Looking for friends !!!

Hi im from austin tx!!! looking for people who login everyday and can inspire! im at 210 lbs and looking to lose lose lose!!! please add me!!! and help me on my journey, i will help you too!! thanks so much =)


  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Hey...Welcome to this great site. Add me as a friend if you want. I'm nearing the end of a very long struggle with my weight. Started at 210 about 6 years ago. Last year I hit my target weight and then lost it during the winter. Am back on track and starting to get close to goal again. I know the struggles, the pitfalls, and the hard times... I can at least give you my experiences and support. Good luck and I really believe that if you never give up, you will ALWAYS reach your goal.... maybe not as fast as you wanted to ...but you will win!
  • Life is an adventure. I have been playing with my weight my entire life. I think that the Internet has all the answers of the Universe (except one). Hang in there pal, "you can do it".
    Going to start on my cardiovascular this week, (or so I have been telling myself for a month now). I have, however, been making it to gym on a daily basis. My work out with out the cardio is only 30 minutes. I can rally feel the difference.
    what is your target weight?
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    Feel free to add me. I started out at 210 a year ago - still have 15 lbs to go to reach goal. I'm here every day, have a small core group of friends to I can keep up to date with them and give support when needed.
  • jbjujitsu
    jbjujitsu Posts: 9
    Hey all, new to the site and would love to help out. You can ALL add me :)
  • natalie7015
    natalie7015 Posts: 55 Member
    It'll be a year tomorrow that I first looked at this sight. I have lost most of my weight but still have some to go, which over the last six months has been a realy struggle. I started out at 219 so I know you can do it if you want. I have two young kids and currently stay home with my children, Add me if you'd like!
  • lsdpeach
    lsdpeach Posts: 17
    Hi!! I'm from Texas too :D feel free to add me and we can encourage each other!
  • Hi I am new to the site also. I am looking for motivation :happy:
  • gthicks
    gthicks Posts: 6 Member
    Hey start off just by walking, changing your diet. I did weight watchers before I did this, and usually anything green, vegetables, are not worth any points. So eat up, as a rule you should have more vegetables on your plate than anything else. Your meat portion should be no bigger than the palm of your hand. If you love to dance, try Shawn T's Rocking Body work out, it is like you are not dancing at all.
  • 4sandrad
    4sandrad Posts: 283 Member
    I started at 207, so I understand how important it is for motivation and support. My glass is overflowing with it here!!! Please feel free to add me. I am here everyday! Good Luck!!