Support for losing weight & getting pregnant!!



  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    Hi, Good luck to everyone here. Anyone can add me too.

    Here's my short story. I need to lose a lot of weight. 10 Pounds down, 90 to go. With that being said, we aren't waiting till I reach my goal weight. My partner and I can't concieve naturally, (two women, doesn't quite work.) So we are going to a fertility clinic. Depending on timing would be in the next few months. So hoping to lose as much as possible, healthily, before trying to get pregnant. There is also the possibility the doctor may say I need to lose x many pounds before he will even try.
  • AngelaOa
    AngelaOa Posts: 7
    Thanks everyone!! It is nice to know we aren't in this alone. I will give you a little bit more of my back story. 9 months into TTC (last June) we acutally got pregnant, but I lost the baby at 8 weeks. Had a D&C a week later, and had to stop trying for a month. But now it has been 8 months since then. Husband has been tested and he is fine. About a month ago I got an HSG and found out my right tube was blocked and slightly swollen. My doctor (who is the greatest!) has high hopes that I will get pregnant in the next couple months, so of course my hopes are high again (which isn't always a good thing!) He never told me that I need to lose weight, I am sort of doing this for me, and trying to focus on something else since all my time, energy and thoughs are going into this pregnancy thing. I take my temp every morning and take ovulation tests. I was even thinking about acupuncture (has anybody tried this?). Most people say you just need to stop trying, which we have done and hasn't worked. I wish all of you the best of luck on your pregnancy journey! I am very opened about my experiences and would love to help any of you!
  • Temple_Fit
    Temple_Fit Posts: 299 Member
    I think it is totally AWESOME and UNSELFISH of you to want to lose weight to become pregnant. Good luck to each one of you and I know you will be excellent mothers. You all deserve the mother of the year award.
  • AngelaOa
    AngelaOa Posts: 7
    Good luck - I know how frustrating it is. I can give you a success story....

    More than 5 years ago, DH and I were TTC without luck. I decided to start losing weight (did WW and started the C25K program) and lost 30lbs. After 9 months of TTC we got pregnant and have a great little boy.

    We haven't been successful with #2, but that's another story. Keep at your weight loss. It's a nice thing to focus your energy on with positive results.

    Thanks for the success story!
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    Thanks everyone!! It is nice to know we aren't in this alone. I will give you a little bit more of my back story. 9 months into TTC (last June) we acutally got pregnant, but I lost the baby at 8 weeks. Had a D&C a week later, and had to stop trying for a month. But now it has been 8 months since then. Husband has been tested and he is fine. About a month ago I got an HSG and found out my right tube was blocked and slightly swollen. My doctor (who is the greatest!) has high hopes that I will get pregnant in the next couple months, so of course my hopes are high again (which isn't always a good thing!) He never told me that I need to lose weight, I am sort of doing this for me, and trying to focus on something else since all my time, energy and thoughs are going into this pregnancy thing. I take my temp every morning and take ovulation tests. I was even thinking about acupuncture (has anybody tried this?). Most people say you just need to stop trying, which we have done and hasn't worked. I wish all of you the best of luck on your pregnancy journey! I am very opened about my experiences and would love to help any of you!

    I haven't tried accupunture, but when I'm TTC I will. I know an accupunturis that specializes in fertility. I have faith in accupunture, as that was one of the tools my dad used to quit smoking after 50 years. I HATE needles and practically faint when having to get blood work done. My friend brough out an accupuncure needle and did one on me. I didn't feel it at all. So that took the nerves off from going.
  • justdazed
    justdazed Posts: 57 Member
    I think it is totally AWESOME and UNSELFISH of you to want to lose weight to become pregnant. Good luck to each one of you and I know you will be excellent mothers. You all deserve the mother of the year award.

    Thank you for the kind words :)
  • AngelaOa
    AngelaOa Posts: 7
    Thanks everyone!! It is nice to know we aren't in this alone. I will give you a little bit more of my back story. 9 months into TTC (last June) we acutally got pregnant, but I lost the baby at 8 weeks. Had a D&C a week later, and had to stop trying for a month. But now it has been 8 months since then. Husband has been tested and he is fine. About a month ago I got an HSG and found out my right tube was blocked and slightly swollen. My doctor (who is the greatest!) has high hopes that I will get pregnant in the next couple months, so of course my hopes are high again (which isn't always a good thing!) He never told me that I need to lose weight, I am sort of doing this for me, and trying to focus on something else since all my time, energy and thoughs are going into this pregnancy thing. I take my temp every morning and take ovulation tests. I was even thinking about acupuncture (has anybody tried this?). Most people say you just need to stop trying, which we have done and hasn't worked. I wish all of you the best of luck on your pregnancy journey! I am very opened about my experiences and would love to help any of you!

    I haven't tried accupunture, but when I'm TTC I will. I know an accupunturis that specializes in fertility. I have faith in accupunture, as that was one of the tools my dad used to quit smoking after 50 years. I HATE needles and practically faint when having to get blood work done. My friend brough out an accupuncure needle and did one on me. I didn't feel it at all. So that took the nerves off from going.

    That is why I am unsure I should try it, I hate needles too! And having a bunch stuck in me at one time sort of freaks me out :noway: Please let me know how it goes! Would love to hear your experience! Thanks!!
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    Thanks everyone!! It is nice to know we aren't in this alone. I will give you a little bit more of my back story. 9 months into TTC (last June) we acutally got pregnant, but I lost the baby at 8 weeks. Had a D&C a week later, and had to stop trying for a month. But now it has been 8 months since then. Husband has been tested and he is fine. About a month ago I got an HSG and found out my right tube was blocked and slightly swollen. My doctor (who is the greatest!) has high hopes that I will get pregnant in the next couple months, so of course my hopes are high again (which isn't always a good thing!) He never told me that I need to lose weight, I am sort of doing this for me, and trying to focus on something else since all my time, energy and thoughs are going into this pregnancy thing. I take my temp every morning and take ovulation tests. I was even thinking about acupuncture (has anybody tried this?). Most people say you just need to stop trying, which we have done and hasn't worked. I wish all of you the best of luck on your pregnancy journey! I am very opened about my experiences and would love to help any of you!

    I haven't tried accupunture, but when I'm TTC I will. I know an accupunturis that specializes in fertility. I have faith in accupunture, as that was one of the tools my dad used to quit smoking after 50 years. I HATE needles and practically faint when having to get blood work done. My friend brough out an accupuncure needle and did one on me. I didn't feel it at all. So that took the nerves off from going.

    That is why I am unsure I should try it, I hate needles too! And having a bunch stuck in me at one time sort of freaks me out :noway: Please let me know how it goes! Would love to hear your experience! Thanks!!

    Thanks for adding me. I will let you know how it goes, and if it works.
  • lindsay0515
    lindsay0515 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm with you! 30 yrs. old and TTC #2 - going on 8 months now! Definitely frustrating the second time around so I'm focusing my energy on losing some leftover baby weight and gaining muscle. I'm doing acupuncture as well. Just started fertility acupuncture last month, but I've been going for over a year now and I LOVE IT! I've had the needles everywhere - even between my eyes and on the top of my head! The needles don't hurt, unless you find an "active" point and then it just pinches briefly. Fingers crossed that the acupuncture will work on the fertility as well as it did on my pain management when I hurt my back last year!
  • AngelaOa
    AngelaOa Posts: 7
    I'm with you! 30 yrs. old and TTC #2 - going on 8 months now! Definitely frustrating the second time around so I'm focusing my energy on losing some leftover baby weight and gaining muscle. I'm doing acupuncture as well. Just started fertility acupuncture last month, but I've been going for over a year now and I LOVE IT! I've had the needles everywhere - even between my eyes and on the top of my head! The needles don't hurt, unless you find an "active" point and then it just pinches briefly. Fingers crossed that the acupuncture will work on the fertility as well as it did on my pain management when I hurt my back last year!

    Please let me know if it works! I have just started going to a chiropractor this past month, since I have lower back problems. I was so tense in my lower back that he even mentioned how getting cracked and loosened up might help me get pregnant. They have a acupuncturest there as well and I was thinking of doing that next. Thanks!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I completely understand how you feel. My husband and I tried for 2 full years before we got pregnant. In the meantime, I lost 40+ lbs, and I'm convinced that the weight loss really helped in this department, as is my doctor.

    Furthermore, my bloodwork is perfectly healthy now, which was not the case before, making it not only possible to get pregnant but possible to stay healthy during my pregnancy which is just as important.

    My advice to all of you trying is to just keep trying, but focus on your overall fitness and health more than the weight loss. If you eat well and take care of your body, you will drop weight. Set some fitness goals and make sure you eat enough but not too much. Focus on getting good quality food in you. Learn how to take care of yourself then worry about getting that baby there.
  • lisahale
    lisahale Posts: 56
    My husband and I have been trying for 2 years too! My doctor wanted me to come back and do a few things to help, but we didn't I feel like when its right it will come. Have both of you been checked out by a doctor? I have been on BC for a very long time and have talked to others and it just depends on the person , some of my friends tried for 5 years and some right after getting off BC got prego. I
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    My husband and I have been trying for 2 years too! My doctor wanted me to come back and do a few things to help, but we didn't I feel like when its right it will come. Have both of you been checked out by a doctor? I have been on BC for a very long time and have talked to others and it just depends on the person , some of my friends tried for 5 years and some right after getting off BC got prego. I

    BC is funny isn't it. I haven't been on in years, so that's not something I'm worrying about. My friend, last year when calculating when she wanted to get preggo, she calculated if I stop BC now, then use rubbers for x many weeks, then try, I should know by father's day, if I get preggo right away. Sure enough, she did a test Father's day last year, and was preggers. Some people have it lucky. Would like to note though, she eats very healthy, and has a good body to start. Baby came early though and showed up on Groundhog day, instead of spring. Baby is great though.

    Other friends, off BC and tried for a long time.
  • browneyesbb89
    browneyesbb89 Posts: 141 Member
    I am not trying to conceive yet. I would like to loose some weight first. Which I tell people and don't like talking about anymore because they don't understand why. And they look at you like well then loose the weight. NEWS FLASH PEEPS, IT AIN'T THAT EASY!!! Sorry for the bad grammer but thats how I feel. This post totally caught my eye. Glad to see I am not the only one who wants to shed some pounds before taking on pregnancy.
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    There is also the look, "Why lose the weight to put it back on again while pregnant." They don't understand the reason, we want to be healthy before getting pregnant to have a healthy baby, and a healthy me.
  • njhotsauce79
    Hi, I'm 33 and also want to get in shape before getting pregnant again. I know some people wonder why, but to me is because I let myself go after my first pregnancy and this time around, I want to stay healthy throughout and after the delivery to lose the baby weight right away, not 3 years later... My son will be 3 in August, I am at 135/136 and before I had him, I was 131 and back then I wanted to lose 10 lbs. This time I want to be 120 when I get pregnant. We want to start trying by the end of this year and get pregnant hopefully by the beginning of next year, so my goal is to be at my GW by November.

    Last time I stayed healthy and active through month 6 or 7, and then I started eating junk and gained a lot of weight really really quick!!
  • njhotsauce79
  • njhotsauce79
    There is also the look, "Why lose the weight to put it back on again while pregnant." They don't understand the reason, we want to be healthy before getting pregnant to have a healthy baby, and a healthy me.

  • Xenastrah
    Xenastrah Posts: 36
    I'm also losing weight to get IVF at the moment. I have another 104lbs to go until my goal weight, we have been trying for nearly 6 years now. Feel free to add me as a friend, if it is one thing i can understand it is the frustration of infertility. :o)
  • norelmsuarez
    norelmsuarez Posts: 12 Member
    I have tried the HCG diet and have only lost 5 lbs
    Salad and veggies make me lose wgt but sticking to just that is the hard part
    My parents are 232 and 190
    MY husband is at 218 and I'm at 217
    my profile pic I'm 145 in 2008 (I want to get inspired to look like that again), my wedding pic I'm 180 in 2010, my other pic is recent
    short term goal - feb 20, 2014 - 199
    long term goal - feb 20, 2015 (my 5 yr anniversary) - way below 180 w/o mirena and ttc for our 1st baby!