Looking for those who lost weight once, gained some back

newhabit Posts: 426 Member
I am looking for some friends who may have been through similar struggles as I have. Feel free to add me if you feel this fits for you. I was very excited about MFP when i first started back in August of 2011, was on here full force, did great and lost some weight. then I was so close to goal weight but for some reason started sliding backwards again. I want to do this right this time and I want to get this weight off for good! I am still very active despite gaining back some weight. I run, do high intensity interval training and try to be as fit as possible. The main thing I need to work on is my diet because it is pretty horrible! I do ok with breakfast and lunch but dinner tends to be out of control. Working on that! Any tips are appreciated.


  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
  • monteblk
    monteblk Posts: 7
    Hi! I am in a similar situation, been gaining and loosing weight and gaining back over the last several years. And REALLY want to just loose and maintain. Would love the support!
  • VictoriaSadler
    VictoriaSadler Posts: 13 Member
    I could not relate to this any more really...after leaving secondary school, I went from eleven stone to nine stone, but then by then suddenly shot back up to ten stone. Managed to lose a lot of it again but still trying, and then attempting to learn how to maintain it. Mind if i add you?
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I could not relate to this any more really...after leaving secondary school, I went from eleven stone to nine stone, but then by then suddenly shot back up to ten stone. Managed to lose a lot of it again but still trying, and then attempting to learn how to maintain it. Mind if i add you?

    absolutely you can add me!
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I've been on a rollercoaster ride for a good 3 years now! Everytime I get to my goal weight it is like I shut down and think its okay to eat more and workout less!! Not this time!! You are more than welcomed to add me! I've been anywhere from 195lbs to 125lbs. :)
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I've been on a rollercoaster ride for a good 3 years now! Everytime I get to my goal weight it is like I shut down and think its okay to eat more and workout less!! Not this time!! You are more than welcomed to add me! I've been anywhere from 195lbs to 125lbs. :)

    that is exactly what happened to me this time. although i still kept up the exercise i felt like i could eat whatever and it's definitely true that you can eat through any type of exercise!
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    I'm already your friend but I have done the same thing in the past. hit goal and let all logic go out the window. ate what I wanted, didn't work out as much. it all came back and then some this time so...here I am again
  • I'm a total Yo-Yo, All or Nothing girl I'm afraid. I'm trying to get it shifted once and for all this time though...feel free to add me if you want, I need all the help I can get too !!!!!
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Back in 2009 I started working out and went from 236 down to 183 in about 15 months. Only about a month after I hit 183 life happened and I started gaining the weight back. I told myself it was just temporary every time I saw the scale go up another pound. Next thing I knew I was tipping the scale back at 226.2, just 10 lbs away from where I started. Coming into this year (around late October 2011) I decided to get back into a local CrossFit and start working out. Until January 2012, when we started a "Whole 30 Challenge" I was eating whatever I wanted and wasn't going anywhere with my weight. To date, I back am 187 lbs, 15.7% body fat, and going strong. It is hard to stay in the right mind set if you don't have a good support group behind you. Physical fitness and diet are a must to keep the weight off. All I can say for sure is I'm never going back and am happy to support anyone who wants to stay in peak shape!
  • kkjose
    kkjose Posts: 2 Member

    I have been on that lose/gain train for most of my life! I was overweight by the time I was in 6 th grade and was seeing a dietician by the time I was in 7th grade! I have been on so many "diets" during my lifetime that I can hardly remember them all. Just recently over the past two years or so, some things have started to "click" for me...maybe these ideas will help you too :)

    First of all..it's a mindset..there is no such thing as a "diet" for me! It's a " lifestyle change"..you have to make up your mind that this is how your life is going to be and then set it into motion. I decided to focus on "health", not appearance..and that has really helped! Get rid of your "triggers"..stock your fridge/pantry with options that are healthy. But I don't believe that you can deprive yourself either or you end up binging. So..if I want a "treat" I plan for it. I LOOOVE ice cream..so if I really want ice cream..I plan for it and make sure I plan my calorie intake for the day around that. I also have a family with two children so I have to be realistic with meals/food choices. I want them to have healthy choices for their meals..but are there cookies in the house? You betcha!

    I have also struggled with the next part..to keep a food journal or not? Sometimes keeping track of what I eat seems to make me focus way to much on food all day long..how much have I eaten..how much more can I eat? That's a tough one. One way I have found to get around that is to plan my day..I have my meals/snacks set for the day and I know what I can eat for the day.

    Also..it's all about quantity. One of my biggest fears when "dieting" was feeling hungry..I don't have that fear anymore. I have found several "foods" that are low in calories that you can basically eat large quantities of...just knowing that has been helpful.

    It is a struggle at night for me as well. I am busy at my job during the day and sometimes don't get a "lunch" break so have to grab an apple/string cheese whatever...and then by supper..oh my am I hungry! I know better than that! I really do believe in the saying.."Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and supper like a pauper"! It has taken awhile..but eventually you can get used to it..and I absolutely love breakfast..favorite and biggest meal of the day!

    I still struggle with the urge to munch when I am anxious or bored..I have to stop and ask myself (with my hand in the bag of veggie chips !ha!)..are you really hungry...or just bored/anxious..whatever...I still have times when I munch too much..but we are all human and it happens. I have learned to get over it and start over..

    It's hard..very hard..but I think that there is no "perfect diet" for everyone..you have to find what works for you. It's simple math..calories in versus calories burned..but it does make a difference in where your calories come from.

    Hope this is helpful for you..and good luck..you can do it :)
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member

    2 years ago I lost 60 pounds and was only 15 pounds from my goal weight. I felt awesome, i was exercising, I looked GOOD!

    Then... I (fill in whatever excuse you'd like here)... and gained it ALL back.

    So, now I'm back again. Ready to kick some @$$!
  • vampire_cakes
    vampire_cakes Posts: 38 Member
    000oooh add me <3 I've yoyo'd three times in my life. I've gone from my heaviest 160lbs to 115lbs before in my youth it CAN happen. I am now somewhere in the 145 range but I'm 25 yrs old now its a lot harder to get to my goal - 120lbs. :( keep on going gf
  • piesbd
    piesbd Posts: 196 Member
    Totally with you....

    I started at 217lbs (okay, maybe a bit more), and through WW got down to 146lbs. Then I slacked up...... I got all the way to 178, and now am going back down. I am at 168 right now.

    When I was 146, I was training for a century and a tri, then I slacked off (I missed my family!) but didn't stop eating like i was training still. I finally got serious again when my Doctor told me in May that my cholesterol had gone up and wanted to put me on meds. (I am only 38) So, I decided to get serious again....


    Oh, and please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • billmac
    billmac Posts: 51 Member
    One of my biggest fears when "dieting" was feeling hungry

    I have this one still as a result of a childhood in which I was generally hungry. It's a hard one to kick. At meal times we had to scoff as much food as possible as quickly as possible. We did get hungry later.
    Now I try to remember to tell myself not to worry as I can have more food any time if I want to. I don't always remember and it probably needs to go into some daily ritual so that it sticks in my head.

    A danger I find is that when you are losing weight you seem to have 'momentum' When you drop the exercise a bit and/or eat more cals, at first, you don't seem to gain weight. So you think you have turned some sort of corner and you can eat more without gaining. Inexorably, soon enough, it starts and then it is hard to reverse.
  • billmac
    billmac Posts: 51 Member
    Oh also! One of the problems with a lot of dieting is that you get less ' taste' It gets boring. Someone else referred to this in a slightly different way in regard to treats and it is very relevant. One of the problems in modern society is we all tend to shop at these large supermarkets. The priority for the supermarket is that the fruit and veg LOOKS good. This is very difficult for ripe fruit that is to be transported 1000's K's (miles). So generally the fruit is picked before it is ripened. The ripened look is gained through artificial ripening. So we end up with fruit and veg that has no taste. I think this is a major reason we go searching amongst the sweet high calorie stuff trying to get some 'taste'

    So I think it would be very helpful to try to find some local source of tasty fruit and veg.

    As to treats I also LOVE ice cream. Now when I have some I make sure it is the best quality i can find and I absolutely indulge myself in the flavour and texture etc. I make sure I really enjoy it big time.
  • freshhealthystart
    freshhealthystart Posts: 1 Member
    Last year i started to lose weight. i lost 20 lbs but then idk i lost motivation and had no support started gaining and not only did i gain the 20lbs i had lost i gain another 20 so 40 total but this time i have MFP to help and the support of my friends on here
  • JudyL5305
    JudyL5305 Posts: 196 Member
    Feel free for anyone to add me. I feel like I am the queen of this topic. I have gained and lost so many times over the course 10 years. I have lost up to 70 pounds and gained 45 back. The least was lost 30 gained 20 back. Part of it is discouragement, part of it is support, and part of it is stupidity! I have a huge thyroid problem which doesn't help me at all and is also part of the problem. But I am determined now that's it. I have a year and a month until my 40th and I am so determined to be my healthiest.
  • That's where I am right now! I am 215 lbs and want to get down to 145 (in the next 6 months)! I grew up veggie and had my first bacon cheese burger when I go pregnant and it was all over from there.. ugh.. How long did it take you to loose all of your weight?
  • itsme_timd
    itsme_timd Posts: 59
    I'm 6'3", male, and currently weigh 419 (down from 465). When I was younger I was big, then in my early-20's lost a lot of weight. I got down to 240 and still had a bit of excess weight but my height and large frame carried it pretty well. I've been up and down again and again through the years.

    I really feel this time I'm going to stick with it. Rather than being on a diet I'm simply working hard to permanently change bad habits. Mainly eating a healthy diet. One of my biggest keys this time is that I don't force myself to do without something I really want. If I want some pizza or wings I have them, but I also try to keep the rest of the day healthy and kick up my workout a bit.

    Before, when I went on a "diet", I'd crave something and force myself not to have it. After a while of doing that I'd crack and binge, then get pissed at myself and say screw it. What I'm doing now is much more sustainable for me long term.

    You can do it, good luck!
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    Oh also! One of the problems with a lot of dieting is that you get less ' taste' It gets boring. Someone else referred to this in a slightly different way in regard to treats and it is very relevant. One of the problems in modern society is we all tend to shop at these large supermarkets. The priority for the supermarket is that the fruit and veg LOOKS good. This is very difficult for ripe fruit that is to be transported 1000's K's (miles). So generally the fruit is picked before it is ripened. The ripened look is gained through artificial ripening. So we end up with fruit and veg that has no taste. I think this is a major reason we go searching amongst the sweet high calorie stuff trying to get some 'taste'

    So I think it would be very helpful to try to find some local source of tasty fruit and veg.

    As to treats I also LOVE ice cream. Now when I have some I make sure it is the best quality i can find and I absolutely indulge myself in the flavour and texture etc. I make sure I really enjoy it big time.

    This is totally random but on a vacation to Mexico they served fresh fruit for breakfast in the morning and I had never tasted papayas or mangos so good....and then there was the guacamole...lets just say my mouth was in heaven!! :)