Looking for those who lost weight once, gained some back



  • piesbd
    piesbd Posts: 196 Member
    That's where I am right now! I am 215 lbs and want to get down to 145 (in the next 6 months)! I grew up veggie and had my first bacon cheese burger when I go pregnant and it was all over from there.. ugh.. How long did it take you to loose all of your weight?
    1 and 1/2 years. Aug of 2007 - March 2009. It took 3 years to put the 30 back on.....
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I just went through reading all of your stories and it's good to know there are others on the same track. I am pretty determined again now but I know I have to really cut out the bad stuff in my diet and not go back to it. it is hard because I love the sweets but seems like when i give into it the worst cycles of overeating start. i plan on just staying away from sweets for the next few weeks in hopes that I can just get back into better shape. i know if i can do that i will do much better.
    i agree about things not tasting good sometimes like fruit/veg... but my favorite are baby carrots, bananas and apples. those always taste good to me.

    oh and if you haven't added me yet, please do if you're interested in having more friends with similar things going on
  • Skaren
    Skaren Posts: 24 Member
    I lost 57 pounds, in three years (and two pregnancies) gained back 14 over that last 12 months and have lost 2 in the last 3 weeks. I hear you. love to be your freind
  • jody2807
    jody2807 Posts: 115 Member
    Hi All
    I have been struggling with this also mainly the last 2 years up , down and back up again , the problem is when I am up i forget how good it felt to be down , Things happen and circumstances change really " Life happens " that makes me fall of the wagon so to speak .. Well I am back on the wagon and hoping to stay this time . I want to feel great and not look in the mirror and not recognise the person looking back at me ,,

    Please feel free to add me aslo all the motivation and support is needed :wink:
  • I lost about 60 pounds a couple of years ago but have since gained half of that weight back. I'm looking for people that can really help me stay motivated to lose the weight again. I've been having a really hard time working to lose weight and my family doesn't seem to care much. Please add me if you think we can motivate each other!:smile:
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I got a lb past my goal weight and then gained. After that my eating is bad. Trying to get back on track but, I don't no....I eat too much. I love food
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member

    most recently, i lost 40 pounds 2 years ago.. then got comfortable, ate carbs, and gained it all back. i'm all all or nothing kinda girl. no moderation here!

    so i'm back on low carb, ready to lose it again.
  • mzfiyaa
    mzfiyaa Posts: 94 Member
    Im with you on that I lost 50 pounds before and i had only 40 pounds 2 go to my goal weight and i got into a new relationship stopped watching what i eat stopped excersing and i gained it all back....now im on a mind set 2 lose all my weight ....i have 2 i refuse to be overweight all of my life......i want 2 fit the nice clothes i luv the pool and the beaches i want to wear a bathing suit without covering up....u have 2 want it for urself.....n thats just what i did....sure i have days that i mess up but as long as i either work it off im good i fix it the next few days....u can do it...but u have to want it.....n stick 2 it...
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    i was really stoked starting mfp and lost alot of weight. 11lbs from my goal weight bam i gained four. wtf i say but i am gonna keep continuing working out n hope something happens. currently still n this gain n it makes me feel miserable.
  • jhall1255
    jhall1255 Posts: 99 Member
    ive also had the same struggles. Last year i lost 60 lbs in about 10 months. I went from 232 to 172 and kept it off for about 6-8 months and then life got in the way. I lost my job and left my boyfriend and was couch hoping with my friends for about 2 months and in that 2 months my exercise dwindled. i moved to texas last yr as well and for 4 months didnt have a job and it was during the all time record heat. so i stayed in doors and i gained back up to 225 and knew i had to do something! i did 3 months of weight watchers and lost 15 lbs but i got bored with it and gained some back. so far ive lost almost 5 lbs and i just walk my dog everyday and bought some work out videos im going to start and try. i hope this works out, im liking the program so far. im down to 210 as of today so we'll see.

    also anyone can feel free to add me. support and motivation is always nice:)
  • I have over the years I would diet and exercise lose some weight and then l would gain it back plus 2-4 pounds and I did this at least three times. I think you need to loose it slowly get in the habit of eating well and continue to exercise. Atleast that is what I am going to try to do this time. Could use some daily eating plans.
  • MrsRando
    MrsRando Posts: 155 Member
    I already sent you a friend request but I can use other friends who've had similar experiences. I lost 22 lbs last year and then my MIL moved in with us and I gained it all back plus some while she was here. Now that she has moved out I'm back on the wagon. I have to lose this weight, I can't stand myself anymore. I can't look at myself in the mirror and I'm just uncomfortable. I'm uncomfortable sitting, standing, in my clothes or out of them. I just have to lose this weight for good. :angry:
  • nickollette113
    nickollette113 Posts: 16 Member
    Yep, that would be me, too! Two and a half years ago, I was at my lowest, having lost 85pds to get there (not in a healthy fashion though). Then I found out I was pregnant and had to stop those bad ways I was using as a crutch to lose weight. Now, 1.5 years after having my little one, I've put the 85 back on and then some (only 45 was bc of pregnancy). But, I'm finally in the mindset to lose weight and now it's a mission. I'm your typical bull headed cappie, so having my mind set to losing the 100 I want to lose and get healthier in the process, may as well be written in stone now lol.
  • Me too. I had this experience ten months ago when I started off great but since my college schedule got so clogged up, I didn't have time for the gym and I basically gained everything back. I also find dieting extremely hard because I love food so much. My mom is a health freak and she even goes out of her way to make sure none of us eat sweets, but for lunch and dinner she always makes things like kabob, pizza, sandwiches, etc. She claims the way she makes them are healthier, but I still feel like there are better alternatives for meals (doesn't help that my brother is an extremely picky eater). Basically even though they say they "support" me, their actions speak otherwise. I can't do programs like Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers either because none of them fit my budget range, and I always get so envious of people who are successful while I sit here wondering when the hell am I ever going to loose the weight that I want. :\
  • Bub1971
    Bub1971 Posts: 106 Member
    Thats pretty much most of the people on this site feel free to add me.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    Looks like quite a few to choose from on here. I will add you all if you haven't added me yet.
  • SuziQueue
    SuziQueue Posts: 64 Member
    28 years ago I lost 65 pounds and I kept it off for 25 years. Looked and felt great! Then, 3 years ago all hell broke loose in my life + I quit smoking, and I gained it all back. My life and emotions are finally settled down and i'm on the mission to get it off again. I know I can do it!

    The way that I stayed at my goal weight so long was that I weighed myself weekly, and anytime I went up 5 lbs, I cut back and lost it. I never let it go further than 5 pounds.

    Good luck to you!
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    ME! I lost 20 pounds on MFP then started dating my fiance last year. I stopped logging and went back to old habits from my previous marriage of trying to solve everything relationship wise with food. I found myself 10 pounds heavier and now planning a wedding. I WILL get to my goal weight before I get married (I have time, it's Sept of next year).
  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    I've done two biggest loser challenges with great success. The first I lost about 30 lbs in 12 weeks. Then I lost 41 in 8 weeks (about 10lbs of it was water). I'm very competitive! lol Only to gain at least half of it back. Now I'm back and trying to focus on healthy weight loss and changing my habits. Always willing to add more friends if anyone wants.
  • shannond1980
    shannond1980 Posts: 60 Member
    Yep same here. I lost 65 lbs a few years ago, got down around goal weight and then gained at least half back because I decided to let stress get the best of me. (Thats really when you should be working out more but I decided stress should mean less workouts)

    I've been up and down anywhere from 230 back down to 140 and up again.

    This time I'd like to do this and maintain