Talk to me about birth control ...



  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Thank you so much for taking the time top send such a detailed reply. I'm going to talk to my GP as I need to see him anyway about some other bits and bobs but if I don't get a satisfactory answer I'll certainly try my sexual health/family planning centre. :-)

    You're welcome! Hate to say it but sometimes you just have to make sure you don't take any c**p when trying to get your health sorted! I recently went on some new asthma medication that my GP practice nurse had read about - the GP had never heard of it and had made no effort to try to update my treatment to improve my health. Think the responses here show that contraception affects us all in different ways, but the consensus usually is that Depo does nothing for your waistline. The natural family planning info is really interesting but, OMG, the thought of abstaining or checking the calendar just wouldn't work for me! Some things in life should not be rationed!
  • RajwaJ
    RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
    I used Microgynon 30 for over two years. In that time my weight steadily increased until I had gained almost 3 stone. My nurse was concerned and suggested I go to Slimming World. I was eligible for a 12 week course with them for free because of my weight gain. Instead I just came off the pill. I lost 35lb in the first few months with hardly any change to my diet.

    After a year I decided to try something else so went back to my doctor. I asked him for a pill that would be less likely to make me gain weight. I was told that the pill doesn't make you gain weight but he suggested the Depo Jab. I was only on it for 3 months. It was awful as I actually bled the whole 3 months and had terrible side effects including weight gain (and this time I was logging on here and knew I was eating right). I actually believe that it was water weight though as I was horribly bloated and started holding water on my lower legs.

    Of course I didn't go back for my 2nd jab but instead I took a spare packet of Microgynon I had left to try and stop the bleeding that was still continuing even after the 12 weeks period of the jab had ended. I decided to continue with the pill and see if it was what made me gain weight or indeed if it was my own fault. Oh boy! My appetite was scary! It shot through the roof. I had been back on it less than a month when it stuck. I would get so hungry I would feel physically sick until I ate something.

    It seemed my only choice was to come off it totally or face piling the pounds back on. My friend suggested I visit the Local family planning clinic and speak to them as she didn't went to her doctor for birth control, only there. I made an appointment and saw a really helpful lady. I explained everything to her and how the pill affected me.

    She was shocked my doctor suggested Depo after I asked for less likely weight gain as its actually the only BC that is science proven to make some women gain weight. She also told me that its the progestogen that made my appetite increase.

    I went on to Femodene and have been on it for roughly 4 months. Happy to report I have had no side effects, no increase in appetite and I am now back on the road to a smaller me.

    However saying all this.... women are all different. What works for one, may not work for another. There are so many different types and generations of pill that there is a good percentage of a chance that there is one out there that will be right for you. I would also highly recommend going to Family Planning instead of your doctor (if not this time then next). They make a big big difference. I was told by my doctor that all pills where the same and if one didn't agree, none of them would. I beg to differ.

    Good luck. I hope you get something thats right for you.
  • Cmandy67
    Cmandy67 Posts: 108 Member
    I heard of one called "Seasonal" and you only get your period every 4 months.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    Loestrin Fe 24 here.

    I was put on it because I had terrible, long, bloody, painful (I passed out multiple times, and even inflicted self harm because it made the pain feel lessened) periods. I have been checked for ovarian cysts by ultrasound and they cannot find anything wrong with me other than I just have bad periods. I was refractory to all OTC pain meds before I was placed on this. Been on it for 4 years and counting.

    My periods are now so light that my heaviest pad is a "light days" and often I just wear black underwear. They have gone in length from 7-10 days to 3-4 days. I still have pain, but I am fully awake and able to move even on my worst days. I still have to stay sitting on the worst day with a heating pad, but I'll take that over screaming pain. I was able to lose 20 pounds on it, so clearly it didn't affect my weight loss anyway.:smile: No affect what so ever on my acne. :frown:

    Fair warning, my gyno flat out told me that the first three months are an adjustment period ON ANY BC PILL. She said that unless you had crazy problems (uncontrolled bleeding, clots or extreme depression/suicide attempts to name a few) you really should stay on the pill for 3 months before you decide if it works.

    Side note: One of my good friends went from happy, healthy and fine to depressed and attempted suicide in less than 2 weeks after the Depro shot. When she did not received the next shot, she returned to normal as if she had been possessed. I've heard similar stories on the neuvo ring from other friends. If you experience anything like that, CALL YOUR DOCTOR.
  • instructor03
    instructor03 Posts: 56 Member
    oh, glad you explained the calorie change. Good luck with your research and hope you find what works well for you.
  • concavity
    concavity Posts: 143 Member
    I went on Ortho Tri-cyclin lo for I think 3 months and gained at least 15 lbs, I switched to Generess Fe and was able to lose most of it except the last stubborn 5 lbs to get to where I was. I barely get a period only slight bleeding on the 3rd non hormone day (there are 4) and slight dripping for the next 2.
  • birth contorl can definitely affect weight. i have stopped taking all oral birth control because th pill and patch make me gain weight. i am not sure if it's just from retaining water or if i am eating more and not noticing, but with every different kind of birth control i've been on i've gained between 5 and 10 lbs.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    OK, so talked to the nurse today and she thinks the best thing for me is the Mirena. It is the same hormone as depo but a much lower dose so it should help me shed some weight and also shouldn't have any shiny new negative side effects as I'm already tolerating the drug at the moment.

    Going to have it fitted on Tuesday. Nervous but it really is tiny.

    thanks everyone.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    OK, so talked to the nurse today and she thinks the best thing for me is the Mirena. It is the same hormone as depo but a much lower dose so it should help me shed some weight and also shouldn't have any shiny new negative side effects as I'm already tolerating the drug at the moment.

    Going to have it fitted on Tuesday. Nervous but it really is tiny.

    thanks everyone.

    Take some ibuprofen about 30 minutes before you go in. It still won't be pleasant, but it did help a bit when I had mine done.
  • SMJ1987
    SMJ1987 Posts: 368
    Non-hormonal IUD. Best thing ever. Never going back.
  • I'm in love with taking Depo, but I stopped due to wanting to lose a lot of weight and it making this difficult. The doc and I talked about it and I'm now on Nuvaring. I use it one after another without a break so still no periods and it's worked great so far... put it in and forget about it until the next month.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Non-hormonal IUD. Best thing ever. Never going back.

    i wish i could but it makes periods heavier for most women and I get absolutely crippling period pains (read: vomiting, fainting etc)
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I'm in love with taking Depo, but I stopped due to wanting to lose a lot of weight and it making this difficult. The doc and I talked about it and I'm now on Nuvaring. I use it one after another without a break so still no periods and it's worked great so far... put it in and forget about it until the next month.

    this is another option I'm thinking about, will have another chat with the folk on tuesday. :-)
  • Anne124
    Anne124 Posts: 2
    I use the sympto thermal method of family planning and have used it successfully for 12 years now. Natural healthy and scientifically proven to be as effective as the oral contraceptive pill. ...and no weight gain! Learn with an accredited teacher though to make sure you are interpreting your charts properly.
  • ZoeyRobinson
    ZoeyRobinson Posts: 301
    I used depo provera 10 years ago and I gained about 15 pounds from that one shot. It also caused hot flashes and crankiness. How long have you been on it?
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    the only thing that didn't cause weight gain for me = vasectomy.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I'm on my 3rd Implanon implant and I love it, I was told (after being on the pill for 10/15 years) that I was at high risk of stroke from the pill, it gave me migraine! I eventually chose the implanon, my scars are pretty tiny and on the inside of my arm, there was a tiny bit of bruising and tenderness but it healed really quickly. I had mine done at a family planning clinc (as my GP has no one who can fit them) and they were lovely, really quick and pretty much pain free!
    No period for about 7 years!!
  • Riskay123
    Riskay123 Posts: 159 Member
    I have had an implant for about 12 months. I havn't noticed any weight gain that I couldn't put down to exess food and lack of exercise. The best part about the implant is I have not had a period for 11 months. I love it.
  • Birth control can increase appietite, but not make you gain weight.

    Although it can cause water retention it doesn't cause you to hold onto fat, avoid salty foods and drink more water.
  • SamanthaD23
    SamanthaD23 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks all

    Sadly I don't think a coil will be a good option for me, I have very painful periods which is why I went on the Depo in the first place and apparently coils can make all that worse.

    Wish I could just get sterilised really, but it isn't something doctors are willing to do for a woman who doesn't have children.

    I was going to say... I had IUD for a couple of years and the worst periods I've ever had in my life, just crippling. Don't do it :)

    Never had problems with weight gain on the pill, but I was young, poor and non-sedentary I suppose!

    These days I leave it to HIM. (when there is a HIM) :)

    Let us know what doc says.