
Soo im doing p90x and its very intense, is anybody else doing it? if so how do u feel about it? Lets support each other to BRING IT !


  • indyang77
    indyang77 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm on week 4 and love it.
  • queen2fli
    queen2fli Posts: 8
    I'm on week 4 and love it.

    does it really help you lose weight? ive been doing it for 2wks now 3x a week and the results arent really enought for me lol im feeling like im doing all this hard for nothing.
  • geeniusatwurk
    geeniusatwurk Posts: 68 Member
    I prefer Insanity, as the weights/exercises in P90X aren't heavy enough for my weight training goals. Insanity is a better program for me because I'll go to the gym and do my heavy stuff then come back home and pop in the DVD. For any meaningful lean body mass improvements (male or female) you need to be using resistance pretty close to your 1 rep max, which is impossible to sustain for the entire P90 workout.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    Keep it up. I'm in my last week, and the hard work will most definitely pay off. I started with 42 pants and now 36 is very loose.
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    I've done it before, and I just started again at week 1 this week! I did 60 days a few years ago and the results were awesome, but it is very intense and can really wear on you if you aren't eating right the entire time. Also, It's important to not be missing workouts, which is sooo hard to do for 90 days, but that's the only way you are going to see the results...consistency. Especially at the beginning your results will be more about the inches than the weight. The weight will start to come off once your muscle you've built starts doing the burning.
  • indyang77
    indyang77 Posts: 34 Member
    I only lost 4 lbs in my first month but I struggled to eat enough calories so going to try to increase my calories. So far I can already see definition in my arms and legs and this is something you have to commit to doing all 6 days for the entire 90 days. If you do it like that, you will see results. Go for it!
  • blazingmissp
    blazingmissp Posts: 63 Member
    I am on day 47 and I love it. So worth it imo
  • brimarie95
    brimarie95 Posts: 81 Member
    I have lost about 20 lbs and I have 2 weeks left to finish my first 90 day cycle. I wasn't doing the nutrition but since I seem to have stopped losing the last few weeks, I am now counting calories which is why I joined this site. I am expecting the pounds to start shedding again.
  • classic_1
    classic_1 Posts: 147
    Im starting a second round...i had great results during the first round however, i was missing days throughout the week. So, im changing my schedule and gonna push thru the whole thing again...I'm gonna post pics soon. anybody can add me if u like
  • namdle
    namdle Posts: 4 Member
    Stick with it, and pay attn to your diet.

    First round last year, I went from 214 lbs to 169, and literally backed me away from diabetes. Over the winter I went back up to 189ish.

    Just finished week 2 of round 2, and back down to 180ish. Goal is to get down to 165 and stay....

    First time around I was on a strict doctor-ordered diet (no/low sugar, diabetic's diet).

    This time I'm just using MFP to make sure I pay attention to everything I eat. And I eat well. Because I <3 food.
  • mad4ituk
    mad4ituk Posts: 22
    I am on day 46 of my first time round and have to admit i am now loving every second, the first three I was wondering if I would get any results being a workout dvd, but I have to say I am now seeing the results coming through. Awesome workout :)
  • siliisobel
    siliisobel Posts: 49
    Im definetely giving this a go after Insanity, sounds awesome!
  • joankpoirier
    joankpoirier Posts: 281 Member
    started in February. but due to a family illness I had cut way back. Going to RESTART next week. :)
  • GinaMauricio17
    GinaMauricio17 Posts: 69 Member
    i tried it for 2 weeks last year and noticed a big difference. strength, stamina, weight loss. then i caught a bad cold and fell off the wagon. i want to try again really soon
  • gnarlynoodle
    gnarlynoodle Posts: 99 Member
    I start week 9 tomorrow and love it. Tony has the right personality to keep me interested/entertained/challenged.

    To the person above concerned about minimal weight loss: Give it time, it'll happen. I gained weight for the first few weeks but lost inches. My weight loss didn't pick up until phase 2 started.

    Make sure you eat and sleep enough. If you don't, your results won't be as awesome. I'm down 14lbs as of today, but I am subbing the Yoga for Cardio of my own so that might have a small affect on my loss.
  • prez_beck
    prez_beck Posts: 30
    I'm on day 11 of p90x and i love everything about it except for the Yoga & the ab ripper X...lol! This is my first time around doing it and im a big guy, but I havent missed a day yet. I use a mixture of weights and the bands because I cant do all of the pullups yet. Dont plan on stopping or missing a day. The workouts are full of personality and encouragement so even when I cant meet a goal, Tony is there saying "see I just took a break too, take a rest if you need it". I can really feel the difference in my body already. im HYPE and im ready to BRING IT!!!
  • Jennd3098
    Jennd3098 Posts: 30
    I just started a P90X/Insanity hybrid and it is FUN!!!!

    Good luck with Insanity!
  • wood2415
    wood2415 Posts: 53 Member
    I completed 90 days in October and I'm on day 45 this time around! I love it! "Do you best and forget the rest"
  • tomusiakl
    tomusiakl Posts: 225 Member
    I am day 46 and LOVINGGGGGGGGG IT. Major difference in body composition. Stick with it. I do it 6 days a week for the past 8 weeks.
  • Life_Is_Good2_Me
    Life_Is_Good2_Me Posts: 36 Member
    I completed 90 days in October of last year and I'm on day 45 this time around. I didn't follow the nutrition guide the first time, but cut calories and lost 16lbs. Starting the second round, I'm using MFP (watching calories, fat, sugar, protein, etc.) and have lost 31lbs and counting. I've also started the C25K (trying to embrace a new skill). Stick with it and good luck!!