Thursday Check In Group - November 5th

magglett Posts: 2,000
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Down ½ this week for me ...

YEAR END GOAL: I would like to be 20 lbs. lighter by then ... that would bring me to 169 lbs.
July 16 - 189 lbs.
July 23 - 187.5 lbs. (-1.5 lbs.)
July 30 - 186 lbs. (-1.5 lbs. this week)(-3 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Aug 6 - 184.5 lbs. (-1.5 lbs. this week)(-4.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Aug 13 - 185 lbs (+.5 lbs. this week) (-4 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Aug 20 - 183 lbs (-2 lbs. this week) (-6 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Aug 27 - 180.5 lbs (-2.5 lbs. this week) (-8.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Sept 3 - 181.5 lbs (+1 lb. this week) (-7.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Sept 10 - 179.5 (-2 lb. this week) (-9.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Sept 17 - 176.5 (-3 lb. this week) (-12.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Sept 24 - 174.5 (-2 lb. this week) (-15 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Oct 1 - 176 (+1.5 lb. this week) (-13.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Oct 8 - 177 (+1 lb. this week) (-12.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Oct 15 - 176 (-1 lb. this week) (-13.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Oct 22 - 176 (stayed the same this week)
Oct 29 - 174 (-2 lb. this week) (-15.5 lbs total)
Nov 5 - 173½ (-½ lb. this week) (-16 lbs. total)
Nov 12
Nov 19
Nov 26
Dec 3
Dec 10
Dec 17


  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Well everyone ... I'm just going to have to get over this negative crap in my head. It's really causing negative crap in my life ... you know ... kinda like a country song. Imagine the following with a bit of a twang to it ...

    I'm working two jobs and being paid for one ... home renovations are never done
    Attended a funeral for a good man who died ... car clunked out so I sat down and cried
    Ate so much that I thought I'd explode ... so now I've decided to take a new road
    It's time to get back now and really fight ... because everything is easier when your health is alright

  • Love the positive attitude! ;]
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    That was good, it rymed and everything. I don't know how I managed to gain 3 pounds in 1 week, I know I was bad at times during this week but I did'nt think I was really bad. Well, just have to be more strict with myself, its just soo hard sometimes.

    July 30th - 154 pounds
    August 6th - 150 pounds
    August 13th- 150 pounds
    August 20th - 147 pounds
    August 27th - 144 pounds
    September 3rd - 144 pounds
    September 10th - 144 pounds
    September 17th - 144 pounds
    September 24th - 142 pounds
    October 1st - 143 pounds
    October 8th - 141 pounds
    October 15th - 140 pounds
    October 22th - 139 pounds
    October 29th - 137 pounds
    November 5th - 140 pounds

    Now, Thanksgiving is around the corner and I am dreading it because knowing me, I'll probably be 5 pounds heavier the week after.

    Well, hope everyone has a good day and Welcome:flowerforyou: Naokoheart!

  • Not a good week for me. :cry: Gained 1 lb back this week. I wasn't really all that surprised though considering the week that I have had. My neice is still in the ICU. Everytime we think things are starting to improve she gets another thing thrown at her. They are giving it until tomorrow to see if there is any improvement. If not then the last resort is another surgery which we were told was very high risk for her. I guess all we can do is pray and hope for the best. Congrats to all who lost this week. Hope next week will be a better week for those of us who didn't.
  • Hi all!

    Down one pound.

    Love your tune maggie,feeling the same way. gotta funeral, gotta storm coming, I seem to be struggling with a few relationships.......I was telling myself "its just a moment, it'll pass"... but then it felt like more things piled up on me. ...
    until I said screw it, I am a good person, I do deserve good things. ...and then my husband came home early from work to change my all seasons to snow tires for my trip out of province......
    Gotta keep thinking I am worth it and I {and we} deserve and happiness to you all, and may the weight we have been hiding behind, fall effortly off of us...

    love and support


    Oct 8 - 201
    Oct 15 - 197
    Oct 22-198
    Oct 29-196
    Nov 5-195
    Nov 12
    Nov 19
    Nov 26
    Dec 3
    Dec 10
    Dec 17
    Dec 24
    Dec 31
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Not a good week for me. :cry: Gained 1 lb back this week. I wasn't really all that surprised though considering the week that I have had. My neice is still in the ICU. Everytime we think things are starting to improve she gets another thing thrown at her. They are giving it until tomorrow to see if there is any improvement. If not then the last resort is another surgery which we were told was very high risk for her. I guess all we can do is pray and hope for the best. Congrats to all who lost this week. Hope next week will be a better week for those of us who didn't.

    I really am praying for your niece ... and for everyone involved to have the strength and positive energy required to get you all through this. My love to you all.
  • Down one lb this week, emotionally not a good couple of weeks for me. I seem to be tired and just trying to sort some "stuff" but hey not one to unload on you all hahaha

    I really hope your neice pulls through, that must be so hard for you to think about and then also try to do good on the scales. Focus on her and getting her better you will find the time for you too once things settle and are more in control.

    Congrats to all the "losers" again:wink: I don't know how much I will be writing I have to get myself sorted and realize what is good for me and what isn't and how to handle things that I can't seem to control.

    Love the song Maggie, I really set it to a country tune to it really works. :laugh: I think we all have a song to sing sometimes.

    Drive carefully Lisa try to stay ahead of that storm, glad to hear you got snowtires on in time that will help the drive if the weather gets nasty.

    Well good luck all and take care.
  • Hey Ladies me again:smile: Just wanted to drop you all a quick note to let you know I will be taking a break for awhile. It wasn't a easy decision but I am finding "life" hard right now and I don't think I can be an assest to such a wonderful group of ladies as yourselves.

    As you all know (because I have "*****ed" about it before :laugh: ) I have very long days usually 14 hours a day 5 days a week plus weekends for a total of about 72 hours a week that I am at my job, and I am finding I am tired physically and emotionally. After some "soul" searching I have decided to take somethings out that I find are making my day even a bit harder. Not that this is hard it's just hard being positive all the time and being the person everyone wants you to be or expects you to be. I can only speak for myself when I say this but having a weight issue pretty much my whole life I found that I covered alot of things up with humor or when I was younger what some adults called acting out. So now when your not who people think you should be you become the target (don't know if that was the word I was looking for but it kind of works)

    Anyway enough of all the self pity party, I just really wanted to wish you all the best of luck and hope you all reach your goals. And when (not if!!) I get my "stuff" together I hope your all still in the Thursday group and will allow me back in.

    Take care all
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    My friend Sheri: I'm sorry you're feeling life's pressures so badly. Please, take all the time you need and we will be here when you want us. When I was reading your post I seriously thought ... wow ... she's writing my thoughts. I too have been thinking of taking a break but I know if I do then I'll completely give in to my old habbits ... which would just lead me to a deep depression ... but that's just me ... I know how I am because of my history. I'll miss you and I'm sending you good thoughts to help you find peace and happiness. Take care of you and I hope we'll talk again soon.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Happy Monday all ... I hope your weekend went well. The weather here in Niagara, Ontario was amazing. Beautiful sunny days. Went for an 11 km hike on Saturday through part of the Bruce Trail. I loved it ... so much fun. The leaves covering the ground were challenging. We really had to lift our feet to avoid the roots and rocks and stuff hidden under the leaf blanket ... but I loved it. I started looking into some gym memberships for the winter months ... they sure can be quite pricey. Well, I hope you all had a great weekend too ... have a good day and we'll talk soon.
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Good Morning Everyone:flowerforyou:

    My weekend was good. Went too fast like always. Yesturday was very beautiful, it was around 70, thats a little strange for November, but I'll take it. Its supposed to be around the same today. Yesturday I did a bunch of cooking and cleaning and I went with my daughter to a friends kids birthday party so Jenna had a lot of fun. I don't think I gained much this weekend either which is nice for a change. I just have to keep at it. My new goal will be to look good by February. I have a wedding to go to then and I want to look my best. Hope everyone has a good week.

    Talk soon:happy:

  • Another Week!!
    I always feel so motivated on Monday morning, by Friday nite though I slip into thinking about treating myself{with food} and the 'treat"goes on for a couple of days....!!!
    I am happy with my progress though.
    Has been warm her in Bridgewater, N.S. as well. Loving it!!!
    Hope everyone is having a good week.

  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I've noticed that lately I have been over my calories almost everyday lately, not by much but I guess its taking a toll on my weight because I'm either staying the same or gaining. Plus I think whats really hurting me right now is that I am bad with excersicing. Plus now I really have to lose this weight because I just found out that we will be going on vacation to Dominican in April so I want to look my best by then. Hope all of you are having a good week and I'll talk to you soon.

  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    I did'nt see Maggie post the new link for today so I did it to keep it going, hope you don't mind Maggie.
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