i need help!! i cant stop eating!!!



  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Diets = Temporary.

    Lifestyle Change = Permanent.

    There's so many threads on this site that will give you tons of help, info, recipes, advice and motivation, just look around. You can enjoy the things you love, in moderation, without making you give them up cold turkey. You can find more filling foods, snacks and plans to be able to let you eat 6 times a day and still lose weight, and recipes to fill you up and leave you rubbing your tummy with happiness without making you guilty.
  • wantstolooseweight
    wantstolooseweight Posts: 166 Member
    Its hard, Its damn hard.... You need to try to find a different way of dealing with the stress when i want to go in the fridge now because I'm sad or emotional or stressed I make sure I go to the gym first (even if its only for half an hour). Have healthy options in so if you have to eat you can only eat something healthy. Make a list of alternate things to do and stick it to the fridge and work your way through it before you actually open the fridge.... 1. go for a walk, 2. Drink a bottle of water, 3. have a long indulgent bath/shower 4. watch a TV programme/read a chapter of a book but one that wont stir your emotions back up one that completely takes you out of yourself and has no connections with your own reality

    Take baby steps, focus on one thing at a time... Look at whats making you stressed and change it... its hard but from someone who has just walked out of her job from stress I feel so much better. It takes time, and you need to try to take baby steps to put it right.

    I hate to be blunt but the only person who is responsible for your feelings is yourself.... so the only person who can change it is you. Focus on yourself, be a little selfish if you have to be, work out what makes you happier and more relaxed and you will get there!
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member

    :heart: If hunger isn't the problem, then food isn't the solution. :heart:

    ^that is great!! I love it
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member

    If we want something bad enough, we will find reasons. If not, we will find excuses.

    This is awesome. And so very true. I have tried dieting so many times...and one day I realized I had to change my habits for life not just temporarily. For me its all mental and until I had my mind made up, I was just starting and failing over and over again.
  • betteringmyselfeachday
    Step one- What causes your emotions that lead to binge eating? Part of losing weight and this journey, is to re-train your brain. opt for water, and make yourself wait 20 minutes, if you still want it then have some, ie: small piece of cake not the whole thing. Next time you attempt to opt for food think of these things:
    *What I eat in private, I wear in public!!
    *Fat lasts a lot longer than the taste!
    *Stop rewarding yourself with food, you are NOT A DOG!
    Step two-Create a list of why you are doing this? There must be a reason that will literally make your food do a u-turn in your mouth!!
    Step three- Do a weight loss simulator image, shows you at your current weight and at your goal weight.
    Step four- make small steps to better yourself each day. IE: today I will log all food; then I will log all my food and stay under calories; then I will log all my food, stay under calories, & walk 10 minutes, etc.
    step five-continue to use MFP, both to count calories, for support, and for advice. It will become your best friend.

    once you begin seeing the scale go down, it will be a motivator in itself.

    I have been in the same boat, where I attempt to try every fad diet and quit shortly after. One of these times you will reach a point where you will be so determined,so ready to make a difference. I promise you will get to that point.

    Feel free to add me if you need some accountability and support!: )

    best of luck to you!
  • angieface123
    I'm a stress eater as well :/ i gained 15lbs since I decided to go back to school. Start off by adding in exercise into your day, find a class at the gym, go hiking, bike riding, anything to keep you active. try not to eat any carbs at night, it will be stored at fat. eat all your carbs in the morning so you can burn it off throughout the day. and most important.. when you go out to eat with friends or whoever, automatically but half of your food in a to-go box. this will just train you for portion control. eat slowly and you'll get full more quickly. hope this helps!
  • bhankiii
    bhankiii Posts: 217 Member
    When I started this latest attempt at dieting last New Years, I did one simple thing. I quit eating sugar. None. At all. I went through the pantry and threw out everything that listed sugar, or corn syrup, or cane juice, or dextrose, or sucrose, or fructose, including my sugar bowl. My food cravings went away at once. I also noticed that everything tasted incredibly good.

    It's been over 6 months and I've lost over 40 pounds of my 70 pound goal, with no relapses and no binging. Later I made a couple more adjustments. I gave up eating anything with preservatives in it. Which means I cook a lot more now. I gave up adding salt to anything I cook and try to limit my sodium to < 500mg. Finally, I started fasting two days a week (Tuesdays and Wednesdays). That sounds extreme, but it turns out that fasting for a couple of days each week has great benefits for your body, and your brain (you can look it up). And, unlike trying to starve yourself constantly, your body doesn't adapt to fasting. Fasting means < 500 calories a day, so for me that's coffee and an apple or two, or a few bites of yogurt.

    But, if I have to recommend one thing only, GIVE UP THE SUGAR. I've always failed at diets because of the food cravings. And when I gave up sugar the cravings were gone the very next day. One weekend a month I'm in a family situation where I have to eat "normally". The cravings return instantly with the sugar, and leave again instantly when I return to my normal eating.

    Good luck!!!
  • denetta24
    denetta24 Posts: 12 Member
    i've gone through so much in a year and a half that i ate and gained over 40 lbs. i'm overwhelmed, frustrated, and sad. i am so aware that food is my comfort now, but i've just learned that this week. now, i'm trying to learn how to undo this. i need to lose weight due to my BP issues and not wanting to hear from my doctor again. also, in this past year, my 13 year old daughter has been diagnosed as morbidly obese. i know it's because she learned this behavior from me. i've gotta do it for myself and her, i just gotta know when, and how to start. i don't have much support on this journey, and i need it so badly. my husband is thin, and my 15 year old son is a very muscular football player. i'm wanting to be one of those success stories of someone who loses over 100+ pounds. also, patience is not my virtue. like i said, this is something i've just learned and i'm working on it.


    Denetta :smile:
  • denetta24
    denetta24 Posts: 12 Member
    your post was so motivating. i needed to see that.

    thank you
