When you are working out and feel like giving up.......



  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    1)The difference between who I am and who I will be is what I do right now.
    2) Oprah did it
    3)You will pass-out before you die
  • casasruby
    casasruby Posts: 9
    I think of how good it will make some people feel, If i don't lose any weight... I won't give them any satisfaction.
    Then I when I am doing some arm punching exercise, I imagine that I am puching "his or her" face.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    there's no crying in weight training/ running/burpees/planks/ whatever particular thing i'm doing where I want to slack off
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    Here's a new one:

    Back when I had a functioning music-playing device, I'd flip to my favorite song when I felt like I needed to stop. Then I'd imagine myself dancing in the most awesome way ever. To the great acclaim of an imaginary audience. Or with a cool friend or celebrity.

    Basically, I lose myself in an awesome, self-aggrandizing fantasy. Makes me work harder without even realizing it, and passes the time in five minute chunks, hee hee.

    Without music, I'm struggling a bit more. I do the landmark thing. "Just get past that tree. You made it! Now that sign. Okay, once more into the breach!"
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    'You'll pass out before you die'...I like that one :)
  • JamesThiel
    JamesThiel Posts: 85 Member
    Fear works...it's primal...like a Farm dog chasing you down the road...... you'd be amazed at the energy reserves you have
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    I went through 3 days of labour, I can do this.

    Oh yes. I need to pull the labor card out of my back pocket. THAT is some super empowering hard work. (for me anyway!)

    I often pull out the labor card too...my second was a precipitous labor = no time for epidural or pain meds of any kind :sad:

    that and
    When I feel like given up, or cutting my workout short...I think about a sexy string bikini that I will ROCK one day- AT 40!
  • smartin9912
    smartin9912 Posts: 43 Member
    Because I want to be that GG with the rocking body! :flowerforyou:
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    I tell myself that everything's in my head. That feeling of wanting to quit- it's in my head. Unless I pass out, throw up, or have some REAL physical issue that tells me to stop, I will keep going. And if I throw up that doesn't really count. As long as I am not exacerbating an injury I will keep going. So much of this is mental- our bodies are truly amazing and adaptable. Also, the first ten or fifteen minutes is always the worst. Push through that, and you're generally doing okay. It is such a great feeling of accomplishment when you are done!
  • Calipalm
    Calipalm Posts: 114 Member
    I always think of this,

    “We don’t quit at the end, this is where we finish strong… we don’t get to the finish line and
    stop. This is where we give it even more than we started with!” - Jillian Michaels (30 day shred)
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    What slogan do you tell yourself to help you finish !?

    I don't know about any slogan, all I know is that when I go out for my run, if I do not complete it, it will be double-difficult next training session because I will have the psychological aspect to contend with then too!

    I do tell myself to get on with it, it is only but the blink of an eye timewise lol
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    I tell myself that everything's in my head. That feeling of wanting to quit- it's in my head. Unless I pass out, throw up, or have some REAL physical issue that tells me to stop, I will keep going. And if I throw up that doesn't really count. As long as I am not exacerbating an injury I will keep going. So much of this is mental- our bodies are truly amazing and adaptable. Also, the first ten or fifteen minutes is always the worst. Push through that, and you're generally doing okay. It is such a great feeling of accomplishment when you are done!

    ^^^ THIS! So true. Mind over matter...
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    You'll never regret a workout, but almost always regret skipping one.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Fear works...it's primal...like a Farm dog chasing you down the road...... you'd be amazed at the energy reserves you have

    And 7 dogs later I finished a 19 mile ride faster than ever before yesterday! I can so relate to this.

    The country is beautiful.... When the dogs are tied up.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Here's a new one:

    Back when I had a functioning music-playing device, I'd flip to my favorite song when I felt like I needed to stop. Then I'd imagine myself dancing in the most awesome way ever. To the great acclaim of an imaginary audience. Or with a cool friend or celebrity.

    Basically, I lose myself in an awesome, self-aggrandizing fantasy. Makes me work harder without even realizing it, and passes the time in five minute chunks, hee hee.

    Without music, I'm struggling a bit more. I do the landmark thing. "Just get past that tree. You made it! Now that sign. Okay, once more into the breach!"

    I always thought it was in my head, but then I got a bike computer. A couple times during songs I loved I would look down and be shocked at my speed. Even worse I usually felt like I was slacking while I lip synced away. Now I know which sings to play if I need a boost.
  • popat89
    popat89 Posts: 83 Member
    I imagine my future "fit" self when I do insanity and when I'm running I imagine myself crossing the finish line at my first half marathon and thinking about how amazing that moment is going to feel.
  • RachelBear00
    "YOU CAN DO THIS!!" "WEDDING DRESS. WEDDING DRESS." "I WANT A CUTE BUTT!!" these are just a few of the things i say in my head while I am trying to push through. Think about how GOOD you will feel once the workout is done!!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    One good thing about walking outdoors is, if I time it right and do most of the running part of my alternating walking/jogging thing when I start out, I have to keep going to get back home regardless of whether or not I think I'm about to pass out and die. So I tell myself, "Get back to the house before you collapse so the neighbors don't have to call 911!" I admit, as far as a rallying cry, it's lacking, but it does work.
  • avt85
    avt85 Posts: 64
    I get through it by thinking back to what Zyzz always said, "Will I be satisfied leaving the gym/workout knowing the amount of reps/time/intensity I've put in today?"
    If I sense a bit of hesitation, as others have said...I activate, "BEAST MODE!" lol
  • resan224
    resan224 Posts: 30 Member
    I always yell in my head....C'MON FATTY! C'MON- YOU WANT THE BEACH BODY DON'T YA?!?!?!?