Rant: NO I am NOT buying more fat clothes

Tonight I decided that NO MATTER WHAT I am NOT buying more fat clothes!

Have you ever been tempted to just go out and spend the big bucks to buy hot clothes that fit, even if you don't want to be the same size next month? Well I almost did, but then I started thinking about a few things.

ShouId I invest in a future being a person that I don't want to be?
Should I pack up all the clothes I can't fit in anymore to save for that dream day I can fit into them again?
Should I make room in my closet for clothes I never wanted in the first place?
Do I need to use my credit card to acquire a wardrobe I resent?


I hit bottom this weekend: I almost boxed up my entire wardrobe. I was tempted to hit J Crew and spend a few thousand on fat suits so I'd have something nice to wear to work for a change. I looked at my closet last night in preparation for work and tried to decide what I could possibly wear. All my favorite dresses and wool business suits are in the back now but I found myself looking through them anyway, just to see what I've been missing out on. It's been a few months since I even looked at some of them. I've been hiding and replacing them with stuff I really don't like that much that was super-cheap but at least it fits me. Some of my favorite outfits I had completely forgotten about. What a joke!

This is the end. I'm putting all those size 6 J Crew suits in the front of my closet every day and I can dig my way through them to reach those fat clothes if I have to! I'm not going to buy another pair of $200 Big Star or Rock Revival jeans in a size 31! If I really need a new pair of slacks for work I guess it is off to Value Village or St. Vinnies (thrift stores)!

I refuse to invest a lot of money in clothes I hope to 'undergrow.' I'm not putting my favorite outfits away - I'm going to make them the first thing I see every morning and I'm going to try them on every week until they fit. In fact, I may hang one on the wall in my bedroom so I don't forget about my goal.

Tonight I threw out the J Crew catalog that came in the mail without even looking at it! Why look at it afterall when I have an entire wardrobe that will be brand-new to me as soon as I can fit in it again?

Anyone else with me on this?


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Um, actually, I circle the stuff I want to purchase when I lose my weight, especially the bras in Victoria's Secret. The ones I have now are stretched too much around the middle. Onward and upward to new bras. Woohoo!!
  • rasja
    rasja Posts: 17
    Yes, I'm totally not buying more size 16 jeans and size large tops! That's my current size.

    I have 50+ pairs of jeans in my closet. Some are from when I was a teen, when I was half my current size.

    Sure, I weigh myself and track, but I cannot wait to be able to fit into a size 14. That'll make me happy to start! I hope that will become a reality within the next couple weeks!
  • strongkate
    Actually I just began using this site for exactly the same reason. No more fat clothes purchases for me. I retired 3 years ago and have gained more weight due to reduced stress. (Tend to eat little when stressed and was on my feet all day when working) Add to that the weight I gained due to menopause, and I now weigh more than I did when 9 months pregnant! Having always been easily slender, I chose not to pay attention when I slowly put on pounds over the years since turning 40. Sort of gave up and decided it was just part of aging. But now I am sluggish, lack energy, all flab and no muscle, and disgusted with my laziness.

    Two weeks ago I went to a store to buy jeans and saw my rear end in the dressing room mirrors for the first time in years. What a shock! Felt like I was looking at a stranger. So, with the recommendation of a family member who uses myfitnesspal, I began tracking my food and exercise yesterday.

    No more excusing this flab as an unavoidable result of aging. No more waiting til "someday" to build muscle. And no more spending money on larger clothes!
  • KarenVittum
    I am sooo with you. I recently went through all my clothes and packed up the stuff that didn't fit. All my favorite outfits and things I worked so hard to get into. But instead of putting into storage I decided to put them in the way in my bedroom. I have to walk by them everyday to get my 'fat clothes' on. I will get back into those clothes. And when I do the fat clothes are going to good will.
  • imglitter
    imglitter Posts: 4
    right on girl!!!!!!


    I'm def going to go pick a top from my closet and keep it in view ALL THE TIME, just like you said...so that I DO NOT FORGET MY GOAL!!

    Thanks a ton!
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Lol nice!

    I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove Rock Revival pants and it was SO FREAKING HARD when I realized I "lost" a pair because they got too big. But I just sold some cell phones and bought a new pair!

    I guess what I recommend is you want to feel good as that is motivating... but don't go out and blow money on really expensive clothes. I shop at mid range stores like Maurices because their stuff is SUPER cute but not freakishly expensive to where I regret it. I limit myself to $30 for a shirt. Only thing I blow money on is pants but I only need three pairs of jeans anyways.

    I guess it gets more complicated when you have to have a wardrobe for work. :(
  • AgapeLove7
    AgapeLove7 Posts: 29 Member
    i think ill take out my "can't fit no more" clothes that I stuffed into a bag.. was going to put it in the garage until I could fit in them again... but... I like the idea of using them for reminder :) out they come!
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    I am doing the same thing. I had clothes from size 3x and 4x down to just a large. As I get smaller I'm wearing what I already have. Some of the stuff isn't great, mostly very casual stuff, but I told hubby I wasn't gonna buy any more stuff. If I need something to wear to an event, then I'll buy one outfit for it. I can't see buying a bunch of stuff that won't fit in a couple months and I've wasted the money for it. I'm not cheap, I just want to slowly get too small for the clothes I have and watch them get donated when they're too big! That makes me feel good and encourages me.
  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    I am right there with you!
    My motivation was moving an entire wardrobe that was not wearable!
    I have my benchmarks hanging in my closet and I try them on once every few weeks to check.
    The good news is I'm making progress.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I every so often opt for a brand new outfit - but mostly bought cheap stuff / sale things
    Like you said - how long will it fit anyway - I had no choice but to buy more clothes - since I prefered my pants not fall to my ankles lol
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    A couple of years ago, I lost a significant amount of weight and bought clothes to fit. But then I gained it back and then some. Instead of getting rid of those clothes, I've kept them a wardrobe. Since January, I've managed to lose almost 60 lbs. I have been slowly pulling those clothes out over the course of 6 months to keep trying them on to see if they fit. Most of them do now. I'm glad that I kept them, because I still have a lot more weight to lose and I don't want to have to buy more clothes until I'm closer to my goal.

    As for my bigger clothes. I've been cleaning them out as I go. I never want to see them again.
  • eternalearth888
    Yes, I'm totally not buying more size 16 jeans and size large tops! That's my current size.

    I have 50+ pairs of jeans in my closet. Some are from when I was a teen, when I was half my current size.

    Sure, I weigh myself and track, but I cannot wait to be able to fit into a size 14. That'll make me happy to start! I hope that will become a reality within the next couple weeks!

    I know exactly what are you talking about. I have about 15 pairs of jeans and MAYBE two of them fit. I started on this site cause I wanted to lose weight for many reasons, but one of them was simply because I wanted to wear my favorite things again. I don't think that's bad. I think it really helps to motivate me. I put my favorite dress on the wall across from my bed so every morning I wake up and see it and think "Wow, that dress is so beautiful. I wish I could wear it" and then I think "I have to make sure I do."
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I'm with you, no more FAT clothes. I have a closet full of 6s that I will wear again. I am determined to be an 8 by the end of the summer. Now I'm a 12 or 14
  • mangobadango
    mangobadango Posts: 294 Member
    Is it bad that I get sad when I undergrow the clothes at Torrid? I love their style and have a hard time finding it other places. Alas I think I have undergrown it again.

    Actually on topic...I don't invest a lot of money in clothes, and I think it is because I don't like how I look in most of them. My favorite place to shop for clothes most of the time is Target so I guess I go cheap no matter what.

    Can't wait to be able to shop at Charlotte Rousse though.
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    That is what goodwill is AWESOME for!! When I start to "undergrow" my fat clothes, I go and drop $50 at goodwill and come away with awesome mix and match items.
  • jimmeezwyf
    jimmeezwyf Posts: 140 Member
    I am in the same boat! Nothing to wear because nothing fits since I've gained 100 lbs. in the past two years (2 pregnancies)! Even though I really don't have much to wear I'm okay with it! I am working to get back into the beautiful wardrobe that awaits in my closet again! I feel if I buy more clothes I am wasting money and will demotivate myself.

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  • Jennaissance
    Jennaissance Posts: 212
    Wow! I can't beleive how many people responded to my little rant. I guess I'm not alone. Thanks guys - and for all the ideas!