Too Scared To Eat More



  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    You need healthier food. I love cereal and I haven't eliminated it (or carbs) from my diet but eating it several times a day is not good.

    More protein. One day you had 1 oz (really?) of chicken breast for dinner and that was your protein for the entire day (other than milk in your cereal). Your carbs are too high. Like I said, I am not a low carber in the least bit but there is such a thing as too much. The automatic carb settings on MFP are too high. I suggest adjusting to 40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein to start.

    What may have worked for you in the past may not work now. You have to eat healthy if you want to be healthy. Bumping your caloires is great but not if it means another apple/bowl of cereal/nutrigrain bar.

    I hate to say this but your calories burned estimations are too high. You'd have to be swimming fast laps for 2 hours straight to have a burn like that.

    I don't think there's any reason for her to adjust her macros like that. I agree, however, that bumping calories should be done in a balanced way. If you eat more, make sure you get more of protein AND fat AND healthy carbohydrates.
  • Valera0466
    Valera0466 Posts: 319 Member
    Congrats on taking the steps to make yourself healthier and not being afraid to ask - I was terrified to ask for fear of people thinking I was a dummy. You're already ahead of the game :D

    One thing that really helped me was thinking of my body as a car and food as my fuel - I wouldn't expect my car to get me where I'm going without putting gas in it, even if I told it "well, get me there, and THEN you can have gas." Nope, my car would freak out and leave me stranded - your body does the same thing! Think of the 1200 calories you have as your baseline as the absolute minimum you have to have: that's the oil and water and antifreeze and air in the tires and all of that. Without having oil in my engine, it's gonna seize up. So... Make sure you eat those!

    Also, be mindful that if you've been eating those low calories for a long time, your body kinda freaks out a little when you start giving it adequate fuel - just like my old Chevette did when I finally changed the oil ("Daddy, it's running weird." "No, that's what it's supposed to do. You're just not used to it yet."). Be patient, and keep in mind the scale isn't always the best measure (when I have a very active week, and am within my target calorie range, my weight goes up even as I'm shrinking - that's a good thing).

    And: don't give up!

    Don't freak out over a little weight gain when you start eating enough. This is short term, usually 2 or three weeks. Let you body adjust. When you make changes be patient and let your body decide how it is going to deal with these changes. Don't overdo exercise, you can starve yourself this way as well. all things in moderation. You can do this.
  • MissLolli
    MissLolli Posts: 5
    Min - You need to take it slow. Don't rush the weight off. GF that is not good. I had a friend tell me that my exhaustion was from trying to lose the weight to fast but I have only lost 7 lbs in one month. My exhaustion is from the heat we are having and me walking in it. I am still under the weather today so just take it slow. There is an old saying that if you take the weight off fast, it comes back twice as fast. 1-2 lbs a week is good. If you lose more a week I wouldn't try for anymore than 5 at the most. We are all here for you Minner :) xoxo sweet neice :)
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    You need healthier food. I love cereal and I haven't eliminated it (or carbs) from my diet but eating it several times a day is not good.

    More protein. One day you had 1 oz (really?) of chicken breast for dinner and that was your protein for the entire day (other than milk in your cereal). Your carbs are too high. Like I said, I am not a low carber in the least bit but there is such a thing as too much. The automatic carb settings on MFP are too high. I suggest adjusting to 40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein to start.

    What may have worked for you in the past may not work now. You have to eat healthy if you want to be healthy. Bumping your caloires is great but not if it means another apple/bowl of cereal/nutrigrain bar.

    I hate to say this but your calories burned estimations are too high. You'd have to be swimming fast laps for 2 hours straight to have a burn like that.

    I don't think there's any reason for her to adjust her macros like that. I agree, however, that bumping calories should be done in a balanced way. If you eat more, make sure you get more of protein AND fat AND healthy carbohydrates.

    She can make her macros whatever she wants. All I know is when I made the adjustment and saw my carbs going into the red on some days, or close to it, it made me me less inclined to eat cereal for dinner (which I used to do ALL THE TIME) and more likely to pick up a grilled chicken breast or steak. Or even a turkey burger.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Sometimes I have to remind myself of something. I may even put it on a sampler.

    It took me 10 years of ignoring what I ate to get 80lbs overweight. If you try eating more for a month or so, what is the worst that could possibly happen? You might gain a little weight, but you'd have a better idea how to control your intake. Don't be scared, though I understand where that comes from. The world will not end. And if it does, feel free to tell me I was an idiot :)

    On second thought, that seems like a lot to sew so I probably won't put it on sampler. Not knowing how to sew also makes it more difficult.
  • mjsunshine16
    mjsunshine16 Posts: 251 Member
    You also may want to drink more water. Protein is important. You should look at your daily nutrition levels to see what protein, fiber, and vitamins are lacking in and work to increase those numbers.

    You are doing great and as you learn it will get better and easier.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    You've got to eat more! You're not netting anywhere near where you should be, and those calorie burns are crazy! You must must must fuel your body, especially if you're active and busy. Yes, you need to eat back your exercise calories. it does not "defeat the purpose." It does not negate your hard work. It FUELS your body, makes your muscles work more efficiently to burn more fat. You have to put fuel on the fire.

    Looking at your diary, I have some thoughts.
    1. Make sure your exercise calories are accurate.
    2. If you don't have time to sit down for meals, pick snacks and on-the-go items that are nutritonally and calorically dense (almonds, cheese, greek yogurt)
    3. Step up the protein
    4. step down the processed carbs - try to avoid "white" carbs in favor of whole grain options
    5. Healthy fat is your BFF (olive oil, avocado, salmon, nuts/nut butters)
    6. Swap diet, lite, and LF/NF foods for their whole food options (yes! even cheese, mayo, salad dressing, and peanut butter!)

    IT IS OKAY TO EAT!! Try slowly increasing your calorie intake, starting by netting AT LEAST 1200. Add 100-200 calories a week until you're at your daily goal. If you go by the MFP guided numbers, you should be ending the day as close to "0 remaining" as possible.

    When you get more comfortable eating more, start researching your BMR and TDEE. It's ideal to net your BMR.
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    I am scared of the Easter Bunny.....

    It never talks..Just stands there looking crazy, all fluffy, and *kitten*....
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Unlearn what you think you have learned.
    My Fitness Pal research is backed up by solid science as well as people like me who lost lots of fat following this plan.
    It's simple and easy, long-term and effective. I won't lie to you; it's hard work.
    Stick to the MFP recommendations for exercise and food intake, then see where you are in a month or so.
    Think long-term. Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • lisabrezina1980
    lisabrezina1980 Posts: 60 Member
    It's funny you should post this because just a minute ago I had an ahh haa moment. I tried to lose by cutting calories, and some days I would do really well and others I would do terribly. Anyway, I know for a fact that the Body For Life program works. My sister, her husband, and my boss all had amazing results from it. The work outs are great but I am having an issue getting to the gym with a new baby that I don't want to leave, so I am following the diet part anyway. It's not really much of a diet, it's the way a person should eat: 3 main meals 3 small snacks. I just started yesterday and today I feel great, I never once felt deprived yesterday nor did I feel bloated or overly full. I had/have energy to continue the works out here at home (30 day shred) as well as the c25k. Anyway, I am eating more and it seems strange but because I am eating before I get hungry I am abe to stick to the correct portion size. Also, I know that even if I am hungry still my next meal or snack is only 3 hours away. Also with this program you get a free day where you can eat what you want and give your body a rest. Although I am not doing the routines he outlined I feel like this is the kind of program I need and I don't feel guilty or hungry and when I am trying to lose weight it's strange for me not to feel either way, but that way is obviously not working. Anyway, google it online, it's free and really easy to follow. By the way that ahh haa moment I had came after I drank a protien shake, (I was starving and wanted to skip it and go straight to lunch) but I had the shake and a necterine and some water and I feel great! My ois fueled and content but not sluggish. Sometimes you have to stop being stubborn and try new things. Good luck!!
  • Minner_Tinner
    First off don't touch the Easter Bunny he has Rabies and second off all of you are so amazing. I walked into this weight loss with a blind fold and you all are giving such wonderful advice. I have decided to up my Calorie intake regardless of the results. It's something my body needs whether I am trying to lose weight or not. I ate a nice full breakfast this morning and actually noticed that my mind was a lot sharper instead of the sluggish drag and yawning I'm used to.

    For all of you who debate whether or not I'm eating what I'm dictating... I am. It's kind of pointless to lie to a computer. I had a salad last night for dinner and I chopped up a little bit of chicken for protein and threw it in with some Red Devil hot sauce. DELISH!! I want to get better and I want to be healthy, therefore I have no reason to lie about what I eat or the exercise I do. I do take my children swimming every day for two hours and I do swim with them and it is very exhausting. They like to hang on my back while I breast stroke under water... So imagine doing that times three children for two hours a day.

    Today is the day I started eating 1200-1700 calories a day and so far so good. I will keep posting. Right now I'm making a notebook of recipes and I've gotten some great ones that I'm super eager to try out! Thank you all so very much, you guys/gals are AMAZING!!
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    Eat more! Basically you need to eat all your minimum calories + some of your workout calories! Don't be scared, try it out, YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT! good luck ;)
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    Your salad last night looked great ... but add more chicken next time! Those muscles you're building with swimming looooove all the protein they can get.