200+ girls / guys



  • UsaJewels05
    UsaJewels05 Posts: 229 Member
    Right now I am the larger than I have ever been. Weighing in at 290. I am determined to get this weight off once and for all. I believe the fear of hitting the 300s is what is motivating me!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I started at 276 and the doc wants me at 185. I am at 210 after a year.
  • brandyj89
    brandyj89 Posts: 29 Member
    No success story for me either yet. But my starting weight was 240. My current weight is 228. My goal weight is 135-140!
  • lorihalsted
    lorihalsted Posts: 326 Member
    I started at 335 and I am hovering in the 245 range. This has taken me since 2005. Since I started MFP I have lost 24 pounds...I am at the lowest I have been in several years. It is a complete life style change and not a diet.
  • jensenkm2
    jensenkm2 Posts: 55
    We are all in the same boat with you! My starting weight was 308 (Crazy, I couldnt believe it!). I am currently at 268 (40lbs lost as of June 1st). Every single day is a stuggle and I think it always will be. You just have to keep pushing and keep your healthy supports around you. My family has started on MFP as well and they are hopefully going to find success as well. Weight loss is all mental, as long as you stay positive and keep pushing yourself the weight will fall off. Good luck to you! I hope to hear about your success.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 432 Member
    I'm 6'6" and I started at 490 back and March of 2010. I've been maintaining at 230 for about 2 months now. If you stick to a good eating and exercise plan, the changes will happen, and they are well worth the work!
  • somatiff
    somatiff Posts: 27 Member
    I am 5'3 and weighed in last Friday at a staggering 219.4 pounds. I knew I had to get a grip and this time do it for good. My goal is to eventually get to 133, but my 1 goal is 199! After that, hopefully I can start getting back into those smaller clothes in my closet.

    Add me if you'd like! I can use all the support and encouragement I can get.
  • iiiEllie
    iiiEllie Posts: 224 Member
    Hi! I started at 222 last year, I lost about 40 pounds of it and put almost it all back on. I started again about a month ago, and am losing inches all over and about 8 pounds so far. I have no idea where I'd like to end up because I tend to carry my weight well as being close to 200 pounds currently I'm comfortable in a size 12.. I don't want to be overly small when I'm done, I'd like a sitting size 7/8 so we'll see what I weigh when I get there :)
  • cyndykaye
    cyndykaye Posts: 3
    42 pounds sounds like success to me! Keep up the good work!
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    id also love to get to ONEderland again
  • superpapa16
    superpapa16 Posts: 244 Member
    Started @ 240 in February of this year. Last weigh in put me at 199! That was one of my short term goal, to be sub 200. My goal is the 170s, but I'm not fixated on the number yet. Right now I'm just trying to make healthy choices about food and I'm trying to get as much exercise in as possible. If you stick with it you will achieve your goals. Good luck!
  • mommyred35
    mommyred35 Posts: 282 Member
    Ladies, the fact that you aren't were you used to be IS a victory! If anything you are still a success story in the making. Don't down play it.

    I agree
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    I started out at 230 in November 2011 and have lost 66 pounds to date. anyone can do this - you just have to commit, monitor your food intake and move.
  • jmilian825
    jmilian825 Posts: 193 Member
    My start recently was 210 my final goal is 120
  • CharityAngel
    CharityAngel Posts: 111
    I am continuing to work on my success story, and it is going to be great! I started out at 225 as my heaviest. I came back to MFP when I couldn't stand it anymore which was May 2012. I am now at 212 this morning. I have lost inches too, which is the most important to me than the number. I do not care what I weigh as long as I look the way that I want to. However, I am shooting for 135 lbs because that is how much I weighed when I had my first baby.

    I realized a few pounds ago that I started gaining weight after my son died in 1997. (in the womb) And with each miscarriage after that, my weight climbed. (I have had 8 of them) I have 4 living children, 2 of them are girl/boy twins. About 20 months ago I got remarried after a very intense former marriage and divorce. I realized, that my weight is from pain. Pain that I was stuffing inside in order to survive and keep moving forward. So, I am working on releasing my pain one ounce at a time. :)

    The wedding pics are actually current. They were taken the end of April of this year. (just had to throw that in because people ask) I was civilly married and them sealed in the temple later. I have lost 13 lbs since then, and so those pics are there too.
  • crystal_loga
    crystal_loga Posts: 106 Member
    Started MFP February of 2011 @ 240 (highest weight). I'm only 5'4 so i was very heavy. I'm 30 years old going on 31 in less than a month. I'm now 178 but my weight loss is on hold for about 9 months as I'm now pregnant. My original goal was 175 and I hit that number the day after I found out we were expecting. My new goal is to gain a healthy amount of weight with this pregnancy and afterwards to get into a "healthy" BMI which would be around 145 I believe. For me, that would be very small as I've been over 200 since I was a teen.

    Honestly I've done it pretty much by diet alone, as I have a desk job 9 hours a day and a husband & 6 year old son at home. I gave up all sodas and only drink water now. I measure/weigh my food and eat correct portions. I eat small meals and small snacks all throughout the day.

    It can be done. Allow yourself your favorites, just in correct portions and in moderation. If you give up everything you like, you'll feel cheated and like you are missing out. After a while you will stop craving the bad things as much and you will enjoy seeing the weight fall off.

    Good Luck!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I have has some success and so pitfalls. I am 5'5" tall and My highest weight is 255lbs. My beginning weight on MFP was 242. Currently after 1.5 years of fighting I am at 213.4 lbs. I began really strong, right before Christmas no less but after 6 months and a move my weight loss tapered off. i got frustrated and let go over the holidays and gained back 10lbs. I keep losing and gaining the same five pounds and arguing with my motivation. But I have come so far and I know I can do this. I am also sure everyone who has posted here can do this. I am a positive person so feel free to add me so we can help each other out.

    Best of luck to all of you!
  • rdy2begin
    rdy2begin Posts: 170
    I also have a lot I want to lose ...in time we will be our own sucess story, but agree love hearing others stories on their sucess ....:)
  • amdrummer02
    amdrummer02 Posts: 19 Member
    When I first started I was 305 lbs! I always told myself I wouldn't let myself get over 300 lbs and when I saw that I did I started doing something about it. That was last March and now I'm down to 260 lbs. I'm built pretty big, so my goal weight is around 215 lbs. My best advice is to be patient and to make sure you stick do a diet you can follow. I still eat food I love every now and again, even if its bad for me, but I'm smarter about I eat. It's taken me over a year to lose 40 lbs, but I have been consistent in my weight loss. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • tjphelps73
    tjphelps73 Posts: 171 Member
    You can do it!! I started at 362 in October 2011 - as of this week I weighed in at 284. My goal is 175 and then we will see from there. My husband was 320 in June 2011 and he is now 245 as of this week. It is a lifestyle and not a diet. There is no magic pill, suppliment, or one exercise that you can do to automatically lose weight.

    Research and find the tools available that will help you on your journey. I started with MFP, read Dr. Joe's book on permanent weight loss, reviewed a few menus from the Fit2Fat2Fit guys journey, and the changes started from there for our lifestyle.

    My motto - Eat to Live, Not live to eat.

    Good Luck!!