Arm Size

Hi Guys,

I am a 24 year old woman. Im kinda small(5 feet 110 pounds), but whatever I eat goes to my arms and cheeks. My arms are quite big.
I was wondering, what should be the arm size of women typically? I know that it would look ugly if I try to flaunt my arms in a sleeveless dress.


  • shachic
    shachic Posts: 10
    Hi Guys,

    I am a 24 year old woman. Im kinda small(5 feet 110 pounds), but whatever I eat goes to my arms and cheeks. My arms are quite big.
    I was wondering, what should be the arm size of women typically? I know that it would look ugly if I try to flaunt my arms in a sleeveless dress.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    oh hon it varies and I'm sure you think you look worse than it I have 11.5 inches around my biceps and I do weights....I'm not LOVING my arms and honestly I sometimes feel self conscious when I catch a look at myself in a mirror from the side...but they are relatively normal I guess....I'm only 5'2" and have an athletic build....I'm not where even close I think I'd look horrible at that weight the lowest I got was 122 and I was fitting into a girls size 12 was icky! so like what I'm trying to say is everyone's body is

    There area a lot of moves you can do to tone your arms and give them a sleeker look though....I hope this helps a bit! and I'm sure you look great! we always strive though dont' we LOL

  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    lol I am 4'10, 172 lbs and I now have those arms that never stop waving. You know what, who cares, if you can wear shirts comfortably then it doesn't matter size arm you have.