Eating Healthy and STARVING!

Ok, I know I am eating VERY healthy. Fruits for snacks, healthy lunches and dinners and breakfast. I eat about every 2-3 hours. For Example: I had breakfast at 730am and by 10am my stomach was growling like crazy and I had my morning snacks and it's 11am now and I am already hungry and my stomach is growling! I know I am eating filling and whole foods! What is going on? My food diary is open to the public so everyone can see what I am eating so take a look back at my diary and let me know if I can change something around to stay full a little longer. Do you suppose it is just my body craving things that I don't realize? I drink ONLY water so I am NOT dehydrated. I drink about 10 cups day. If someone will give me some advice I would appreciate it! Thanks!


  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Are you drinking lots of water? I drink 16 oz of water with breakfast, again when I have my fruit at 10:30 and again around 3:30 I drink another one and this helps me a great deal.

    One thing though I find ceral doesn't satisfy me and I'm always hungry sooner when I eat cereal.
  • dotti1121
    dotti1121 Posts: 751 Member
    Maybe try adding some protein to breakfast and morning snack?
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    You're not eating enough. I was the same way when I only ate 1200cal/day. It's just not enough and is not maintainable.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I only looked at today for you, but I would suggest protein. I am staying under my calorie goal, and am really hardly ever hungry. Whatever kinds of protein you like, eat some of that. It seems to make me feel more full than carbohydrates.

    It could either be that or you're not eating enough?
  • bgomey
    bgomey Posts: 4
    How did you get your daily calorie goal? Eating 5-6 meals a day tends to lead you to a bunch of snack sized servings in order to meet your calorie goal. You could drop to 3 larger meals that meet your needs. This has worked for me and I dont feel hungry at all. I am on a diet myself and workout 3-5 times a week. My aim is to consume 500 calories less than what my TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) is which will allow me to cut 1-1.5lbs of fat a week. slow burn but kept on a steady pace can show great dividends in the end. I go by the Calories in v Calories out mentality and hitting my target macro nutrients (Protein, Fat, Carbs) in order to reach my goals. Just my approach based on many many posts ive read on the topic and so far its working for me. Hope this helps a little
  • Try some more filling foods. Like a healthy pasta meal, or something with lots of fiber!
  • ThomasFMendiola
    ThomasFMendiola Posts: 38 Member
    You're not eating enough. I was the same way when I only ate 1200cal/day. It's just not enough and is not maintainable.

    Agreed, listen to your body, if you are still hungry you need to eat more.(quality foods of course!)
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 556 Member
    You're not eating enough. I was the same way when I only ate 1200cal/day. It's just not enough and is not maintainable.

    This. Eat more, and make it protein.
  • Lovely135
    Lovely135 Posts: 161
    you are going to hear a lot of "you are not eating enough" from the "eat more wt. less group" just do what works for you. I would suggest you eat food high in protein. that will keep you fill longer. That's what I do and it works for me. Good luck.
  • light_shimmer
    light_shimmer Posts: 118 Member
    I scrolled through your diary back about a week, maybe more. You need to eat more. You rarely hit 1200 a day, most often closer to 1000 or 1100. That's just not enough. Eating healthy doesn't always mean eating less.
  • KarCall
    KarCall Posts: 23 Member
    Try putting some more protein in your diet - maybe an apple and peanut butter as a snack. The proteins really do help to ward off those hunger pangs.
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 556 Member
    you are going to hear a lot of "you are not eating enough" from the "eat more wt. less group" just do what works for you. I would suggest you eat food high in protein. that will keep you fill longer. That's what I do and it works for me. Good luck.

    It's not even that. Did you look at her diary? Some days she's eating below 1000 calories. Not net. Period.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Your diet appears to have the same struggles mine did (when I was hungry all the time).

    Your morning food is carb-y and not protein-y and fatty enough. Lose the processed cereal and try refrigerator oatmeal with peanut butter in it or oatmeal and an egg for breakfast. Not that many more calories, lots more staying power.

    And you're leaving an awful lot of calories on the table for someone who feels hungry. Get some lean meats and nuts and good carbs into that diet.

    Try to get calories, fat, carbs, and proteins ALL as close to zero every day as possible. And get some proteins and fat in earlier in the day. That'll take care of the mid-morning-munchies.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    You might want to try more protein, fat, and bulky low-carb fruits/vegetables.

    I'm usually stuffed after every meal. If I get a hunger pang later, a small bit of fruit takes the edge off.
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    you are going to hear a lot of "you are not eating enough" from the "eat more wt. less group" just do what works for you. I would suggest you eat food high in protein. that will keep you fill longer. That's what I do and it works for me. Good luck.

    Obviously eating 1000-1200 calories a day ISN'T working for her. Here's what I don't understand, if you could eat 50% more food AND still lose weight and be even healthier, why on earth wouldn't you want to?
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    As others have said, eat what you are due but also use exercise as a way of buying yourself extra calories to eat.
  • artbkward
    artbkward Posts: 238 Member
    I can't help but notice you often don't log anything for dinner. Do you eat dinner? Is your afternoon snack considered dinner? A couple of days your calories were way under but other times they're right where they're suppose to be. Maybe the 1000 calorie days are making you extra hungry too, you should always be eating 1200 no matter what.

    Also, I would try for more protein.
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    More protein and fat will help.
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    Try reducing your simple carbs and have a little fat and protein each meal.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    I agree with all the people that say add more protein, you look like you are carb heavy. I have found that when I eat protein for breakfast it stays with me longer and I don't feel as hungry.