logging bad days



  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    Yes I do. And I've found out the bad aren't as bad as I thought they were, which made me believe I didn't compltely f* up everything.

    I told a friend that I completely f*ed up without f*ing up :)
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    'ghost log' a meal to see if it will blow me over on any of my nutrients I am tracking. That has righted this ship more than once! :P

    Ghost loggin' the ghost log the ghost log. *wiki wiki wiki*
  • I LOG EVERYTHING!!! :) EVERY SINGLE BITE!! I literally log everything, even if it means guessing how much I ate. One it holds you more accountable! If you don't log you are only hurting yourself.. The point of counting calories is to make yourself aware of what you are eating.

    we all have bad days. We all have a guilty pleasure. Just keep your head up, and try to do better the rest of the day, the rest of the week, etc.

    Can add if you need more support.
  • HannahDiaz25
    HannahDiaz25 Posts: 104
    up till last night I would say I always log...but last night I ate fish and chips at a resteraunt (YUMMMMMM) and I could not find any nutritional info anywhere...I just didnt log it. But usually I try to log everything. It does make me want to try harder when I log my fails. Although I dont consider everytime I eat a little over calories or splurge on some deep fried yumminess a fail. I try to eat consistently healthy and allow for some "junk" food because I want my diet to last and if i dont give myself some leeway i'm gonna just give up. I am slowly gaining muscle and loosing fat so I guess thats whats important in the long run.:glasses:
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    I log everything! A lot of times I pre-log stuff just to get an idea of what my day looks like and ESPECIALLY if I am going out to eat.

    It keeps me in check and most of the time I don't do all that bad but even when I do - I own it.
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    I haven't in the past and have been unsuccessful in the past.

    This time, I am - I've hit day 15 (my longest span ever). The last couple of days, it has been BAD! And I have kept logging!

    When I COMPLETE my journal, and it says in 5 WEEKS, I will be 3 lbs HEAVIER - It helps me keep my eye on the prize!

    This...all of the above!

    Better days tomorrow for both of us!
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    Holds me accountable but it sucks. Reminds me to do better tomorrow and not to give up which i have done so many times after a bad day allowing bad days to turn into bad weeks and then having to start over again, which i am going now!
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I log everything!! Logging the bad days helps me look back over time..and see patterns...you are cheating yourself if you don't log EVERYTHING!!
  • terri0527
    terri0527 Posts: 678 Member
    If it goes past the lips, it goes in the log! Even if I ate a whole box of Krispy Kreme donuts :love: omg...I drool at the thought...but for me, it keeps me on track. Log, log, log :bigsmile:
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    Until the past few weeks, I would log every single thing. Now I will leave the odd day blank if it was really bad. We are going through some rl situations that keep life pretty hectic. So if I have a day where I am gone form 7 til 7 and the only chance I had to eat was at Mcdonalds while driving to the hospital, I don't punish myself for it. I just leave it be and try again the next day.

    However, once life regains some sense of normalcy I will definitely go back to logging every sip of milkshake and bite of cookie, even on the worst days!
  • lauralind5
    lauralind5 Posts: 133 Member
    I will ghost log before eating something if I dont already know the calorie count etc. I have also prelogged my dinner when I knew where I was going and what I was going to order, so I could keep my calories in check before that meal.
  • mama2shi
    mama2shi Posts: 300 Member
    I log everything...good, bad and ugly. And trust me, there have been some U-G-L-Y days!! Keeps me honest and also makes me realize that a bad day (or weekend) is not going to ruin all my progress and set me back a year. I pick up and move on :)
  • vndonates
    vndonates Posts: 22
    I'm always brutally honest with myself in my diary. The fact that everyone can see what a piggy I am on any certain days kind of makes me cringe but it definitely keeps me on my toes.
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    I also log it all, even when I have 2 ritz crackers or something more destructive like half a pepperoni pizza and a couple Sam Adams beers. :sad:

    It helps me immensely.
  • Princess_Sameen
    Princess_Sameen Posts: 284 Member
    I log mine then when I say oh cant believe the scales didn't move..... I know why! or the times I think mmm cheat meal I can see when my last one was! lol
    To be healthy you should be honest .....so logging to me is good
  • Ke1ra78
    Ke1ra78 Posts: 146 Member
    If I eat it I log it!! I'll tell ya what though...knowing people can "see" my bad days I definitely think twice about what I put in my mouth!! :) So it actually helps! :)

    ^^ this! I opened my diary when i realised my bad days were becoming more frequent. Now i think do i want everyone to know i ate that before i do!
  • 2moonNback
    2moonNback Posts: 61 Member
    I log EVERYTHING! The good, the bad and the ugly! I try not to beat myself up but I HAVE TO hold myself accountable for my actions!
  • Manderator
    Manderator Posts: 28 Member
    I always try and log unless I can't remember exactly what I ate. That happens sometimes with me being a single parent of 3. But I think it's important for me so that when I don't make the progress I want I can go back and see why.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    My nutritionist once suggested that I'd be better off ONLY logging the bad days. Those are the days that I can learn from the most. I know what a good day looks like, but to log a bad day including how I was feeling and what was happening that day is much more helpful for the big picture.
  • dena789
    dena789 Posts: 165 Member
    I had ice cream last night and a cookie today and I logged it... I don't even feel bad about it either!

    I had ice cream yesterday too but I was still under my daily calories. Ice cream is not a ''BAD'' food. It's just a higher calorie, higher fat choice.

    I track everything I eat, no matter if it will put me way over for the day. If you can`t be honest with yourself, what is the point? Besides, if you have just one day going way over, check out the weekly reports. You may be able to get yourself back on track easily by just adjusting the next few days.