006 but my levels are good and I'm on the right dosage of medicine. I don't know how long I can stay motivated on this diet the way it's going. I'm considering going to my doctor and talking about prescription diet pills but I have a feeling she would be against that idea. I wish I knew what I was doing wrong!! :cry:

Anyone else ever feel like this? How did you keep yourself motivated?


  • bmfoley
    bmfoley Posts: 93 Member
    Maybe you aren't eating enough on the days you work out? I figured that out after about a month too. I now eat back about 1/2 of my exercise calories and, although the weight isnt' faling off easily, I am definitely losing weight and getting smaller. My clothes are getting big and I feel so much better. I'm choosing not to obsess about the number on the scale!

    Goodl luck - you can do this!
  • I usually don't change how I eat when I exercise. So even if I burn lots of calories, my goal for the day for calories will still be 1200 which makes my net calorie intake a lot lower for the day. I know that 1200 calories is pretty low but I'm afraid if I eat more than that I'll have even less results. Plus the hypothyroidism makes it SO hard to lose weight, even my doctors have told me it would be very difficult. It really effects the metabolism. I was told once that having hypothyroidism is like already having eaten 500 calories when you wake up in the morning so we need to try even harder.

    I think it gets so frustrating because I really do try so hard and I want this so bad.
  • e46dude
    e46dude Posts: 15 Member
    The best way to stay motivated is to remind yourself that if you quit you'll just be in the same position (or worse) in 6 months when you decide to get started again. It really is best to slog through even if the progress is slow. 

    What you may want to do in the short term is try a different diet plan. Lots of people have done well with keto, and intermittent fasting is becoming more and more popular. It may help just to try something different for a little while. 

    I personally wouldn't consider diet pills, but it may be worth talking to your doctor about possible causes that could be slowing your weight loss.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    i have felt that way many many times...especially starting out...but even when i had 200 or 300 pounds off i still had my moments...
    i think society is in such a do it fast..lose it quick mode...we expect it in everything even weightloss n at times our bodys do not work that way especially during stall or plateaus.
    what I did was stayed the course I was on...stuck to it and in the end it payed off... support and encouragement gets you through those times... looking at a photo journals helps you realize you are getting somewhere n keeps you motivated. frustration is normal, you are not alone...
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    I haven't come across this but people on here swear by eating back exercise calories. Maybe it would be worth a shot. You can try it for a months and see if you get better results. Upping your calorie intake is better than giving up. Good luck!
  • rubytOU
    rubytOU Posts: 154 Member
    Keep on truckin'. You can't move forward if you stop.
  • bikhi
    bikhi Posts: 175
    eating more actually works. i broke a plateau by eating more and zig-zaging my calories. the only day i eat just 1200 calories is the day i give my body a break from exercizing.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Giving up is easy. No one said this was going to be easy. Sounds like you are not eating enough.
  • I don't know if its possible for you at your work but what worked great to help me with the snack cravings was frozen green & red grapes. I know, you think I'm crazy but honestly it works really, really good. Gives enough of the "sweet" taste to help fight off what
    snack demons I had to face. And those demons get UGLY at times! LOL
    I have a goal of losing a total of 75 pounds (big big goal for a first attempt) but am so pleased as I've dropped 35 lbs already and
    this was in about 12 weeks total. I had to completely "RETHINK" what I had been putting in my body and found out through some
    really good information that it was what I was eating all the time...but how much I was eating. Lots of water prior to meals, very small portions and I can eat things that still surprise me when I think "I'm on a diet but this tastes so good. Learning what foods not to put in my body was the "life saver" someone threw me. A couple I know decided for health reasons (they were both Type II Diabetics) that they had to get in better shape so they would be around long enough to enjoy their children grow up. They got a
    plan from a certified nutritionist and followed the instructions, diet (selected foods) and a walking routine daily. Within six months they were both almost off most the medications they hated so much taking all the time and had lost a combined weight between them of almost 80 lbs. Needless to say they made a believer out of me so I got onboard with that program
    and haven't looked back since. I know I will be at my "goal weight" soon, well in a few more months but without the living proof from my friends, seeing the change in their lives, and being able to follow through with my own program that I wish I would have gotten 20 years ago. Oh well, they say "better late than never"...at least its not "TOO LATE"! Take care, have fun, and be safe in all you do. Remember to always look ahead so you don't find yourself looking BACK. Let me know if I can be of any help and I will encourage you on your journey to your goal weight. You can do this...heck I am having great results and you will too. Charlie
    P.S. Don't ever give up...please! You will love living with yourself when you succeed much more than you dislike living with yourself if you only see failure. Maybe you should try a different program, change up your excercise routine, I know I never had any luck with weight loss until my friends shared how they had gotten so much success with their weight struggles. :smile:
  • I had to up my calories to lose weight after i'd lost the initial few punds. And it worked. Check out the aufio clips on this page, It explains it really well.


    1200 is too low for anyone. Fad diets will put you on restricted calories as they know you will lose the initial weight fast, and be very chuffed. They also know, that the weight loss will stop / slow dramatically, which is when you go back. Buy another book or try a new version of the diet. This is a massive money making industry and they rely on yo-yo dieters. Eat more to lose more, and to sustain weight loss. Its so true. At the very least never ever Eat or net less then your BMR. You should be eating somewhere between your TDEE and BMR...

    Good luck
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I really feel like giving up this morning! I've been trying REALLY hard at this diet for over a month now with very little success, I'm only down 2.8 lbs. I eat around 1200 calories a day. I also exercise daily, either I go for a walk or I use my elliptical machine. Some days I burn 500-700 calories! It is really frustrating the try really hard all week and then get on the scale and see that I actually gained weight!!!! I also took my measurements a few weeks ago and they haven't changed either!

    I feel like I do everything right with little result. I watch my calories, log everything I eat, drink LOTS of water, and exercise. I know that I suffer from hypothyroidism since I had a thyroidectomy in 2006 but my levels are good and I'm on the right dosage of medicine. I don't know how long I can stay motivated on this diet the way it's going. I'm considering going to my doctor and talking about prescription diet pills but I have a feeling she would be against that idea. I wish I knew what I was doing wrong!! :cry:

    Anyone else ever feel like this? How did you keep yourself motivated?

    I feel your pain Victoria, I really do. You are at a disadvantage because of your thyroid issues, and it CAN be depressing. Since you DO know that you have issues, and losing weight is going to be harder on you you are going to need more tools. Can your thyroid doctor refer you to a nutritionist? The nutritionist might be able to tell you how many calories to eat, and what KIND of foods to eat to help you lose weight the easiest.

    There is a population that cannot eat a *normal* diet. Their body just cannot handle it and they end up gaining weight instead of losing. When given the *right* diet, the weight comes off much easier. I followed the MFP suggestions for how much calories, fat, fiber, etc to eat for 3 months--worked my booty off in the gym ( burned like 500 calories 3-4x per week) and only lost 7 pounds. I spent 2 of those months losing and gaining the same 3 pounds. 6 weeks ago I went back to my insulin resistance diet ( under 100g net carbs) from 7-8 years ago, and despite eating more calories, and working out the SAME, the weight is coming off much easier. The first week I lost almost 5 pounds, and every week after I have lost ~1lb.

    I know the idea of eating back *some* of your exercise calories is scary, but think of it this way...would you put $5 worth of gas in your car and try to drive 200 miles? You would be "out of gas" before you got to your destination! Your body needs a certain number of calories to take care of normal body function, and whatever is left is what you have to go about your daily life, take care of your house and your kids. I don't know your stats, so I'll use mine as an example:
    1200 calories ( what you are eating)
    1600--BMR--what I would burn if I was in a coma
    500 cal ( what you say your *handicap* is due to your thyroid issues)

    so if you were in a coma, the doctors would tube feed you 1100 calories to keep your body running.

    BMR- 500 calories is 1100 calories. That is what your body REQUIRES just to keep your organs functioning, etc. If you are eating 1200 calories, you are barely eating enough calories to roll out of bed in the morning. Add in a 500 calorie burn for your workout, and you are trying to make your body constantly run on fumes. Your cells are clinging to calories because they do not know when they are going to see another one!

    Just for giggles and grins, for 2 weeks try eating 1700 calories a day. I think you will be happier, and your BODY will be happier. it will have fuel to run on, so losing the weight *should* be less torturous.