Ideal Shape Meal Replacement Shakes?

SHutch06 Posts: 14 Member
All the reviews I had seen said they were supposed to make you feel full and give you more energy. I'm on day three of drinking these for breakfast and haven't noticed a difference yet. Does it take time, or should you see a change in your energy from day one? I'm just sick of feeling sleepy all the time, and want some energy so I can start working out again. Thanks!


  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    You know what really works on giving you energy and fullness? FOOD.

    Try eating more or focusing on getting the proper nutrition and rest each day and you will have energy.
  • HappilyCyn
    HappilyCyn Posts: 68 Member
    Try taking a multivitamin in addition to your shake.
  • SHutch06
    SHutch06 Posts: 14 Member
    @HappilyCyn I did take my multivitamin today (I've been bad about remembering that lately) and it seemed to help a little bit. The shakes are supposed to have a lot of vitamins too. I was just mainly wondering if the shakes took a little while before most people noticed a difference or not..... and @bm99 not really looking to be lectured here, just asking a question about the shakes.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    @HappilyCyn I did take my multivitamin today (I've been bad about remembering that lately) and it seemed to help a little bit. The shakes are supposed to have a lot of vitamins too. I was just mainly wondering if the shakes took a little while before most people noticed a difference or not..... and @bm99 not really looking to be lectured here, just asking a question about the shakes.

    It's not a lecture. Look up vitamins and absorption rates in things like vitamins and shakes vs real food :wink:
  • cmeine
    cmeine Posts: 2
    Are you drinking enough water? That does make a difference. Also you still should be having something that is high in fiber & healthy a couple hours after the shake for a mid morning snack.
  • SHutch06
    SHutch06 Posts: 14 Member
    Yes, the directions say to drink a big glass of water afterwards so I did, and then I had some almonds a few hours later. Today was a lot better. I actually felt a little more energized and it stayed with me a little longer. I'm guessing I just need to get used to them.
  • Hi. I'm taking this exact shake for breakfast! How r u preparing it? This is how I make mine: 3-4 strawberries, 1/2 banana, 1 scoop of the vanilla shake powder, ice to your liking and that's it! This shake keeps me full for a good 3 to 3.5 hours. Not sure why u haven't noticed a difference...good luck.
  • Oops I forgot to add 8 oz of fat free milk! :)
  • SHutch06
    SHutch06 Posts: 14 Member
    I've just been adding unsweetened plain almond milk to it. I tried the unsweetened vanilla flavored almond milk, and it just wasn't very good. I have some PB2 powder that I was going to try with it tomorrow. How long have you been drinking them? Have you noticed a difference in your energy levels since you started drinking them? Before I bought them I was doing terrible and eating fast food for breakfast every morning on my way to work, so I just wanted a quick healthy alternative.
  • cmeine
    cmeine Posts: 2
    That's probably why. You need to get your system used to healthy alternatives to what you were eating. It's going to take some time but stick with it. This is so much better for you than what you were doing to your body. Add some good protein (greek yogurt), PB2 and some good carbs (berries) to the shake and it will help. Stick with it you can do this.
  • SHutch06
    SHutch06 Posts: 14 Member
    Oooh I didn't even think about Greek Yogurt, I will definitely try that too. Had my morning shake a few hours ago and I really have been noticing a bigger difference with each day. These definitely stick with me way longer than slim fast shakes, and I'm actually feeling a little energized :)
  • MissMama5
    MissMama5 Posts: 23
    What kind of shake mix are you using?
  • SHutch06
    SHutch06 Posts: 14 Member
    Ideal Shape, my cousin sells Shakeology and I couldn't afford $120 for one month's worth of shakes but I liked the idea of a healthy meal replacement shake for breakfast instead of McDonald's every morning. I started looking around for something similar and the Ideal Shape shakes are way cheaper and actually got better reviews than the Shakeology. I paid around $80 for a two month supply which isn't too bad for 2 months worth of breakfast. The website is
  • MissMama5
    MissMama5 Posts: 23
    That's a good price! I use ViSalus, and its about 50 bucks a month and they're so yummy :) Try buying frozen berries in bulk and using those, and you only have to use water then. Really low cal and great for you!
  • SHutch06
    SHutch06 Posts: 14 Member
    I've starting hearing more and more about that brand. How do you like them? I might check them out after these.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    steer clear of any shake or food product that claims it will help you lose weight. don't be a sucker. shakes are a convenient way to get some measured nutrition and calories into your system. nothing more, nothing less.
  • SHutch06
    SHutch06 Posts: 14 Member
    Once again, I did not start this post to be lectured. It's not helpful to tell me to steer clear of shakes when I just paid $80 for them. I started this to ask people their experiences with the shakes. I know this isn't a quick fix and going to magically make me lose weight, I just bought them as a quick way to get a healthy breakfast in as an alternative to going through the drive thru. Thanks.
  • Mare7560
    Mare7560 Posts: 18
    I disagree.... If you take a 200 calorie nutritious shake and replace a lunch that is usually 500 to 800 calories, you will lose 1 to 2 lbs a week. I am using IdealShape and love it!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    If you eat less calories you will lose weight? Very good observation. Do you need to buy $80/month shakes to achieve that?

    It's all about nutrition. That's the point I am trying to make. Some of these shake products are touted like they're magical potions that have special properties above and beyond calories and nutrients.

    Just as when we're starting out with weightloss we are encouraged to cook our own food rather than buying prepackaged or restaurant food, I encourage you to make your own shakes using components like whey protein, fruit, milk, oats (after you've used up what you've already bought). This will give you fine-grained control over the nutritional value, avoid many additives, and save you lots of money,
  • SHutch06
    SHutch06 Posts: 14 Member
    It was $80 for two months, that's not very expensive for 60 breakfasts. Once again, I was just trying to get opinions from people who have tried them.