30 Day Shredders - Is it ENOUGH?

I started 30 day shred about 3 weeks ago. I do it 5-6 days per week, BUT most of the time since it is summer, and I'm not taking classes, I pretty much sit around the house when I'm not doing that or taking care of my son. I haven't lost any weight, even though I've been pretty strict with my diet.

Has anyone had success with ONLY doing 30DS, but being mostly sedentary otherwise? Do I need to add something else?


  • sarah692
    sarah692 Posts: 136 Member
  • hippietofugirl
    Anyone ????
  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    Today is day 21 for me (level 3, day 1) for 30DS. I've done it every day. As of today, I've lost 3 lbs in 20 days and a bunch of inches. It's the only exercise I do.

    I guess it depends on how you're measuring success? Exercise programs (esp when you first start) will typically not cooperate with the scale, so I think doing measurements is really important.
  • hippietofugirl
    I did take measurements, but I've only lost about 1/2 in. since I started (if that). I'm not overly concerned about the scale because I have built a lot of muscle on my thighs because of all those lunges, so I'm okay with gaining in muscle, but I was totally out of shape when I started and am just now moving on to level 2 so I wonder if that's why my progress is so slow
  • Victoire2012
    Victoire2012 Posts: 45 Member
    I am on day 3 of level 2, I have lost 6 inches so far. I wanted to do cardio 3 times a week in addition to it but it required that I eat more calories a day and I am already struggling to eat all of my calories (believe me I do not have an eating disorder, it's just hard to figure out how to eat healthy and meet my calorie goal and I am not going to eat a bunch of crap just to hit my calorie goal).

    So in answer to your question, yes...you can be successful just doing 30DS. I have read so many forums on this program and almost everyone says that they do not lose a ton of weight but they lose major inches and transform their bodies. (I do not weigh myself because I do not want to get discouraged in any way).

    Be sure and take your measurements and pictures. That is how you will measure your succes on the Shred...not on the scale.

    Just my 2 cents
  • hippietofugirl
    Thanks, yeah I did take measurements and like I said, I've lost maybe 1/2 an inch of my waist but everything else is staying the same and my thighs have actually gotten a lot bigger, so my pants are definitely feeling snugger. Not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing.
  • sarah692
    sarah692 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm in the exact same boat as you. 6 days a week, 3rd day of level 2 and no progress really. I'm not expecting miracles but I was hoping to lose 3-4 inches by the end of it and halfway through I have nothing to show...
  • hippietofugirl
    Yeah, I'm thinking I should probably add a little cardio or something? Especially since I sit around all day. This is really frustrating!!! I want to have rock hard abs already! lol Maybe it just doesn't work for some people. I don't have that much weight to lose right now, but I'm sure if someone who had 100 lbs to lose tried it, the weight and inches would fall off.
  • sarah692
    sarah692 Posts: 136 Member
    Yeah, I've done it before and had no results but I figured that was because my diet was worse then. It's disheartening to do it again and once again have no results, but I'm gonna try to remain positive until I'm actually done with the whole thing lol. I'm also considering extra cardio, probably a HIIT workout on the rest days (I do 3 days of 30DS, then 1 rest day, and repeat.)
  • Destonia
    Destonia Posts: 1
    I'm only going by pictures and not to be creepy but awhile back you posted a couple of pictures on FB that I thought you looked really skinny in. Like almost too skinny. But I have noticed that the pictures you've posted in the last couple of days, you look like you have more of a figure. Which is one of things I think you wanted the 30DayShred to do. If you feel like cardio would help you, give more energy, make you feel better, etc., then do it.. Or maybe just get out of the apartment more.. But I figure running around after Forest and keeping an impeccable apartment is more of a workout than you give yourself credit for :o)