Time to get serious!

stormguy Posts: 24
edited December 2024 in Introduce Yourself
I've had weight issues all my life, a little over 5'10" and I can't remember the last time I was under 200 lbs. Used to be fit in my high school days (I'm in my late 30's now), played basketball, baseball, football, but was still 200 or a bit higher. At least back then I was built well, very muscular, lifted weights and ran because of my sports involvement... Got to college and stopped playing sports, got focused on part-time jobs and schoolwork and still ate like I did when I was active. It didn't take long for all that beautiful muscle to get soft and turn to flab. Graduate school and work in a place that gives free soda pop. Every day I'd have a stack of empty Mountain Dew cans around me, signs of all the liquid calories I had consumed.

At one point I realized I needed to do something. I'd make a halfhearted attempt, walk up the stairs instead of the elevator, eat at subway instead of McDonald's (but I'd still get the foot long covered in mayo, mind you). I'd keep telling myself that it was baby steps, that next week I can switch to vinegar and oil, and next month I'll start going to 6" subs... Well, next week, next month, they never seem to come. In fact, someone at work would invite me to go to the Chinese buffet for lunch with them and I'd go. Before I know it, I'm back to the same habits.

About 2 years ago I am looking at photos. Every one of me is... well... omg... YUCK! How can I look that bad? I'd find myself going into places, looking around and seeing if I was really the fattest one in the room. A lot of the times I was. I'd think to myself "Our country is having an obesity epidemic and I'm actually the fattest one here!" I hop on the scale, I'm 255 (36.6 BMI). I got to do something!

Thanksgiving 2010 (at 255 lbs) I give an honest effort at it, bust my butt... I actually make progress... 249 hits quick, I tell myself "I'm NEVER letting myself get to 250 again". 239... bye bye 240, never going to see you again... In May of 2011 I'm down to 220 (31.6 BMI). I am proud of myself, I look better than I remember... Still quite heavy, but at least I can go into a place and I'm no longer the fattest guy there. I don't feel as self conscious, I physically feel great, no more acid reflux, no more getting winded, so many great things! I feel motivated to keep going, would love just once to catch a woman giving me a second glance as I walk by (haven't experienced that since high school either).

Well, work gets crazy, stressful, people are laid off, I do multiple jobs, stop working out over lunch (which I've found to be the best time for me to exercise). I turn to my old faithful crutch, food. It never turns you down, it instantly gratifies, it's easy! I stop paying attention and I go back to feeling down about things (including myself) and honestly just stop caring. I don't hop on the scale, I don't look in the mirror, I eat what I want when I want, I do all the bad things that get me where I didn't want to be.

A dream of mine has been to learn to fly a plane. I don't have money to do it now, but I really want a pilot's license someday. Well, I get a gift, an initial flying lesson... Good till the end of October of this year... The catch? Weight limit: 239... Well, I was 220 about a year ago, shouldn't be a big thing... I hop on the scale? 261!!! Holy cow, 261!?!?!?!? Not only did I go back to the numbers I swore I'd never go back to again, I set a new record for myself!

I've disappointed myself, made myself back into the person I worked so hard to work away from. But again, I have motivation, at least for the short-term. 22 pounds (plus a few more for clothes since I assume I will have to be clothed to fly a plane) need to drop off. I'm already down 3 pounds and I am well on pace to lose it in time (though there's always those inevitable plateaus). More than that, I want to make sure this time it is PERMANENT! No more letting it go, no more sitting on my heels, patting myself on the back, then going back to the bad habits.

Today I met with a personal trainer for an introductory session. He absolutely kicked my butt. I imagine I looked like those guys on "The Biggest Loser" the first day there, where the trainer is pushing them and their bodies just want to give out. You know what, my body gave out several times, but I'm determined... I rested a couple seconds then willed myself to pick the ball back up, to get back into that squat, to press out the two more reps the trainer wanted... I hurt, I'm tired, my legs feel like jello, but I'm happy.

Trainer gets to kick my butt again Friday (upper body) and again next Monday. After that I need to kick my own butt until I get another session with him in a few weeks.

Bottom line: I'm going to get back on track and somehow, someway, I'm going to make it stick this time!!!


  • jenniferlmartinez
    jenniferlmartinez Posts: 95 Member
    Sounds like me.. Good Luck with your journey. Thanks for sharing knowing I'm not the only one out there!!
  • MrsRando
    MrsRando Posts: 155 Member
    Last year I realized I was at my highest weight ever and I started counting the calories and getting into the gym. I lost 22 lbs, half way to my goal weight. Something happened around September.... (I just realized exactly what that "something" was... my MIL moved in with us... funny how light bulbs start turning on at the oddest moments... anywho...) in September I just stopped watching what I was eating and going to the gym. I saw the incremental increase 2 lbs, 5 lbs, 10 lbs... got on the scale last week and set my own highest at 203 :(

    I totally understand how you feel about wanting it to be permanent. It felt so hard to start again but I'm just talking baby steps until I get it right.
  • yogsvr4
    yogsvr4 Posts: 149 Member
    Good luck this time around. Do your best not to get discouraged. Most of us have had multiple false starts but commitment over time can make it work.
  • PrettynWitty12
    PrettynWitty12 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this! We've all been there before and as long as you stay the course and keep your eyes on the prize...or the plane...you'll be flying high in no time :) Feel free to add me :)
  • Racaronga
    Racaronga Posts: 32
    It sounds like your head is in the right place. I'm sure you will succeed. I've always had a problem with food and tried loads of things to sort it out but was never successful. Until I started exercise! I've still got loads of weight to lose, but I'm fitter than I've ever been, I feel great both mentally and physically and the weight is coming off. Food somehow has become much less of an issue.

    Good luck!
  • stormguy
    stormguy Posts: 24
    I browsed around the forums and I love that everyone seems very supportive. It is also great to see so many of us with similar stories. There have been times I felt so down on myself because you can feel so alone in the journey. I love the fact there are so many people to share the journey with and share support with!

    Racaronga: I remember when I was losing weight and getting near my 220 number that I'd pass by places I used to love and it'd turn my stomach. Mind over matter? Metabolic changes? Not sure what it is, but I'm anxious for that. Right now I pass by a Burger King and want to drive in for a Double Whopper with Cheese. :P
  • adet983
    adet983 Posts: 138
    i was around your same stats when i started now down to about 188...not as hard as it seems
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    You been reading my mail?
    Best of luck to you!
  • MLB1969
    MLB1969 Posts: 4 Member
    Good Luck! I can relate! We just need to keep moving forward!
  • helganog
    helganog Posts: 15 Member
    You can do it Matey!
    I'm still trying to get started. I guess I'm not quite as fed up with being fat as I need to be yet :-)
  • linda1243
    linda1243 Posts: 166
    This could be my story.I'm 15 days in now and there is no turning back.

    You can do this! You sound determined and you have the motivation (gift cert). I'd wish you good luck but I'd rather say "work hard!"
  • Your mind is definitely where it needs to be so I have no doubt you'll be able to do it again. And you have a pretty great reason to want to shed those pounds... Flying? That's awesome. I just recently joined and the people here are absolutely wonderful. Anything you don't know or need help with (morale) they are right there by your side. Good luck and God Bless!
  • stormguy
    stormguy Posts: 24
    Thanks again for all the great support and friends requests... Determined to stick with it to the end of the journey (and beyond by keeping myself in the RIGHT shape for life).
  • jeffsinkw
    jeffsinkw Posts: 16
    Thanks for sharing your story. We're right there with you. You have the right attitude. Use this forum and you'll get all the support you'll need to be successful. Good Luck!
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    Good luck!!

    Keep a photo of a plane at your desk, in your car and in your kitchen to remind yourself you have a goal.
  • You can do it!!! Let's get it going!
  • stacy_7171
    stacy_7171 Posts: 21
    I enjoyed reading your post, and that you have the courage to be so honest about your situation, setbacks, and triggers. I can relate to surveying a room to see if I'm the heaviest person there.

    My free unsolicited advice: Work hard (as another member said), be consistent, and use that same honesty from your post (i.e. if you try framing a situation as a "baby-step" when in fact it's just an excuse).
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