Bob Harper's Skinny Rules



  • stephmayne
    stephmayne Posts: 6 Member
  • sherylhs
    sherylhs Posts: 141 Member
    I purchased and read the book and enjoyed it. I also enjoyed Bob's Are you Ready, I found both to be motivating for me. You know, helping me find that motivated mindset.

    The approach I take with "diet" books is to find information, inspiration and motivation. I think most of us know what we should be doing. Do I follow ALL the rules? no. But I did find some recipes that work for me and I have gained a bit more understanding about how MY body works through some of the explanations.

    Personally I think we are all different and no one diet will work for everyone. So I try things and what seems to work for me, my lifestyle and my body sticks and what doesn’t or what seems crazy to me, gets put aside.
    The library idea is a great idea, especially if you are still on the fence.
    Good luck, hope this was helpful.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    I just bought it and am in the middle of reading it and I am hooked. It makes sense to me. My husband even "puts up" with me saying listen to this as I started reading passages out loud. I am hoping to finish it tonight and then put my plan in action and get shopping tomorrow.
  • Dippidy
    Dippidy Posts: 1
    I've been reading it too. I'm focusing on the first 5 rules today. I have to say, I feel like I'm swimming in water right now. lol. I'm excited about making this work and that is definitely a good thing. :)
  • lorim77
    lorim77 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm on day 3 of following the menu (somewhat.. not perfectly). I've dropped 3 lbs (probably water, but I'll take it) and I cooked like a crazy person last night so I would have my healthy meal options "ready to go". Plus, I feel really proud of myself every time I snack on an apple or blend a Greek yogurt and berry smoothie. (The smoothie isn't as sweet as I'm used to... but I'm getting used to it and it's actually starting to taste sweeter since I've cut out all refined sugar.. and only 3 days in!).
    If you're still debating- I really recommend it so far. Eating real food can't hurt. Period.
  • j_aldrich
    j_aldrich Posts: 1
    Love this book can not reccomend it highly enough
  • mbaugham
    mbaugham Posts: 70
    I have not read the book however, after reading everyone's comments I am going to go and get this book.
  • lollypop_ginger
    lollypop_ginger Posts: 69 Member
    I borrowed the book from my mum about a month ago and since then I've lost 16 pounds, before reading it I had pretty much plateaued (I lost 3 pounds in 2 months). The rules are really simple, I don't stick at them 100% but when I do I really notice a difference. Most of them I don't even have to think about any more. I'd really recommend it. Good luck!
  • KSea77
    KSea77 Posts: 119 Member
  • Gloria67648
    Gloria67648 Posts: 108 Member
    I read a thread on this last night and downloaded the book right away. I've had a rough month and found what I've read to be very motivating. I'm going to implement some rules immediately - water after waking and before meals and slowly ease into the others - no half and half with coffee! :smile: I'll do that when I run out of it.
  • Gloria67648
    Gloria67648 Posts: 108 Member
    After three days of water water water and no carbs after lunch I feel as bouncy as a tigger!
  • theauntieliz
    theauntieliz Posts: 2 Member
    I bought the book 2 days ago at B & N. (Went there to find a favorite children's book that is no longer sold and found the BH Skinny Rules CD) Listening to his CD, it is so motivating, had to go back and get the book for the recipes and food suggestions. I started working his plan yesterday. By lunchtime, I felt absolutely wonderful, impowered and full of energy. I am not a big breakfast eater, and so eating every 3 hours works great for me with quick results. Lost 6.8 pounds in just one day, which I know is water weight......but I know this is the plan for me. I am determined to lose this weight once and for all!!

    A lot of his rules I was aware of before, but he has it in such an easy to ready format.....very well written.

    Good luck to all of you! :smile:
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 970 Member
    I borrowed it from the library. There are too many rules. I'm starting out I want it clear cut and I don't want to have to refer to the book when plotting out my meals.
  • Undomesticated
    Undomesticated Posts: 14 Member
    Day 1. I am almost done reading the book. Just had my breakfast and I kept wanting to add stevia to it. Don't know what Bob's beef is with stevia, it does not impact blood sugar. I suppose it's to help control sugar cravings vs the blood sugar impact angle. Since he says he has a heart :) he will allow no more than two packs or I think teaspoons of sugar/stevia. I chose to put one pack in my coffee. Gotta print out the 20 rules and keep them handy on my fridge and at my desk at work.
    Anyone else staring this? Wanna be my buddy?
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I'm basically a Bob junkie, but when I got the book I didn't realize that he's no longer a vegan, so a lot of the recipes in the book include meat (I'm a vegan so obviously I was disappointed).

    Here are all the rules (I'm really boiling them down, so if you're curious about any of these I would recommend buying the book, because it is an encouraging read:

    1) Drink one large glass of water before every meal - no excuses!
    2) Don't drink your calories (basically, avoid lattes and sodas and juices because they pack a lot of calories)
    3) Eat protein at every meal (to keep you full)
    4) Slash intake of refined flour and replace it with whole grains
    5) Eat 30 to 50 grams of fiber a day to keep your digestive system moving
    6) Eat apples and berries every single day (for the nutrients and fiber)
    7) No carbs after lunch (because carbs are primarily for energy, so if you eat them for dinner and don't workout after dinner, they could compel your body to store fat).
    8) Learn to read food labels (this section was actually pretty educational)
    9) Stop guessing portion sizes (basically, read the portion sizes before you consume a whole bag of chips and find out it was 10 portions)
    10) No more added sweeteners (because it wets your palate for sweet-tasting foods. I've actually adhered by this rule and it has really helped to curb my cravings).
    11) Make one day a week meatless
    12) No white potatoes
    13) No fast food or fried food
    14) Eat a real breakfast (to jump start your metabolism)
    15) Eat at least 10 meals a week at home (basically, cook more)
    16) Banish high-salt foods
    17) Eat your vegetables!
    18) Go to bed hungry (stop eating about 3 hours before you go to bed, that way two hours into sleep your body will start burning fat stores)
    19) Make sure you sleep enough and that your sleep is quality, because it will really help you lose weight and give you energy for exercise.
    20) Plan one splurge meal a week where you can eat whatever you want and as much as you want, but only one meal.

    Hope that helped!
    Great post! I pretty much follow all of this except the no carbs after lunch. I have been working out in the evenings though. I can't imagine not having some vegetables with dinner and often a piece of fruit afterward.
  • Undomesticated
    Undomesticated Posts: 14 Member
    There is some confusion regarding the no carbs thing after lunch. If you look at his meal suggestions for dinner you will see that he has veggiesand good grains. Please read the book and look at the meal plans. He also explains that he doesn't rule out carbs, just the bad ones.
  • I like it, it works!! follow the rules and it works
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    i havent got the book, but had a skim on the net. What is the concept behind going to bed hungry in one of his rules?
  • Undomesticated
    Undomesticated Posts: 14 Member
    That you will burn stored energy in your sleep since there is no food in our bellies.
  • basket61
    basket61 Posts: 9 Member
    Fro some of you following his rules, I am too. The first 4, maybe 6 weeks went great. But now, I'm starving! Especially at night. I'm tracking everything here in terms of what I eat but I'm starting to binge on whatever I can touch at night. So I suspect I'm not taking in enough "good carbs" or veggies. I wanted to double check my understanding---can Iadd in any amount of the free veggies to my evening meal so I eat more?