Hungrey newbie!!!!

I started this last Thursday and while the concept is great......I am constantly hungry!!! I have a LARGE appetite and crave protein from meat (greek yorgart, nuts, etc does not satisfy me). I have greatly increased my fruits and just started raw veggie and reduced my calorie intake. I have lost 3.2 lbs but I could eat a whole steak meal from Outback now and I just ate lunch. Does anyone have suggestions, websites and etc to help me?????? P.S- I am female, so I know it is harder....grrrrrr.



  • agerena007
    agerena007 Posts: 51
    Iknow you have probably heard this a million times. Drink lots of water!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Every 2 hours i take down a bottle of water, it curbs my appettite a bit. Dont look at my recent meals because I took a break, but previous to that i take down about 14 cups of water and eat as healthy as i wanted. It helps.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    What's your height, weight, lb/week goal, and calorie goal? This website seems to be notorious for setting people at 1200 calories/day, which is too low for a lot of people.
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    If you want meat, then eat meat. Nobody said you have to be a vegetarian to join MFP. However:

    1) How many calories are you consuming daily?
    2) Are you drinking eight glasses of water or more a day?
    3) Are you eating enough fruits and veggies for adequate fiber?
    4) Are you exercising, and if so are you eating your exercise calories back?

    Also, if you open your food diary, I am sure there are several knowledgeable people here who can give good suggestions about any adjustments you might want to make.
  • Doing_The_Unstruck
    Doing_The_Unstruck Posts: 241 Member
    Some fruit can make you hungry. I can eat a meal and have an apple at the end, and be very hungry 20-30 min later. No apple, no hunger soon after. I still like apples and eat them at the beginning of the meal now instead which has helped.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Are you hitting your calorie target? open your diary, let's have a look.
    Usually protein and fiber tend to be most filling, so make sure you're getting plenty.
    Plan ahead to create a menu that you can live with, and puts food in your mouth at the times you want it the most.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Lean meat is fine. Just reduce your carbs if you have to get back some calories from somewhere else. I'm nearly always over on protein but it helps keep your appetite in check so why not?
  • play around with the calories v weight loss I found that by aiming to lose 1.5lb a week it made quite a diffance to my allowance and I'm never hungry
  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    I am the same way! It will take a while but your stomach will start to adjust. so your meals will be a little larger to begin with, but slowly cut them down in size and substitute good foods for bad as much as you can. I find right now peanut butter is helping me a lot. I am trying to use up my bad peanut so I can start using the new good natural peanut butter. I really find I am full now with 2 tbs of peanut butter and a banana. Try 2 hard boiled eggs in the morning a a peice of good whole grain bread toasted with peanut butter on it.

    I flavor my water with an herbal tea bag usually mint. Hot tea fills you up faster then cold also.

    Just a few suggestions.:smile:
  • It was the same for me when I first started. I was starving, all the time! I think it was just because my body was used to eating so much more at each meal. It gets better fairly quickly. Your body will adjust to your lower intake. What worked for me was a lot of small, low calorie snacks every couple hours to take the edge off; yogurt, cottage cheese, fiber bar etc.. Good Luck! It really has been worth it.
  • Mzchasenpaper
    Mzchasenpaper Posts: 37 Member
    I am just like you!! I find that if i eat lean meats like fish or chicken breasts along with high fiber (I usually do spinach) i stay full twice as long. also try The t3 soup, its tomato, onion, and cabbage soup with your meals. its a very low cal filler. Don't forget drink lots of water too!!!!!
  • wendy3330
    wendy3330 Posts: 35 Member
    Make sure you are drinking lots of water - like a gallon a day. Stay away from caffeine as it's an appetite stimulant.
  • Spudeata
    Spudeata Posts: 100 Member
    When you set up your goals on MFP - put in a short term loss it'll give you more cals, you'll need them to start off with as you adjust, once you get into the swing of things you can alter the settings to suit you - your diary isn't open so hard to see what you are eating, but don't go hungry!! If you exercise you can eat some of those cals you earn back as well - oh as everyone is saying plenty of water - or hot water and cordial isn't too bad - Good luck!!
  • imlik
    imlik Posts: 64 Member
    Try switching to turkey! Lean ground turkey instead of ground beef, sliced turkey breast instead of roast beef or ham, turkey bacon instead of regular bacon (it also comes in a lower-sodium version). Less calories and less fat, but fill you up the same as the other meats :) Fish is also good - I eat albacore tuna with black pepper - it tastes really good, great protein, and it makes me drink a lot of water while I eat it :tongue:

    I've heard people say to drink 2 glasses or a bottle of water right before you eat, and that'll help fill you up.

    There's also the smaller plate trick. Use a 10" plate instead of a 12" plate when you switch to smaller portions, and your brain will think you have lots of food. Even if you know it's happening, the trick still works.

    Also, if you start eating 4-6 smaller meals throughout the day instead of three large ones, you'll find that your stomach gets used to it, and you get fuller quicker - so it takes a lot less to fill you up. I know what you mean though, before I stated counting calories I could eat the big ol' 12 oz steak with the potatoes and veggies and rolls and dessert on top of that. But now that I'm used to eating this way, I can just eat a little food at once and be full :)

    Good luck!
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    I've been there. Here is what I do. 1) Work out, it will suppress your appetite, get your mind off it, and give you more calories to eat. 2) Eat. I eat at least 6 times a day. I try to have a little LEAN protean every 2 hours or so. Don’t deny yourself food. Long–term success can’t happen by denying yourself, rather you need to change what you eat – change your habits. Eat as many veggies as you want.
  • yesi911
    yesi911 Posts: 15 Member
    I was like that most of the time at the beginning of my journey (started 80 days ago) and don't give up and try not to give in to every single craving. Like others have mentioned here, are you drinking lots of water? That can make a whole lot of difference in your appetite or sometimes we confuse thirst with hunger. What does your food diary look like? Are you cooking at home? I don't think eating out is very sustainable in terms of calorie intake as restaurant dishes, even the ones they have in their healthy menu can have a lot of calories and that limits what you can eat for the rest of the day.

    My recommendation for anyone trying to lose weight is to plan meals ahead, this makes it so much easier because when you get home from work you're not like "what should I cook" Ugh! I don't have this, I don't have that, Oh I am not going to cook then." Also try to include protein in most of your meals. This keeps me very full throughout the day. Here, I'll leave a list of what I've been doing that has now become a second nature for me.

    1. Plan your weekly meals - By this, I mean your dinners or main day dish. I plan 4 servings of dinner, 2 for dinner for the hubby and I and 2 for next day's luch for the hubby and I. I don't plan Saturdays because those are the only days I allow myself to eat out, or maybe I'll make just make a sandwich and anything that keeps me out of the kitchen : )

    2. Every meal has to include protein, so my meals revolve around diches I can make with skinless chicken breast, fish fillet, chicken skinless drumsticks, lean pork tenderloin, ground turkey, shrimp, texturized soy protein, extra clean beef for stew, and tuna.

    3. In my fridge and pantry I always keep: almond milk (I switched to this because it has less calories that skim milk and I use it in my coffee and oatmeal mixed with water), oatmeal, eggs, the veggies I need for my dinners, fruit for snacking, yogurts for snacking, cheese strings for snacking, turkey ham for sandwiches in case I can't cook, and the list goes on but these are the essential things I need to sustain healthy and fulfiling eating for my life-style.

    4. Breakfast consists of something like: coffee sweetened with stevia and creamed with 1/4 of a cup almond milk (20 calories), 2 egg whites cooked with pam (40 calories - there goes my protein), a light muffin (100 calories), an oatmeal (130 calories). That is only 280 and a lot of goodies, so when lunch comes around I am not that hungry because I already packed everything mentioned above.

    5. To calculate the calories in my dinner dishes, I create a recipe on the MFP recipe option for 4 servings. Most of my dinners stay around 300-450 per serving....AMAZING.

    With this plan, I am no longer hungry between foods. What I continue to crave though is milk chocolate :( but only buy a bar if i happen to go to the store, meh.