Anyone goal 105 or less?

Hello people! Im a 22 year old female 5'1-ish started out at 125 goal weight of 105. Anyone with similar goals? Doing it the HEALTHY way? If so add me and send me positive motivation please :) I could use some mfp friends trying to lose weight the healthy way with similar goals.
Thanks x


  • GitaPitaaa
    GitaPitaaa Posts: 8 Member
    Same goals! Started at about 125 about 4 years ago. I've since got down to about 110 and I'm looking to lose about 5 pounds more. 5'1" too :) I just graduated college. Finding it hard to get motivated to exercise again. I just want to relax! Fortunately, I've been keeping up with my food goals. Lol we're already MFP friends, but I'm glad I know more about your story!
  • debz12
    debz12 Posts: 3
    i'm around 125-130 looking to loose 15-20 pounds.
  • Lynxie83
    Lynxie83 Posts: 246
    Under 105kgs sure! :laugh:
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    i'm also 5'1" and currently maintaining at 105 lbs. add me if you like! i try to eat healthy, but i'm a little addicted to carbs at the moment.. haha

    ETA: i forgot to mention, i'm 25 :)
  • 33Peaches33
    33Peaches33 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5ft 1.5inches. Currently at 117lbs. I'm trying to get back down to 105ish, but with more tone and muscle than i had before. I used to 105lb skinny fat...