sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
So I am in die need of some serious weight loss. I am 5'8 and i weigh ,as of last thursday, 210.6. I am including my now pictures in hopes that it will kick my into gear and make it more real that i def. have a problem. ANy words of advice, encoruagment is apprecaited and no worries id id laugh at thes pictures as i lookand feel horrified that i let myself go. Thanks in advance for any kind words, or advice o encouragment.



  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi & welcome !

    Pat yourself on the back for taking the first step .....

    I'm 5'5" and several years ago I weighed 195 lbs ..... the doc had just put me on diabetes meds & then I saw some photos of myself ..... honestly, I don't know what freaked me out the most LOL

    Started changing my eating habits & began walking around the neighborhood ...... it took awhile, but I began to lose weight ..... and I haven't looked back since !

    Baby steps work ..... ditch junkfood & fastfood for now ...... log your food intake & any exercise ...... you'll see results soon !

    Happy losing !
  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    Yes!!! What a great first step! and I looooove your tattoos :) I never knew you had any or I would have been talking your ear off about them lol

    Great job posting these! You're right, the first step is seeing these pics and the need for change.

    You can do this! I know you are a strong woman, and with your tri and mud run that you have set for the summer, you've got some work ahead of you, but you will succeed!!! :)
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
  • Angie_1MR
    Angie_1MR Posts: 247
    Posting your pictures is a great start!! This is a very supportive place, you've made a great decision! :)
  • amsohs85
    amsohs85 Posts: 166
    Hi & welcome !

    Pat yourself on the back for taking the first step .....

    I'm 5'5" and several years ago I weighed 195 lbs ..... the doc had just put me on diabetes meds & then I saw some photos of myself ..... honestly, I don't know what freaked me out the most LOL

    Started changing my eating habits & began walking around the neighborhood ...... it took awhile, but I began to lose weight ..... and I haven't looked back since !

    Baby steps work ..... ditch junkfood & fastfood for now ...... log your food intake & any exercise ...... you'll see results soon !

    Happy losing !

    Im not sure if you're including soda, sweet tea and juice as junkfood but i wanted to mention that eliminating those things completely will help ALOT!!! By the way that includes diet products and artificial sweeteners which can really mess up your eating habits. They cause cravings which can defeat the purpose of using them in the first place. I know people who have lost weight by simply getting of the soda/tea train and thats without exercise!!
  • Amellej
    Amellej Posts: 197 Member
    Welcome! ;-)
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member

    Thats funny...... Its becuse i am so mad that i am that fat ....LOL
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    Advice...log, log, log. I do so well when I log every little thing and when I don't the scale goes crazy. Good luck on your journey.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    Thanks for sharing! The best advice I can give you is clean up your diet first. Avoid all processed foods, white flours and sugars. Try eating lean proteins, fruits, veggies and complex carbs (think brown rice, whole wheat pasta, etc.). Once you're comfortable changing your eating habits start exercising. Even just walking 30 minutes a day will help. Take it little by little, start adding something new and healthy into your life every few weeks. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet so don't overwhelm yourself or you'll never stick with it. Kudos to you for deciding to take that first step, I know it's a scary one!
  • RacerX_14
    RacerX_14 Posts: 578 Member
    Yep, you have already taken the hardest step by just getting started and admitting its time to make a change! Good luck and I wish you much success. You can do it!!
  • Nicole921
    Nicole921 Posts: 57 Member
    Great job on taking the first step! Its all about commitment from here on out. I've fallen off the wagon a time or two, now currently logging in for the 171st day in a row. Feel free to add me, I have an open diary. Good luck with your journey!!!
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    I didn't really believe water would make that much of a difference in my weight loss journey... I mean I knew I should have 8 cups a day, but when all of MFP buddies were talking about water and drinking it like crazy I jumped on that bandwagon... and guess what???? I feel better and I've lost more!!!
  • ttrussel
    ttrussel Posts: 99 Member
    Well as everyone has said, you have recognized the fact that there is an issue and you are ready to address it. Your taking the 1st steps to getting your weight/appetite under control and you can make it happen!

    All I have to say is if anyone is 'laughing at the pics'.... they aren't looking in the mirror and DO NOT accept them as friends!

    Start out walking and build up to more exercise when you feel the burn. Log those calories and if you feel down, contact some of your MFP's for support!

    Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend!
  • lyndyb88
    lyndyb88 Posts: 123 Member
    You've got this! It took a picture of me in a bathing suit to give me the reality check that I needed...and I was over 310 pounds! I would never have the amazing courage you're showing here to post my fat pics...i'd probably cry and die of embarrassment! Great first step!! would love to have you as a friend so we can encourage each other!
  • cindyj7
    cindyj7 Posts: 339 Member
    You conquered your fears and took the first step - be proud of yourself! Sounds like you're ready to make some serious changes for your health. Feel free to add me as a friend - we can all use some support and motivation. Good luck to you, honey. :flowerforyou:
  • Welcome!! Good luck with your journey and add me if u want some support. Good for you posting your before pics too. I think its a great step to begin a positive journey :)
  • Hi :) I'm 5'8" too. I'm right at 180lbs right now. I've been doing MFP for about 10 days now. I am already down 5.8lbs! :) I just wanted to wish you the very best. Something that helps me is when I'm walking...I imagine every step I take as one step closer to being thin...as if weight is being left behind me with every step. Anyway...feel free to friend me if you want :) It's nice to see someone else my height! I understand your struggles and exactly how you feel. You are so brave and strong!..I can't hardly look at my fat pics, let alone post them. Change is never comfortable...just remember that.
  • nileighttig
    nileighttig Posts: 147 Member
    Just remember, as much as you hate this photo now you will LOVE it in a few months because it will show you just how far you have come and how much your body has changed. Take your measurements too so you can keep track of all your losses not just those on the scale. At my heaviest i was 238lbs and now i'm 197lbs, it's taken a long time but the slower you take it the more likely it will stay off. MFP isn't about quick fixes, it's a lifestyle change. Congratulations for taking the first step because i KNOW you can do this, good luck!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    So I am in die need of some serious weight loss. I am 5'8 and i weigh ,as of last thursday, 210.6. I am including my now pictures in hopes that it will kick my into gear and make it more real that i def. have a problem. ANy words of advice, encoruagment is apprecaited and no worries id id laugh at thes pictures as i lookand feel horrified that i let myself go. Thanks in advance for any kind words, or advice o encouragment.

    Every journey starts with a single step. Congrats! You've just taken the first step. :drinker: Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, and don't forget that EVERY step forward is a step in the right direction...even baby steps. You are going to have moments of weakness and set backs along the way, we all do, but DON'T let it stop you. This is a quote a good friend of my posted on Facebook the other day, and it's really been helping me get over some recent self-sabotage I've been experiencing: "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~Carl Bard
  • LisaAnn_37
    LisaAnn_37 Posts: 29 Member
    You're well on your way! Feel free to add me as a friend!
    Junk food is a huge thing... cut out high sugars, but DO NOT go to things like Splenda (that still will kill ya!).
    If you drink coffee - switch from cream to milk, eat more veggies and fruits throughout the day. DRINK LOTS OF WATER! Very important...
    Keep active. The more active you get, the more active you'll want to be.
    Be aware that sometimes you will "fall off the wagon" and loose motivation, but that's when you turn to us to help you get back! You're allowed to eat in moderation the foods that you love... Chicken is your new bestfriend though and desert is your ememy!
    Alcohol - try to cut that back if you're a big drinker...
    I love to cook healthy stuff, so if there's anything in my diet that you would like to know more about, please just ask, I love recipies!
    I'm just starting myself to get back into it :) The gym really IS your friend :) Don't be scared of it. Everyone else that's there started one day like you too ;)
    Good luck!!!!