Anyone else have an aversion to drinking water?



  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    I don't like drinking water either. I just keep a 32 oz bottle with me all day and I try to force myself to drink 2 of them. I do use Mio a lot also. It's just so much easier for me to get it down. I should use more lemon and lime. Good luck! I think a big thing is just getting in the right mindset. Being dehydrated can cause a myriad of problems. So even if it's hard, it's worth it.
  • samantha0176
    samantha0176 Posts: 67 Member
    i hate water, drinking it makes me gag...with my 3 pregnancies i could not look, think or talk about water without getting sick! thankfully juice and chocolate milk were ok...
    if only drink when i am working out!
    i have to have a talll glass of water, with some lemon and a straw set on my kitchen table to drink.and i keep on refilling it, if i do not i just forget and end up not drinking water all day...
    I know how important drinking is, my mom has looots of health issues due to lack of drinking water (among other things, no milk, fish, carrots..ect it is a long list)all her life...she has to take water pills now...
  • gaiareeves
    gaiareeves Posts: 292 Member
    I never used to be a water drinker, but I've found that if you make yourself drink something for a few weeks, the aversion to it goes away. It's the same with green tea - I used to HATE green tea, but I made myself drink a cup a day for a few weeks running, and now I love the stuff.
  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    I don't have a problem with water at all, but I use Mio sometimes, too. Fruit punch is my favorite!

    Oh, and water is best when it's ICE COLD!!!
  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    I personally love water, but if you can't stomach it I don't think jazzing it up a bit can really hurt it's quality. I would not recommend making it tea though...that does take away from the hydration as most teas contain caffeine which is a dehydrator. Maybe you should try infusing your water with different fruits. I saw some good recipies for infused water in the recipes forum earlier this week. If you are adding lemon or lime juice you can also try adding a Stevia packet to that mix. It's all natural and from a plant so it's not processed like Splenda or Equal.
  • l3rob
    l3rob Posts: 28 Member
    I have trouble with water too and have to force myself to partake. I keep a 16 ounce water bottle and refill it throughout the day. Adding lemon/lime helps me to be able to sip on it, otherwise I gulp it down in big doses. I too found that it has become easier the more I do it. Oh, another thing that I love is club soda with lime. I have researched it and find conflicting information on whether or not carbonated water is an adequate substitute for plain old water. I carbonate my own filtered water so there is no sodium and I don't count it as a replacement for water.
    (I'd still rather have a Crown and Diet Coke....)
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    I use MIO, just like you. Thank god for many different flavors. No matter how much we don't like to drink, including me, it is important to understand the importance of water during weight loss.(we are all here for the same reason, right?)

    We all know with weight loss, there will be excess skin. To some skin will shrink back. To others it will require surgery. Regardless, we have to help this organ and one of the things we can do is to hydrate our bodies to make it more flexible. Just my $0.02
  • 03mom2three
    at work I started with filing my glass with ice then 3/4 gass of water and plash of sprite then a plash of raspberry lemonade so it is like flavored water but the sprite gives it alittle kick very refreshing
  • jadedbutterfly71
    jadedbutterfly71 Posts: 83 Member
    Lots of ice and with a straw. I drink more when I use a straw. I'm guilty of Mio too. I should try switching to fresh fruit as flavoring. Diet Coke is my last aversion to give up. I gave up everything else! I need something bad in my life! LOL.

    I drink more water on ice and with a straw, also. Not sure why, but it works for me. I drink one Cherry Coke Zero,or Diet Dr. Pepper a day, and I drink iced tea...but I make myself water, tea, ice water, tea, etc. I use mio, sometimes,but if I do, that takes the place of my diet soda. Not saying my way is "the right way"...but it works for me :bigsmile:
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    I have trouble with water too and have to force myself to partake. I keep a 16 ounce water bottle and refill it throughout the day. Adding lemon/lime helps me to be able to sip on it, otherwise I gulp it down in big doses. I too found that it has become easier the more I do it. Oh, another thing that I love is club soda with lime. I have researched it and find conflicting information on whether or not carbonated water is an adequate substitute for plain old water. I carbonate my own filtered water so there is no sodium and I don't count it as a replacement for water.
    (I'd still rather have a Crown and Diet Coke....)

    I love carbonated water too, but with so much minerals in it, it MIGHT trigger a kidney stones. I limit it, but still drink it. Although I am with you. Just show me bottle of Crown and I am your friend :)
  • Darrell916
    Darrell916 Posts: 110 Member
    I don't like drinking water plain all the time, so what I have been doing to help with my water is going to Walmart and buying their Great Value drink mix that I add to my water and it helps me to consume more water. The drink mix does have 5 calories but there is no sugar or anything added to it.
  • mazasmusings
    mazasmusings Posts: 74 Member
    Yeah, I really have to force myself to drink water, largely because I can't stand having to constantly go to the bathroom. It really is a matter of making a conscious effort to make a point to drink enough. Usually anytime I get up from my desk at work to do something, I bring a water bottle with me and refill it at the water cooler.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    Non-caffeinated liquids. Period. Seriously, water doesn't lose its power to hydrate when you put a little Mio in it.

    I'd rather decrease my intake of artificial sweetners but I'm in the same boat as you. If there's a little flavoring in it, I'll drink buckets with no problem. If not, I'll lose interest and struggle to get in my minimum.

    Just stay well hydrated.

    DON'T USE MIO!!!
    As another suggestion, there are a lot of great fruit soaked in water combinations you could do to help with water flavoring. I've been doing a full lemon sliced and soaked in a Dollar Store pitcher of water. Lemon and water; can't go wrong.
  • KiwiKim25
    KiwiKim25 Posts: 61 Member
    I know a few other people have mentioned this already, but I'm adding my voice to it. ICE! I can barely gag down plain water. Add Ice and I'll drink it (not LOVE it. but not HATE it). Add ice and Crystal Light? I'll chug it.

    Good luck finding your water ugh-to-yum transformer. :)
  • sulci
    sulci Posts: 13 Member
    I agree with some previous posters, I have a hard time drinking warm or hot water, but if it's ice cold I loooooove it!
  • drateno
    drateno Posts: 12
    I have a pretty pitcher and matching cup on my desk. It helps me to think about it. I fill the pitcher every morning and watch how I am doing as the day progresses. I keep some very spicy snacks in my drawer if I am not drinking. That helps to get me restarted again.:smile:
  • Smcbay81
    Smcbay81 Posts: 2
    My brother asks for cucumber slices in his water when we go out to eat! At first I thought, "how gross," but then, after trying it, I found that it's actually really crisp and refreshing.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Yes! I hate water and only 'want' it for the same reasons you do.
    You get quite a bit of water in the food you eat. For instance, I add 1 cup of water to my oatmeal, milk has water in it, jello, fruits, veggies, etc. I typically drink the 'feared' diet generic cherry koolaid and have been since the 80's and it hasn't killed me yet. lol I make a 2 quart pitcher of it and just try to drink 8 oz with each meal, when I take a vitamin, have a snack, etc.
    Congrats on the weight loss! I too, have lost nearly 40lbs without guzzling gallons of water.
    It's easy to tell if you're drinking enough, or not. Just make sure your pee is light yellow or clear. :)
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Awesome job on your weight loss!!

    Funny thing I have found with drinking water, is , the more dehydrated I am, the less inclined I am to want water...don't know why. I don't mean just an occasional dehydration, but if my dehydrated state goes on for some days. So I am suggesting that possibly you are chronically dehydrated, and your thirst mechanism is off.

    So my suggestion would be to actually make it a point to drink water for a couple of keep a cup on a piece of paper and make a tally mark for each cup you drink...get more hydrated and see if your thirst mechanism normalizes.

    Let me know if this works for does for me:) MinMin
  • Pheonix2012
    Pheonix2012 Posts: 61 Member
    I used to never drink water EVER. Hated it too. But started making myself drink it. Now I am up to 8 glasses a day, sometimes 10, and truly crave it if I don't have it. Its made me cut out sodas completely because when I drink it, it takes far to sweet now.
    Just try and force yourself. You and your body will thank youself for it later! :drinker: