Working out before breakfast? Working out twice a day?



    JCWANNABE Posts: 15 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't stomach food before cardio. The main reason I was working out in the afternoon (other than that is when my son naps) is that I need to have a couple hours under my belt after eating to not get sick when I work out. Right now I'm just doing cardio on my elliptical. I want to work into weight lifting in a month or so when I have the cash to get a home gym.

    I'm hoping that working out before exercising will make me burn even more calories out of my abundance of fat stores that I am trying so desperately to deplete. I was a bit worried about the "how healthy is it" aspect though. What use is losing weight if you are not doing it in a healthy way, right?
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Personally I prefer to run on an empty stomach and probably log about 30km per week running before breakfast (if you've been eating sensibly you have ample glycogen stores for a pre-breakfast run as long as you're not planning on a marathon) and some recent studied have suggested that it may be beneficial from a weight loss perspective (when you look at the underlying data the real difference is minuscule).

    For my longer Sunday runs I'll always eat something and then wait a couple of hours before heading out the door.

    Another thing to keep in mind when determining your exercise intensity is that staying in the so-called "fat burning" will yield poorer results that aiming for the cardio or training zone.While it's true you burn a higher proportion of calories from fat at the lower intensity the bottom line is that you burn a lot fewer calories overall (and you're still burning calories from fat).
  • ZiezieO
    ZiezieO Posts: 228 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't stomach food before cardio. The main reason I was working out in the afternoon (other than that is when my son naps) is that I need to have a couple hours under my belt after eating to not get sick when I work out. Right now I'm just doing cardio on my elliptical. I want to work into weight lifting in a month or so when I have the cash to get a home gym.

    I was debating an in home gym, you'll have to let me know if you find somewhere that has something reasonable... until then I'll have to keep using whatever is laying around.
  • laylalynn
    laylalynn Posts: 2 Member
    How was working out twice a day been going for you? I am going to start te 30 min in the morning/30 min after work routine tomorrow and curious how it has worked out for you.

    I seem to feel better and lose more weight when I do cardio in the morning - but my work schedule doesnt give me too much time in the morning....but I figure 30 min is better than nothing!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i work out much better on an empty stomach. always have, even when i played rugby.

    i do split workouts of days i do sprints and weights (3 days a week) because it's pretty much impossible to put my all into both and do them during the same workout
  • hatethegame
    hatethegame Posts: 267 Member
    Nothing wrong with a morning workout. If that works for your schedule do it! It's nice to get it done first thing.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Does anybody have any input on benefits or anything on working out before breakfast? Has anybody had any experience on how working out before or after breakfast has affected their weight loss?

    As others have said it really depends on your body. Personally I much prefer to run on an empty stomach. So on running days I'm up and out the door before 5am. Breakfast is once I get back, 10k later. If I ever have to do an evening run I inevitably feel like throwing up (even though I wouldn't have eaten for a few hours before) but that's just how my body handles things.

    Honestly (and this goes for your question about multiple workouts too) what will most affect your weight loss is how sustainable what you choose is for you to do. For me a big reason for exercising before breakfast is also that the quicker I exercise the less time I have to dream up excuses why I should skip it. That more than offsets the 4:30am wakeup calls.

    Personally I split my workouts because there's no time to do it all in the morning and the pool isn't open then anyway. I don't think that there's any real benefit as compared to doing it all together (which I sometimes do on a weekend if I have time).
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    I workout twice a day on the weekends (or TWO exercise sessions back to back). It's brutal, but worth it.
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    I can't speak on working out twice a day, however, I do workout before breakfast. I lost 30lbs nearly 3 years ago doing all my workouts in the morning. Now I do my workout about 30-45 minutes after I wake up. If I waited until the afternoon or night, I probably wouldn't have the energy to do them, honestly. And I never eat before working out. I do Insanity and there is WAY too much jumping around for me for me to eat beforehand. I'd like to think its better to do early morning, empty stomach workouts but really I'm not sure that its a big deal or will be significantly different. Obviously there are people who do night workouts and/or eating then working out that have had no problems losing weight. So I think its just a personal preference.
  • MrsNolf
    MrsNolf Posts: 38 Member
    I've been doing 2 a days for the last couple weeks and according to my fitbit, I've been burning way more calories. I usually do 30 day shred before breakfast, eat a green smoothie and then go do my cardio afterwards. It's working for me =)
  • flywithabowtie
    flywithabowtie Posts: 71 Member
    I like to do my cardio workouts in the morning prior to breakfast, have a protein shake after my cardio then eat some oatmeal & fruit a couple hrs later. Then if my schedule works out, I try to throw in a strength workout after work.
  • AmazingTech
    Im never up early enough to work out before breakfast lol, not a morning person, but I do tend to do something like a run around 10 ish and then in the afternoon I do some more exercise like ride my horses so not doing two gym type sessions or two runs but I am exercising twice a day
  • NikinCilla
    NikinCilla Posts: 129 Member
    I havent been up here long - I workout in the morning 6am on an empty stomach siping on water during workout. Breakfast after. Works for me!

    Only working out once a day at the moment but hoping to pick up walking too in the evenings......Best of Luck to you :)
  • brit_ks_89
    brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member

    sometimes i work out 2x a day!
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I say if you can do it, fine. I can't, I have to eat breakfast and have my coffee. I wait almost an hour before I work out though. I usually eat dinner at 6pm and that is the last of the food I have for the day. I am just not a night eater. I like to sleep on an empty stomach, I sleep better and wake up feeling better. By the time I get up and get weighed, 13-14 hours have passed since I have eaten, so I need some fuel, if I am going to do a hard workout. Besides, the coffee gives me an energy boost. I have a home gym, so I work out 2-3 times a day. I have 4 cardio machines, so I usually take a break in between machines. The weights, I have a break in between upper and lower body. In February when I first started to lose weight, I weighed 165, now I weigh 143, so I have lost 22lbs in 2 months and 1 week and I am old with slow metabolism. Though it is getting better.
  • kelly_lake
    kelly_lake Posts: 25 Member
    I work out first thing in the morning, before 7am although a bit later at weekends. It's the only time I can fit it in, as once the family wakes up and the breakfast/schoolrun/work/home/dinner/bath/bed/COLLAPSE routine of the day begins there's no hope!

    So I work out early, then have either a bowl of porridge (made with almond milk) with berries and honey, or natural yoghurt with berries and handful of granola. On the rare occasions when I have eaten first, I have felt very sluggish and found the workout much harder going. I don't know about what's more effective in terms of weight loss, I just know it's what works for me.

    With regards to working out twice a day, it's an occasional thing for me, and I've only ever added a second workout in when I've felt really energised and like I WANT to do more. There's no point overworking yourself and wearing yourself out. In the long run it's just going to be counterproductive.
  • walton004
    It is good to work out in the morning specially if you not yet eat.In Finland country many people are going to run and some are going into gym at and the benefits of it is really something awesome because you can really reach your goal if you continue doing it.
  • wendalyse
    wendalyse Posts: 58 Member
    Hi JC. I joined a gym 8 years ago and have been going to 6am classes about 4 times a week ever since. It works best for me because there are no excuses. When the alarm goes off, I hit snooze once and then I throw on my clothes and drive to the gym. The key for me is to have everything ready the night before. Everything. That means my gym clothes have to be out, my bag with my cosmetics and work clothes has to be packed, as does my breakfast, lunch and snacks . I work out on an empty stomach because if I have anything in it I might puke from the exertion. (spin classes) There have been times though when I have felt nauseous because I need to eat, and if that happens I have a bit of my smoothie that I take with me, or part of a banana. As far as working out twice a day, well, there are other things to do in life.If something comes up like going for a walk or a bike ride, or going dancing or whatever, I'll do that, but otherwise, why go back to the gym. I'd get sick of it and besides, I don't really want to have another shower and have to do my makeup all over again. Really though, find out what works best for you. One thing I can tell you is that I never get up joyfully to go to the gym. 5:30 feels way too early every single morning, so it comes down to self discipline. But it gets better as soon as you're out of bed and I love that when I get there I see the same other crazy morning people I've come to know over the years. And, I feel great all day.
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I walk to work and back each day ( 25 mins each way, bit of hills and incline involved) . I have gotten up and done a short fitnessblender workout, felt ok but i hate mornings lol. I rather w/o after work. Walk the dogs then do some other FB workout, a hiit one usually.
  • PrittyPiton
    PrittyPiton Posts: 25 Member
    I mainly don't eat anything about hour before workout, because then it's easier and healthier to exercise. I also don't eat anything hour after workout - you know - then your body continues to burn fat. That's why I often eat breakfast at work.