LADIES: I have Cramps, help?

Okay, I knew this was coming, I try to start taking ibuprofen as soon as I feel it coming.. this time I was all out of ibuprofen and too broke to go buy more. I decided I'd wait and take naproxin, I had 2 the morning before and one the night before and Surprise..Flow is here and I am going to DIE. It hurts, I've taken naproxin and you can only take 1 every 12 hours.. I did this last month it worked..but I was taking ibuprofen before.. any way.. Taking any medicine is out.. and I've got a hot water bottle too.. still hurts. Is there anything you do that stops your cramps? *Smoking.. is out because I have to work tonight.. but I'm open to any suggestions you've got. I really want a workout today and there has been times where I've worked out and my cramps were worse..

I know it isn't likely but.. if anything has instantly relived your cramps pleaseeee let me know <3=) I've had this problem for years and the only fix I've found is preparing for it.. and it didn't work this time around..

Thanks =)


  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    **Please no Rude comments**
  • Hevans1012
    Hevans1012 Posts: 32 Member
    I don't know what to tell you because Aunt Flo showed up for me on Tuesday night and has been kicking my *kitten* ever since. Got better yesterday but back in full force today. Have you tried a heating pad?

    PS - I swear it must of been a man that came up with the thought that exercise helps relieve PMS/Menstrual issues.
  • Well, it's not an instant relief, but for me once it kicks in & gets in my system, it's great! I'm a very large woman and I have always had very rough & heavy periods. That being the case, I've tried quite possibly every pain reliever on the market and then I tried the Walgreens pharmacy brand "Maximum Strength Menstrual Relief" (that's what it says on the box) and I always get the dark blue/light blue gelcaps cause it seems to kick in faster for me. It says on the box that it is the generic of Midol Complete, but I've tried that and it didn't do a thing for me, but the Walgreens generic version sure does. Makes no sense, I know, but I swear it is the only thing that helps me at all. Plus it's generic, so it's very affordable! I'm not sure where you are from, but if you have a Walgreens pharmacy, get you some of that and try it. Just give it time to get in your system and don't miss a dose of it so that it stays in your system while you have Aunt Flo. Take it & if possible, lay very still for an hour or two till you start to feel some relief. Good luck!!
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    Thanks, =) I'll go try walgreens. I agree MEN SAID EXERCISE HELPS.

    Thank you ladies =)
  • Pinknspooky
    Pinknspooky Posts: 34 Member
    Have you tried raspberry leaf tea - I find it helps me when I take it in conjunction to the usual pain killers as opposed to just taking the pain killers alone. Also try gentley swinging your hips in a hula hoop circular kinda motion it helps to loosen up the cramped muscles as does laying with your feet against a wall (or heavy bit of furniture) and pushing down against it.

    Period cramps are the pits - hope the ease for you soon
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I haven't had mine in months but what used to help me was relaxing in a nice, hot bubble bath. Also a hot water bottle helped at times too, but not much else. I never exercised when it was really bad, I found it made me feel really faint. If you can't workout, don't stress, just get back to it when you feel good again:)
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    Work out. Cardio really helps my cramps.
  • I curl up in a ball and nap. Probably the only this that helps me.

    Hope you feel better soon!
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I used to have severely debilitating TOM cramps before I had kids (no idea why having kids helped, but whatever...). I used to eat a banana (potasium helps cramping) and take 3 ibu, then go to bed. Heating pad never really helped. BC pills hardly worked for me. I was just out of commission for a day or so every month.

    BUT I will tell you that strangely enough, exercise DOES help with cramps. If you can stand to get out and walk a bit or have access to an exercise bike, even if it's slowly, it should help you.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    *kitten* - orgasms help a lot
  • Krushchev
    Krushchev Posts: 178 Member
    *kitten* - orgasms help a lot

    Also for headaches, back aches, leg aches....
  • AnisaMG
    AnisaMG Posts: 154 Member
    Cal - Mag (calcium magnesium) found at most health food stores, it's a liquid and it's natural. Helps bunches!
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I knew I had to be missing something! I'm gonna try this stuff.. =) The hula hoop thing sounds good! And the tea..

    I've been told a lot that getting pregnant, having kids helps cramping, no babies for me atm though..
    I do appreciate all the advice. =) Sometimes I feel like a man because I have no idea how to handle my period sometimes..
  • ShannRenae
    ShannRenae Posts: 54
    1 Midol & 1 Glass of wine of any kind....alcohol thins out the blood in your wonders!!!!!
  • HannahDiaz25
    HannahDiaz25 Posts: 104
    In the evenings I take Pamperin, do light yoga, take a hot bath, drink a glass of wine and go to bed! If I have to got to work I stop after the hot bath part :laugh:
    I find that stretching really helps with the cramps. Especially stretches that target the abs and back.
    Good Luck...
  • sazzyp1973
    sazzyp1973 Posts: 517 Member
    a walk, plenty of water and protein. I hope it soon passes
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Have you tried raspberry leaf tea - I find it helps me when I take it in conjunction to the usual pain killers as opposed to just taking the pain killers alone. Also try gentley swinging your hips in a hula hoop circular kinda motion it helps to loosen up the cramped muscles as does laying with your feet against a wall (or heavy bit of furniture) and pushing down against it.

    Period cramps are the pits - hope the ease for you soon

    This always worked for me too. Any kind of raspberry tea. I don't know why it works, and at first, I didn't think it would. I drank the tea and the cramps eased off within a half hour. I used it for years! Can't hurt to try.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I've been told a lot that getting pregnant, having kids helps cramping, no babies for me atm though..
    I do appreciate all the advice. =) Sometimes I feel like a man because I have no idea how to handle my period sometimes..

    It does work but itcan be a bit extreme - also going on the pill can relieve the pain so speak to your doctor. I know it sounds icky but a menstrual cup can also work ( think its called a diva cup in America).
  • Royaltvii
    Royaltvii Posts: 160 Member
    Not much helps me but I get some relief from drinking warm tea, curling up with a heating pad....movement of any kind is a killer, it just makes it worse. I have heard raspberry tea helps with overall women issues.
  • shelbynicole32
    shelbynicole32 Posts: 179 Member
    Heating pad.... ahhhhhh :sick: