Getting wisdom teeth pulled): help?



  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    youll get some decent drugs out of it.
    glass of wine and a perc. nighty night.
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    youll get some decent drugs out of it.
    glass of wine and a perc. nighty night.

    See?!?! That's what I'm talking about!!!
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm also needle phobic, and when I had mine out I punched the nurse in the nose because she kept insisting that she had to put the needle in and I kept telling her there was no way in hell that she was putting it in.

    Ask for some laughing gas first, and then have them put the needle in when you are almost out... thats what they did with me and it was much better.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Done correctly it isn't bad at all. I got one when I had my wisdoms out 20 years ago.
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    Do you have to be knocked out? I had all four of my wisdom teeth, all of which were impacted, pulled fully conscious and without nitrous. It's not that bad. Would the shots in your mouth bother you more, even if you don't really see the needle?

    actually probably not if they didn't tell me what they were doing.

    Surgeons usually put a topical numbing agent in your mouth before putting the needle in, you feel a slight prick but then the anaesthetic kicks in fairly quickly. I was terrified of the needles but after the first one it was fine. Just let them know you are terrified of it and they will give you something. Also, getting them out via local usually saves you about a grand, at least in Australia, not sure where you are.
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    I'm also needle phobic, and when I had mine out I punched the nurse in the nose because she kept insisting that she had to put the needle in and I kept telling her there was no way in hell that she was putting it in.

    Ask for some laughing gas first, and then have them put the needle in when you are almost out... thats what they did with me and it was much better.

    Yeah if you punched me in the nose for doing my job I would probably punch you back. Were you not aware you had to have a needle? Even if you are needle phobic there is no need for violence. I have had patients who kick up the biggest fuss over needles, crying and carrying on like a pork chop, but no violence. Suck it up, it isnt that bad. Look up and breathe calmly, and it's over before you know it.
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member

    You could always get them out via local anaesthetic like I did, was much better :)

    Not necessarily. I couldn't. My nerves in my lower jaw are messed up and I've never been able to be numbed with a local. I have fillings in all of my lower molars, and I felt the drilling with every single one.

    That sucks :frown: Did they not keep giving you needles until you were numb? Or try a stronger one?
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member

    You could always get them out via local anaesthetic like I did, was much better :)

    Not necessarily. I couldn't. My nerves in my lower jaw are messed up and I've never been able to be numbed with a local. I have fillings in all of my lower molars, and I felt the drilling with every single one.

    That sucks :frown: Did they not keep giving you needles until you were numb? Or try a stronger one?

    Nose gas and repeated needles every time. It made it so I didn't have to scream, but it still hurt like hell.
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member

    You could always get them out via local anaesthetic like I did, was much better :)

    Not necessarily. I couldn't. My nerves in my lower jaw are messed up and I've never been able to be numbed with a local. I have fillings in all of my lower molars, and I felt the drilling with every single one.

    That sucks :frown: Did they not keep giving you needles until you were numb? Or try a stronger one?

    Nose gas and repeated needles every time. It made it so I didn't have to scream, but it still hurt like hell.

    Man, that blows!! I feel so sorry for you!! I would find a dentist with the gas or something so you dont have to rely on needles!!
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    The drugs are the best part of the ordeal!!! Just sit back, relax, and get doped up

    LOL this gave me a good laugh.
  • sfoster3171982
    sfoster3171982 Posts: 76 Member
    When i got my drugs that is truly the last thing I remember is them putting that needle in my hand. You'll be fine
  • akgrown4
    akgrown4 Posts: 28 Member
    I also don't like needles of any kind, but when I had to go get my wisdom teeth (had to be done over two separate appointments, only doing two at the time, and people were shocked to hear that I didn't do any of the drugs other than the gas, because I'm breastfeeding. I got through it the same way I got through my kids being born (which again was unmedicated) just by knowing their is an end in sight, just kept telling myself that. You'll do fine.
  • mta410
    mta410 Posts: 6 Member
    I've had all my wisdom teeth pulled when I was a senior in high school. It actually didn't take that long! Recovery time was only a few days. Only thing I didn't like was that I wasn't able to eat my favorite foods during that time. On a good note, I lost a good few pounds!
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    I had all 4 of mine pulled out at once. I remember them putting a mask on my nose and then what felt like a minute later I was waking up all groggy and the surgery was done. I was in pain for a few days, but they give you drugs for that. It's not that bad.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member

    You could always get them out via local anaesthetic like I did, was much better :)

    Not necessarily. I couldn't. My nerves in my lower jaw are messed up and I've never been able to be numbed with a local. I have fillings in all of my lower molars, and I felt the drilling with every single one.

    That sucks :frown: Did they not keep giving you needles until you were numb? Or try a stronger one?

    Nose gas and repeated needles every time. It made it so I didn't have to scream, but it still hurt like hell.

    Man, that blows!! I feel so sorry for you!! I would find a dentist with the gas or something so you dont have to rely on needles!!

    He had the gas, so I couldn't feel any of the rest of me, but I still felt that drill. We just had a signal. If it got too much and I needed a break, I'd wave my hand and he'd wait a minute.

    But that's why, when I needed my wisdom teeth cut out, there was no option but general anaesthesia. There's no way I could have made it through that if they'd just tried to give me a local.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm also needle phobic, and when I had mine out I punched the nurse in the nose because she kept insisting that she had to put the needle in and I kept telling her there was no way in hell that she was putting it in.

    Ask for some laughing gas first, and then have them put the needle in when you are almost out... thats what they did with me and it was much better.

    Yeah if you punched me in the nose for doing my job I would probably punch you back. Were you not aware you had to have a needle? Even if you are needle phobic there is no need for violence. I have had patients who kick up the biggest fuss over needles, crying and carrying on like a pork chop, but no violence. Suck it up, it isnt that bad. Look up and breathe calmly, and it's over before you know it.

    I'm assuming your not needle phobic because if you were, you would realize that yes, it that bad for some people.

    She also wasn't doing her job.. when I had my consultation there was no discussion of being knocked out by having an IV put in my arm. So when I am sitting there crying and screaming for her to get away from me, she should have stopped.. but no she kept going and kept trying to strap my arm down to stick the needle in, so I hit her... If you are not going to listen to me when I am telling you to stop and get away from me, I reserve every right to do what I have to... plus she wasn't even injured.. just very angry.
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    I'm also needle phobic, and when I had mine out I punched the nurse in the nose because she kept insisting that she had to put the needle in and I kept telling her there was no way in hell that she was putting it in.

    Ask for some laughing gas first, and then have them put the needle in when you are almost out... thats what they did with me and it was much better.

    Yeah if you punched me in the nose for doing my job I would probably punch you back. Were you not aware you had to have a needle? Even if you are needle phobic there is no need for violence. I have had patients who kick up the biggest fuss over needles, crying and carrying on like a pork chop, but no violence. Suck it up, it isnt that bad. Look up and breathe calmly, and it's over before you know it.

    I'm assuming your not needle phobic because if you were, you would realize that yes, it that bad for some people.

    She also wasn't doing her job.. when I had my consultation there was no discussion of being knocked out by having an IV put in my arm. So when I am sitting there crying and screaming for her to get away from me, she should have stopped.. but no she kept going and kept trying to strap my arm down to stick the needle in, so I hit her... If you are not going to listen to me when I am telling you to stop and get away from me, I reserve every right to do what I have to... plus she wasn't even injured.. just very angry.

    I can handle needles, the first time they were in my mouth I was terrified, hence why I was given Valium to take beforehand. Yeah the nurse should have stopped but is that really a reason to punch her? Why not just get out of the chair and scream at her and get the dentist in to sort it out? It is common knowledge that when you get your wisdom teeth out there is at least one needle involved, so I really dont understand why you were surprised. Maybe I am wrong in assuming that everyone knows that, because I am a dental assistant, but no one has ever been shocked at having to have a needle. They may not like it, and kick up a fuss, but they're never like "oh, a needle? No one ever mentioned that so I will just punch you in your face". Not cool, whatever your reeasoning is.

    And you have to remember, we get quite a few hysterical patients who hate needles, and the quicker you can get the needle in, the better. We get told to just let them freak out, then do the needle, because it has to be done. Unless you would rather go all natural and have no anaesthetic at all.
  • I got mine pulled when i was 16, it was bad afterward.. but it was because i had a bunk dentist. I HATE HATE HATE needles too but it honestly wasn't that bad, just do your best to relax and once it's over and you get the gas or whatever they give you to knock you out you will LOVE life for the minute you are still awake! You'll be fine!!!!
  • ambitious01
    ambitious01 Posts: 209 Member
    Unfortunately, I have had too many surgeries. I don't watch when needles are inserted. Stay away from straws and sucking motions to prevent dry sockets. I lost 5 pounds after getting mine removed. Why don't you let them know while you're waiting that your overly anxious? lalalalalalala:smile: