How did you start to run?



  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    after my first child was born, I wanted to get back in shape. And, boy did i! i was living in Hawaii. Perfect place to begin running.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    C25K :)
  • bjbex
    bjbex Posts: 24
    I really want to start jogging but every time I try I'm in so much pain with back and boobs that I tend not to do it again :ohwell:
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    I know lots of people have done well with the C25K programme. I don't own an ipod/smartphone etc so I just decided I wanted to run as it was free and the best cardio I could get in the shortest time:love: Then I just did it.

    I started off aiming for 5 mins a day - I could barely make it round my block (approx 200yrd!!!) but I did it each day and gradually increased the time/distance until I reached my goal of 30 mins non stop running. Now I am trying to speed up from slow shuffle to loping run, so increasing the distance again a little bit each week.

    Lots of people say you should do walk/run intervals, and they're probably right, but I found that the moment I started walking I couldn't get motivated to run again, so I just ran using the unscientific method of setting myself a goal each week and refusing to ever do less than I did the week before.....
  • akrnrunner
    akrnrunner Posts: 117 Member
    I did a lot of walking and could feel it that I was ready to start jogging but I would get frustrated and sell myself short and really didn't have a clue about where to start. I downloaded to 5k app on my phone and it's easy (to follow!). You just do it! I just finished week 6 yesterday. I was running the same route I used to back when I was struggling to jog and I cannot believe the difference in my endurance! It's truly been fantastic and I feel so accomplished after each run! First 5k on July 4th!
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    I started as a blob on the couch....

    Then I started walking because I was sick of being a blob on the couch...

    Then started power walking.....

    Then started to add a little jog mixed in with my walks (which at this point you can call running because you are a runner no matter how fast/slow you are)....

    Then started couch to 5k (at this point I was pretty much shuffling lol)....

    Then started really running (interval training, hills, long distances etc)....

    I got Plantars Fasciitis and the dr made me stop running for a couple of months....but

    Now I'm running again :-) (and started C25k again...this time I'm adding some speed to it)

    You can do it too!!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I just walked the distance I wanted to run. I started with a mile. Then I ran, walked, ran until I could run the whole mile. Once I had the mile down, I started to increase the distance. It took me a year to run a 5K. I was walking one long before!
  • deeannhill
    deeannhill Posts: 85 Member
    I was preparing for a mission trip to Haiti last year. One of the other members of the mission team and I signed up for a 5K as motivation to get our rear-ends ready for the week of physical labor. I ran on my own & she did C25K. I'm still running and miss it when I don't! My advice, get a good pair of shoes & just get outside and do it!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    C25K is great but if you're already running/jogging as far as you can and then walking, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I found doing a program was a bit too restrictive for me, I'd rather just go out and do the best I can. Eventually you'll be able to run farther and once you've run a decent distance (whatever your goal, say 1 mile or 5k) then you can start working on your speed.

    My #1 recommendation is to go out and get properly fitted for good running shoes. They can cost but think of it as an investment. You spend the money now on good shoes or spend it later on PT bills...

    Also, I saw your other post on hip pain and I can tell you after doing my own research, this is a pretty common issue for runners. It tends to start in your lower back/upper glutes where there tends to be a weakness. Make sure you're doing good all over core and butt exercises to help with stabilization. Bridges (pelvic thrust), supermans, hip extensions, abductor/adductor, sumo squats, etc.
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    I spontaneously bought a treadmill and started run/walk intervals until I could run for about a half hour straight... and I just never stopped.

    The treadmill was brand new and $215 dollars, originally $1,300. I couldn't pass it up! And I'm glad I didn't because I am in the best shape of my life!!
  • joleciamichelle
    joleciamichelle Posts: 139 Member
    1 minute at a time. once i was comfortable with that, i took fewer and fewer walking breaks and before i knew it, i could get on the treadmill and run for 30 minutes straight, which is quite a feat for someone who is over 200lbs
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    i started MFP last november and gym as well, i started walking and biking for cardio but then i started jogging on the tredmill and i couldnt jog for that long but i was so fat, now that i lost some weight and doing it more often i run as much as i can. i try to run as much as i can for 5k at the gym but i still have to walk some. i also have done a couple 5k outside the gyms and its so much fun. never thought i would be a runner after always being the fat kid in HS but since last november things have changed.
  • I want to run. I really, really want to run a 5k.

    So, I went to the track a couple of nights ago, and just started running. When I can't anymore, I walk til I've caught my breath, and repeat. It feels AMAZING.
  • janineryan15
    janineryan15 Posts: 1 Member
    Does anyone know an iphone app for tracking your distance/route/time?
  • Sassy922
    Sassy922 Posts: 399 Member
    I started running because my legs are too short to walk. I have to run to keep up with people with long legs. :)
    No, seriously, walking bores the begeezus out of me, and I don't feel like I've gotten a good work out unless I'm drenched in sweat from head to toe. And walking doesn't cut it.

    I started with the C25K, and just ran my first half marathon in May.
  • Sassy922
    Sassy922 Posts: 399 Member
    Does anyone know an iphone app for tracking your distance/route/time?

    MapMyRun is an awesome tool
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I still love to walk, but when I was real fat, running was out of the question.
    After losing 30 lbs, I started walk-running.
    And I'd take it mailbox to mailbox, then I started running non-stop and would mart that point. Next run I'd make myself go to one more streetlight. Eventually, I was up to a whole half mile - non-stop.
    And then a mile, then 2,then 3 and on and on.
    It's nothing for me to go our and jog 4 miles - easy.
    Start slow and have fun - GOOD LUCK!
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    I wish I'd known about couch to 5K when I started. I was so out of shape I started by running 30 seconds and then having to walk for 3-4 minutes. I did this until I completed about 1 mile. The next week (I was only going 1x a week, didn't know better) I would try for 45 second runs, then a minute, then 1:30, etc. It took me forever but one day I ran 10 minutes nonstop. Then I did a mile nonstop, then my first 5K race. After that I stumbled on PodRunner podcasts. They have an 8k program and a 10k program so I did the 10k.

    Now, half marathons are my favorite race distance and I'm training for my first triathlon. To think it all started with 30 second jogs! :) Just increase slowly to avoid injury and try to get out and run 3x a week. You'll see amazing progress.
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    C25K!! on my last week now and I''m officially head over heels in love with running :love:
  • babyshme
    babyshme Posts: 310 Member
    How did you all get passed the shin pain and splints? I am not joking. I can run a total of 3 minutes before the pain is so bad I am in tears. I have tired every thing from new shoes, to the way I run or don't run.