Cheat days... naaa don't need them'



  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    I have had cheat days, but they usually turn into dayS, so I am pretty sure I'm done with them. I can't do it, because then I end up craving that crap for days on end and just end up ruining what I've worked so hard for. Not to say I won't have them every so often, but def not weekly anymore. It all depends on the person. Me, I can't do it, I just end up sabotaging myself!
  • meliann07
    meliann07 Posts: 24
    thats why I just have a cheat meal once a week I think a whole day is pretty extreme but a snack at the end of a hard weeks work isnt going to kill anyone, everything is ok in moderation

    Agreed! Nothing wrong with eating bad once in a while and everything is okay as long as you don't go overboard.
  • beauty2323
    beauty2323 Posts: 70 Member
    If I want those chips, that piece of cake then I eat it. I don't feel bad as long as I don't go over my calories.
    It's not a everyday thing but there's also not a particular day.
    I've lost 3lbs so far... slow progress but I'm still happy.

    Diets don't work!!
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    I don't do cheat days occasionally I have planned to go out and eat food that would definitely be considered cheating. On these days I know that i'm going to have a few beers or some wings with my buddies I will make sure to drink all the water I can and work out extra to counter the calories I plan to eat. I think "Cheat days" are just a crutch and we should not look at food as a reward, this habit has to be broken or else chances are that you will put all your weight on after you hit your goal and stop being so vigilant to lose weight.
  • Lynne120
    Lynne120 Posts: 74
    I've tried the "cheat day" thing. I just don't have the control yet to keep the "cheat" in check. Due to my diet choice (low carb) it takes me about 3 days to recover from a cheat day. Not worth it! I always feel crappy the next day too. I do however, feel holidays and special occasions will be when I take a break.... once I get my weight off. Let's face it, cheat days got me where I am, I've cheated enough!
  • jessimom
    jessimom Posts: 29
    I don't do cheat days, though I have occasional wth days :) ... I am trying to loose weight but I want this to be for good, so I don't stress if I give into a craving occasionally ... But like last weeks paid for it since I gained a pound. This is what helps me not do everyday as a wth day ;)
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I don't "cheat" because I don't put myself under rules and restrictions in the first place. I tend to eat what will cause me to lose weight, but I don't subscribe to any plan or program. If I want cake, I eat cake and don't consider it bad or cheating; that's a surefire way to start feeling guilty and bad about myself. It's only cheating if you're telling yourself you're not supposed to do it in the first place.

    I eats what I eats and that's all that I eats.

    Mostly smaller dinosaurs.
    I do love me some crispy microceratops.
  • monicasuze
    monicasuze Posts: 37
    If I want those chips, that piece of cake then I eat it. I don't feel bad as long as I don't go over my calories.
    It's not a everyday thing but there's also not a particular day.

    Diets don't work!!

    ^^ THIS!!
  • Fergie21
    Fergie21 Posts: 46 Member
    Even when i wasnt trying to eat healthy or lose weight i would have a 'treat' on a friday which was something like pizza. I now class Friday as my 'Cheat day'. I don't stuff myself all day, i have a pizza and some sweeties for tea and the rest of the day i eat how i normally would. I look foward to Fridays and it pushes me on when its Thursday and i really really wanna eat crap!
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I eat what I want. I don't see the point of being as strict as a drill sergeant on yourself.
  • I eat what I want. I don't see the point of being as strict as a drill sergeant on yourself.

    I did grow up with a Marine as a father so maybe that's why I'm very disciplined. Either way I'm happy and happy with my lifestyle choices :) thanks for all the views everyone have a pleasant rest of your day/night :)