5ft4 ladies...What's your calorie number?



  • Prudiddy
    Prudiddy Posts: 262 Member
    Finally my 5ft 4inch ladies are calling. I am 36yrs My start weight was 206 as of Saturday my weight was 186 I hit my first 20lb goal in under 3 months, Real quick, I eat between 900-1100 per day. I work out everyday for 45min to an hour I don't skip a day or have a day off. I am on a mission to get another 40lbs off by Oct, 20th, 2012 I never eat back my exercise cals. I have a lot of fun. I am in it for life. I don't listen to everything I am told. I listen to my body and my body loves me. I love to motivate and be motivated. If I am down and out I will not eat myself to death. I will laugh, work out or try to do something productive. My only bad habbit is smoking and I will beat that one day to. I will not give up or give in and neither should you. Add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • Prudiddy
    Prudiddy Posts: 262 Member
    I took a peek at your diary and it looks like you haven't been eating 1200 since the 10th now your average is closer to 1500 so if that didn't break your plateau you might try changing your exercise style, then again how long have you been in a plateau? I'm 5-4, I eat at 1200 or less and don't eat my exercise calories back the longest plateau I have experienced was 3 1/2 weeks but during that time I lost inches so I can't complain. As has been said before in many threads every body is different if you start eating more and that breaks your plateau and you keep losing more power to you, if you gain you can always reduce again and try something else.
    I'm with you
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    I'm at 1,700 but I don't count my exercise calories. When I do that I starve on the days I don't workout so I've averaged out about the week and have gone from there. If I counted my calories then my net would be about 1,300 calories...but I can't eat that little the 2 days a week I don't work out. I've been really bad the last three days and have ended up going over because I have made a couple bad decisions.

    ETA: I'm 152 and right now I have my goal weight set at 130 even though the scale wouldn't bother me if it never moved as long as my abs start showing ;)
  • WiegandS
    WiegandS Posts: 99 Member
    I eat 1200 before exercise and I burn anywhere from 800-1200 calories a day (I'm unemployed and bored so I live at the gym..or else I'd burn far less). On average I eat about 1700-1800 after exercise & after 31 pounds I'm in a plateau.
  • tasiamere
    tasiamere Posts: 233
    Didn't read all the responses so hope I'm not repeating. I'm 5'3' and started at 1200Cals/day early April. I work out 2-3xs a week normally an hour of cardio and then a 30minute circut (arms, legs, core whichever day I'm on). I noticed a standstill in my losses and actually bumped my cals up by 100. Within the next 4 days I was already loosing close to 1lb! I thought it was nuts when someone else told me to eat more for a little while. It actually worked.

    Good luck!
  • hothodgie
    hothodgie Posts: 258 Member
    Im 5 ft 3.5 inches. I started out eating 1200 calories a day regardless of exercise in May. I fought 2 lbs back and forth for a few weeks. I increased my calories to 1500 at the suggestion of a trainer. I also started changing up work out routine, alternating days of cardio and strength 6 days a week an hour at a time, or at least that's my goal. I am currently at 1590 cals per day. If I exercise hard and burn like today, 750, I eat 1900 to 2000 calories. I try to keep my net at at least 1200. Making all these changes, I have lost 8 pounds total, 6 over the past week.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I am 5'3. Today my calories r set for 1500 and I eat back most of my exercise calories. I am losing about 1/2 pounds a week. I am 137 now and want to get down to 135 or 130... We shall see since I am happy where I am. I am also training for half marathon so weight isnt as important.

    I started here in Feb, I set MFP to lose a lb a week and actually lost more each week, I never plateaued. I ate back most of my exercise calories every day! I cut out processed foods and upped my protein to 30% of my diet.

    For exercise, I started with Insanity until the weather in PA got nicer then I built up my running.

    So many times in here I have seen so many start at 1200 and then give up after a few weeks. Heck, I did it for years until I read up on TDEE and BMR. Ever since my son was born 3.5 years ago, I yogo dieted until I found MFP. I am 33 and a mom of 2 kids, I work full time as well. You gals can do this! Just have to figure out what works best for you.
  • goddamnelectric
    I was eating 1200 for several months, not much of a change on the scale but I have lost several inches. I weigh between 112-116 and work out every day. I stopped seeing results for a few weeks and was getting really hungry before bed. I just increased to 1400+ depending on how much I burn in a day but it's been helping quite a bit. I also try to keep my protein over mfp goal I think it's around 1g per pound.
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    1410, plus most exercise cals. I average about 1600-1900 a day actually eaten, 1410 NET. I walk at least 1/2 hour a day. I was doing the 30 DS, 3-4 days a week, now I am working with a trainer 2 days, going to a strength training class once.

    I have started plateau - ing, but after a week or two, I'll drop about 2 lbs quickly. I think some of it is holding water from exercise, because I usually drop after a break (vacation, days off, ect.)

    I eat - MOSTLY clean, but we eat out too often (though never fast food).

    Edited to say - I started at 185, I am now at 166.2. I'm 5'4. I'm 29 years old.
  • Riverofbeauty
    Riverofbeauty Posts: 205 Member
    I'm 19, weigh 110lb have a sedentary desk job, never do cardio (besides walking) and my maintenance calories average at 2200.

    I was losing on 1800 cals.
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I'm 30, 5'4", and hovering between 127-128. I eat a base of 1600 to maintain, but end up eating anywhere from that to 2100 a day, with exercise. I always try to net at least 1300 (which is about my BMR)

    I have a desk job, but I run 3-4 days per week (an average of 5 miles per run) and lift 2 days a week.

    I've lost 50lbs.
  • Cuddlebug12
    Cuddlebug12 Posts: 52 Member
    I used my number from free dieting... It's 1684
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    I started at 1200 calories and just couldn't do it! I was always over and always hungry! Changed my goal to 1 lb a week and am now allowed about 1500 net. If I come in under it's not a bad thing . I have lost a little over a lb a week!
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I got down to about 125lbs eating around 1300 net a day. I've since stopped counting and eat roughly a net of 1400-1700 daily, and I'm maintaing between 125-130. Keep in mind I've also been strength training though, and I've had better luck putting on muscle since I started eating more. I'm also training for a half marathon, so some days I have to eat a crap ton to compensate for my long runs.

    Honestly, these days I just want to reduce my body fat, not necessarily my weight, but it's really hard to do that long distance running, so that's being put on hold until after my race in October.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Please take a look at your calorie needs. If plateaued ... is likely due to not eating enough. TRULY.

    I'm eating at a deficit from my TDEE of 2200 - I"m eating 1700 - 1800 on average. Everyone's TDEE is different based on age, weight and activity level.

    I will put a link to a good calculator to use ...


    My Blog: This Isn't My First Rodeo

    Active member of the forum group EAT MORE TO WEIGH LESS. Check it out ! Educate yourselves!

    Easy & Accurate TDEE calculator: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    I have been eating more for about 5 weeks now! About 2300 calories a day, trying to focus on protein first! I used the scooby workshop calories to find out my Tdee! I haven't lost weight but I sure notice a different in diffenition in my arms and legs! I have more energy to keep up with my workout!!

    My stats: 63 inches, 36 yrs old, three days of p90x2 and two days of running!
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    From looking at your diary, maybe it's come to the point where it's less about the calories and more about the nutrition? You're not tracking sodium but from some of the foods you're eating, your sodium could be high and you could be retaining water weight. Also, you're not consistently eating fruits and vegetables, but if you added more of that kind of nutrition into your day, your body will get healthier from the inside out and you may see more weight loss that way as well.
  • Pink_Tina
    Pink_Tina Posts: 164
    I'm 5'4 and 211 pounds right now. I started at 221. My goal is to reach 145 in about a year and a half's time. I eat 1400 calories a day and try to workout at least 3x a week for 30 minutes to 1 hour, doing mostly power-walking (something I can definitely keep up for the rest of my life). On the days I don't walk, I do body weight resistance workouts like squats, crunches, and pushups. As for food, I'm insulin resistant so I set my macros to 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat to help with building muscle tone even while I'm eating at a deficit. I've been consistently losing at least 1lb for the past 8 weeks (started April 30th).

    My "go to" food items are egg whites, turkey bacon, sugar free apple sauce and fruit cups. I don't cut anything out. I just either substitute the bad stuff with healthier versions or consume the things I can't make myself in moderation. Been working for me. :)
  • Csitri
    Csitri Posts: 132 Member
    I am 5' 4" and I eat around 1200 calories. I am still learning and adjusting to writing everything down as I just started this month. So I have not yet hit a plateau. Also being on medication I am not sure how quickly I will lose the weight.

    Good Luck too you, You also can add me if you would like. :)