Initial Goal Met

PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
I'm not one to start topics but today I'm really pleased.

Every six months at work we have a little good fun and all hop on a scale and make goals for the next weigh in. Well, on January 2, I weighed in at 271 lbs. Boy was I pissed and disappointed in myself. I had never been that heavy in my life. In fact, that was almost a 20lb gain since July, 2011. Now around four years ago, I was down to 215 lbs but that was thyroid aided (I have Graves disease). So, once my thyroid was regulated I started to pack on the pounds. I have a desk job and work 50+ hours a week. . . .not a recipe for taking care of oneself.

Anyway, after that weigh-in in January I decided I have to do something about myself. I felt fat. None of my clothes fit (a size 44 waist!) and XXL shirts were tight. So I started right then and there to make the change. I knew it would be a long process to lose the weight because it was a long process to put it on. I started with my diet. No more eating lunch out everyday. I was going to pack my lunch. Also, no more eating dinner when I got home from work at 10-10:30 at night. I was going to pack dinner, too. Then, I needed a physical. I had been to an endocrinologist for my thyroid but I hadn't had a regular physical in 5 years (not good for an almost 48-year-old).

After eating better for a few weeks, it was time to join a gym and get on a cardio & weight training regimen. Well, when I first got on the elliptical I could barely do 5 minutes. Not good but a start. I swallowed my pride and concentrated on the reasons I needed to do this. . . .My family & myself. Not for anyone else. Then, the weights. Also, not a very encouraging start but, I had a plan and I was going to stick to it. Time was on my side. Go to the gym three times a week and things will get better. I had to believe it and in myself. On days I didn't go to the gym, I rode my stationary bike at home for 20-30 minutes before I got ready for work.

After a while, the routine became easier. On Mondays I would look forward to my gym day on Wednesday. On Thursdays I couldn't wait to go to the gym on Friday morning. Every Sunday morning, I was at the gym. I've kept a log of my exercises and kept challenging myself to increase my weights and get stronger. I was determined to succeed.

It was slow seeing change at first. The scale was not my friend but, my clothes started to fit a little looser. Okay, so I learned what a NSV is. Those were my friends whenever the scale wasn't. I would push through and soon the scale started to show progress. Sure, I hit my plateaus but that's okay, I pushed through them. I had to beat this.

Fast forward to today. After a great workout at the gym I got on the scale after my shower. 224.5. Wow, I told myself in January that I wanted to be at 225 before our family beach vacation in July and I did it. I hit my initial goal. The feeling of accomplishment is indescribable and, I'm a much happier person since this journey has begun. But. . . .I'm not done yet. As I said, this is my initial goal. I have several others that I keep to myself. I've told no one, not even my wife. But, now I know what I can do and I will hit those goals.

So, for everyone who is frustrated with slow progress just remember, it takes time but you can get there.


  • FlyeredUp
    FlyeredUp Posts: 663 Member
    Awesome story! Congrats on your success!
  • PHS7
    PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
    Thanks man. I appreciate it.
  • angelakj23
    angelakj23 Posts: 51
    What an inspiring post! Congrats on all your hard work, it really did pay off. :smile:
  • Excellentia
    Excellentia Posts: 182
    Congratulations on your success!!!
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    Great going! I also started in January on the 10th when my weight hit 286.2 pounds and after most of a year of immobility because of breaking my leg in 3 places. I just changed my goal this week because of having lost the weight I have so far....and today I actually ran/walked for 1 hour 33 minutes and covered 6.49 miles. I know how much dedication and effort you have put into this so far. Best of luck on reaching your next goal - I know you will make it!
  • murdie
    murdie Posts: 85 Member
    Congratulations! What a great story! Thanks for posting.
  • PHS7
    PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
    Thanks folks. I don't know how inspiring it is, but it is satisfying.
  • aegisprncs
    aegisprncs Posts: 240 Member
    Congrats and thanks so much for your story. You are very inspiring!
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