I cant STOP snacking on junk food!!! Help!!!!



  • EmaElizabeth
    EmaElizabeth Posts: 7 Member
    I work in an office to, and the biscuit tin is my hardest demon to battle. I love sugary tea and sweet biscuits. But i resently watched a programme on TV were they done an experiment on office workers to see how much they would eat if they were given sweets.

    There were 3 groups
    Group one had sweets in a clear bowl right next to them
    group two had sweets in a black bowl just a bit futher than arms length
    and Group three had sweets in a black and clear bowl all the way on the other side of the room.

    All of group one finished there sweets, group two ate just over half and the last group barely even touched them.

    It proved that we all do mindless eating if the sweets are there and we are aware of them
    but if we keep the sweets out of sight we are far less likely to get up and grab some.

    i hope this is of some help to any of you.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I work in an office with copious amounts of candy, leftover meeting pastries, etc. available to me every day.

    1. You need to make a conscious decision to stop eating junk food. The buck stops with you and nothing will force you to have the willpower to say no except you.

    2. Keep alternative healthier snacks in your desk. If I really really want to sweet junky stuff, I'll eat a sweet healthier alternative that I have at my desk. This could be a handful of dried fruit, fresh fruit, or my stash of trail mix that has little bits of dark chocolate. Any of this is a far superior alternative to danish or mini candy bars. I keep a stash of stuff in my desk that I only hit when the craving strikes hard.
  • tabik30
    tabik30 Posts: 443
    I also used to snack on junk food too, but I now snack on Special K Chip Crackers! :) They're sooo much healthier for you. 18 crackers=80cals and they taste great :) Maybe you could substitute these instead of your crisps :)

    LOVE these things! And the Special K 100 crisps are good too
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    I pack a healthy lunch from home, with healthy snacks. I always pack one extra snack then I think I will eat. That way if I do get hungry I have something to fall back on. And, do NOT bring any money with you. That way you have to eat what you packed.

    I don't keep any kind of junk in my house. If it is there I will eat it.

    At work, I keep Trident gum in my desk. When ever I have a meeting with cookies and danish or someone brings donuts in I put a piece of gum in my mouth. That way I am not tempted.

    I also drink TONS of water all day long.
  • mjsunshine16
    mjsunshine16 Posts: 251 Member
    I pack a healthy lunch from home, with healthy snacks. I always pack one extra snack then I think I will eat. That way if I do get hungry I have something to fall back on. And, do NOT bring any money with you. That way you have to eat what you packed.

    I don't keep any kind of junk in my house. If it is there I will eat it.

    At work, I keep Trident gum in my desk. When ever I have a meeting with cookies and danish or someone brings donuts in I put a piece of gum in my mouth. That way I am not tempted.

    I also drink TONS of water all day long.

    Ditto! This all is key for me.
  • BandForAlyAnne
    BandForAlyAnne Posts: 321 Member
    i cant stop snacking on HEALTHY FOOD. now THATS a problem.
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    How do you know you can't stop? Have you tried? If this is what's in your office, then I understand you don't have a lot of control over it and you'll have to just have some willpower. And certainly don't buy this crap and bring it into your home if you don't trust yourself with it. Nobody NEEDS crisps.
  • jallison12
    jallison12 Posts: 83
    2 things help me:
    1. I LOVE Skinny Cow snacks and ice cream. Usually 90 or 100 cals
    2. Eat those snacks you do now, but enter each portion into MFP. Once you see how much cals each is it might help you to say no.
  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    Home - don't keep it in your house. We have a rule/understanding that the hubby is only allowed to get snacks I don't like. There are plenty of snacks I don't like, so he has plenty to choose from.

    Work - that's harder. Before MFP, people would bring in donuts and I couldn't resist. Something you could do, is just say, I will wait an hour before getting the snack, when that hour comes, reevaluate, you may find that it's all gone already (that's what would happen with donuts). Maybe you could talk to your boss about doing a healthy eating campaign?
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    First thing is to STOP SAYING YOU CANT!!! Get that junk out of your head. You can do this. You can do this. You can do this! I promise you can do this, but you have to believe you can. You have the ability to be your own best cheerleader or your own worst enemy. If you say "I can't" then you can't. Harsh but true, as I speak from personal experience. Now, moving on....

    I fix my sweet tooth by a few different things, and most are under 100 calories...

    Celery sticks with 1 tbsp of peanut butter (my favorite, 100 calories)
    Baby carrots (13 are only 35 calories)
    Ghirardelli dark chocolate baking chips (16 are 80 cals)
    Even animal crackers (a serving 16 cookies is 120 cals)
    A more filling snack is low fat triscuits with cucumber and a slice of cheese (caps depend on cheese)
    Hot tea with tablespoon of honey, mint is really good (60 cals for honey)

    A few pointers that work for me.....

    Always, always, always have a snack with you.
    Journal everything.
    Pre-journal for you lunch and dinner. Know how many calories you have. It is too easy to have that cupcake and tell yourself you will just eat green beans for dinner. Riiiiiight!! Put dinner in mfp first!
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    You CAN stop!!! Believe in yourself! You KNOW what you need to do, but it's up to you to do it! Find healthy snacks that work for you, stuff high in protein to help keep you feeling fuller longer, and LOTS of water. If you have to, start slowly by cutting your portion sizes of chocolate and crisps in HALF and putting the rest AWAY for the next day. Then slowly start substituting healthier options. Above all, do NOT bring these things into your home! If your family wants them, they can either buy them for themselves, or learn to eat healthier right along with you.
  • sosubblime
    sosubblime Posts: 20 Member
    Here's what works for me:

    I don't keep junk in the house at all. It's too tempting and I know I'll just dig into it when I'm feeling weak.

    At work...don't go in the break room. Bring healthy snacks. Drink lots and lots of water.

    And....if you feel like there's too much food around you and it's very tempting...brush your teeth..that usually helps me cus if I just brushed my teeth..I don't want to eat anything right away.

    Good luck!!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Im fortunate I do not work in a office area and therefore never tempted at work anyways. All I can say is good luck no words of advice from me. My draw back is in the evenings at home even if its healthier foods I just get that snacking craze sometimes. So I eat lite during the day so if I do eat more in the evenings I am good to go.