Gastric Bypasser Here :)

I had RNY Gastric Bypass on December 23, 2010 and it changed my life! I have lost a large amount of weight and I am still losing, but I am here to help track my calories and protein more easily. So far, I am loving my app and loving this site! Are there any other post-weight loss surgery people out there? I am always looking for a good support system of people who understand my restrictions and requirements on a daily basis! :)


  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I had a sleeve gastrectomy on 3/5. I've lost a bunch of weight too..but fairly slowly.

    You'll find this to be a great place to read..but note that a lot of people don't believe in the low calorie mentality, and you'll get a lot of people telling you that your calories are too low. I haven't seen too many gastric bypass people posting, perhaps because of that reason.

    If you wanna add me you can, and I might have some recommendations for y ou :)
  • lkloby
    lkloby Posts: 1
    hi there, i am a new member and also in a pre gastric-bypass weight loss group. looking to lose at least 10% of my body weight in 6mo. i am also looking towards the sleeve instead of the full bypass...can u tell me if u thought ur surgery was worth it and if u think u made the right choice in surgeries??
  • jonnaby
    jonnaby Posts: 2
    I had RNY Gastric Bypass almost a year ago and about 20lbs away from my goal. My "honeymoon " period of rapid weightloss is over and I need more support and motivation to lose the rest and maintain. I am hoping to find a good support system here! Let me know if you have any questions :D
  • rumpusparable
    rumpusparable Posts: 160
    I had RNY on Jan 16th of this year. So far have lost 90lbs. I do 1-3hrs of exercise a day and stick strictly to my doc's plan. It has been awesome to do all that work and actually see the weight come off -instead of eating right and exercising and still gaining weight, like before.
  • kfink426
    kfink426 Posts: 16
    Hi! I'm new to this site - I did a search for gastric bypass topics and found this. I had surgery last June. So far I have lost 80 lbs. I've been struggling to lose more. My goal is another 40 lbs. I lift weights everyday for 20-30 minutes. Now that my honeymoon phase is over, my stomach has stretched and I can eat almost what a normal person can eat. Because of that, I joined so I can track my calories and hopefully see where I am going wrong. I'm hoping with proper diet and continuing my exercise I can lose it.
  • kittymoney
    kittymoney Posts: 115 Member
    I had RNY gastric Dec 2006. Honeymoon phase was great lot 100 lbs and then 2 years later body started bouncing up. I have 20 lbs to get back down to my goal of where I was. I would love to have more of a support system with those with gastric surgery. Add me if you like.
  • shrinkingsami
    shrinkingsami Posts: 40 Member
    I had gastric 4 years ago. I lost 180lbs in first year, went to work again and gained 20lbs back. got pregnant and gained anoter 27lbs. son was born 1/1/11, august 2011 took up running, lost most of my 47lbs due to nursing. joined a running group, then just joined body by vi, over a month ago and it has really helped me. it is like going back to basics, i have 10lbs and 12 inches since being on it. you can do it :)
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    I had gastric bypass in 2008. It took me 14 months to lose 170 pounds (I lost 30 pre-op). I have maintained my loss for about 2.5 years now. "Bounceback" can be prevented if you stay diligent. I've even lost more in the last couple months. Life is grande!! : )
  • Hullhb
    Hullhb Posts: 1
    Hi, I had gastric bypass on 4/24/2012. I'm looking for a good place to track what I eat and this was suggested. I also must start exercising. I know it will help in the long term health & weight. I enjoyed seeing others on here that have been successful after surgery.
  • eringooden
    eringooden Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all,
    Had my GB in 2004. Maintained until this past year when 15lbs crept back on me! Im here to knock that back off! So far I really like what I see with this. Feel free to add me if any of you woud like to. Good Luck with everything! :flowerforyou:
  • happpyhappyjoyjoy
    happpyhappyjoyjoy Posts: 44 Member
    :smile: I had my bypass in October 2002 and I have no regrets at all. I lost 114 pounds. I have put on about 20 that I'm trying to get rid of and that is the only downer about the surgery. It seems harder to loose those 20 pounds and I think it's because of the absorbstion of the calories. At one time I went on a 1200 calorie diet and worked out for six weeks loosing 1 pound. I went to a nutristionist and she said I should be doing 1600 due to the surgery (RNY). Even this web site is telling me 1270 a day so we will see. I still am so happy!!
  • florascarbrough
    Gastric bypass in December 2011. 95 lbs lost since surgery. 100 lbs lost before surgery. Yay! I can walk 45 minutes a day now. I'm doing so much better. Greatest decision I ever made :)))
  • bullet27f
    bullet27f Posts: 5
    I'm 2 weeks post-op and down 16 lbs. I didn't realize how bad I was feeling until I knew what it was to feel good again. Looking for more support.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    So nice to see peeps posting here!! I don't see that many of us in here, but it's good to know we're out there!!

  • Ceelolo
    Ceelolo Posts: 2 Member
    Hello name is Seina and I have just decided to do the RNY also I'm a little nervous but I have decided to go for it. My initial surgery was going to do the Gastric Sleeve but just the thought of removing the stomach was a little scary also, you will probably here from me again just to ask questions but I wanted to introduce myself.
  • moxiecowgirl
    moxiecowgirl Posts: 291 Member

    I'm pre-op. I'm currently on the 6-month supervised diet that my insurance requires, and I've lost 21 lbs so far on that. I will most likely be having my RNY surgery after the first of the year, due to blackout dates for time off at my job. I go for my psych eval on Saturday. It's good to see other WLS people here!
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    I had RNY on 12/15/09. I've lost 170 so far. I'd like to lose another 20. I workout at the gym about 6 times a week and have started with a personal trainer two times a week. I'd like to firm up and get some definition in my arms.
    The surgery was one of the best things I have ever done for myself even though some days are hard.
  • bmuff
    bmuff Posts: 64
    I am not having surgery-but I have always been curious with everyones weight loss that has one. What are the calories that are allowed on a daily basis after the surgery that helps you to lose weight easily? i am just curious because there are many days that I am under 1200 and I do not lose weight fast-gets kinda discouraging.
  • pdkent01
    pdkent01 Posts: 3
    I had GB in sept of 2009. I took off 260 but in the last six months have put back on 30 or so. I am determined to get that back off and tone up while doing it. My husband found this site and is working on taking off a few pounds. He put on weight as I was losing. LOL...
  • pdkent01
    pdkent01 Posts: 3
    I found at first after the surgery I was lucky to hit 300 calories. I focused on getting enough protein in to maintain my muscle mass but still lost quite a bit of it. I am almost three years out and maintain about 1200 calories a day. Certain things are off the table still. Like pork and beef. Sadly cookies and chocolate are okay. So I put back on 30 lbs. I am refocusing on taking that off and have dropped eight lbs. by just staying away from those things and exercising a bit more. I HATE to Exercise.