Eating Healthy and STARVING!



  • ocukor1
    ocukor1 Posts: 66
    You have to eat more. I think 1300 calories is not enough for anyone. 1300 calories would hardly be enough for someone weighing 130 pounds. Calculate your daily calorie needs. The rule of thumb is your weight * 10 + 10-30% depending on your daily activity. Add some healthy fats to your diet like olive oil, almonds, peanuts, avocados, fish etc... drop the cheetos and sugary cereals. I don't see your sugar intake in your diary. Fruits are mostly good sugar (fructose) but some fruits are not necessary that great. Bananas can actualy vary in simple sugar, and also watermelons so I'd avoid them later in the day, maybe just in the morning. Eat more in the morning, make breakfast the most important meal, don't worry about calories, have oatmeal and maybe a protein shake. I think you do need more proteins as well, grilled chicken breast is perfect source, try to have some fish like salmon or tuna at least once a week. Good luck.
  • sdavis0224
    sdavis0224 Posts: 23
    I agree... drink one glass of water... 8oz before you sit down to eat and you will get full fast... also eat slow, seriously slow. start with what you want the most and eat all that first, wait a few minutes and start on other portion. ex you have grilled chicken, corn, baked potato.... well you really want the chicken so you start with that, if you are hungry go to what you want more between the corn and baked potato, if you're still hungry eat the corn... wait about 5 mintues between each portion. It really work and you get full and dont over eat
  • bcmlam1001
    bcmlam1001 Posts: 118 Member
    I really think you're undereating. I agree that you should change your goals to focus on losing .5lb per week, you will still see some fat loss but 800-1000 calories a day is not manageable long-term and when you only have 3lbs to lose, it's more productive to think about how you're going to maintain your body in the long run.
    this is what I have actually went in and changed my goals to and it gave me the 1340 cals/day. I am tall so that is why it gave me more cals and still can lose .5 a week.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    Maybe try adding some protein to breakfast and morning snack?

    your overall protein looks good but ^this might help as protein takes longer to break down and keeps you full longer.
  • mjsunshine16
    mjsunshine16 Posts: 251 Member
    I think you have figured out the first step of adding protein. Try one thing at a time and if it doesn't work try something else.
  • nlawing
    nlawing Posts: 36
    I'm the same when I'm on a calorie deficit. Eventually I just got used to feeling hungry (while meeting my daily calorie and macro-nutrient intake). I think a lot of people just don't like to feel hungry (it's uncomfortable for the common American) and eat just to feel full.
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    I think a lot of people see the wall message we get saying we've completed our diaries and are under our calories as an endorsement to regularly under eat below the levels we've been set - rather than trying to meet that goal.

    I sometimes wonder if some people develop a guilt about eating at all and consider consuming fewer and fewer calories until it's just enough to survive - but not to thrive.

    I always joke with my girlfriend: "OMG!!! I AM 36 CALORIES OVER MY MFP GOAL!!! WHAT DO I DO????" I routinely run -100 to +150 calories and I am still losing weight and still looking better everyday. :D My philosophy is that if I am within 200 calories either way I am good.
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    I'm the same when I'm on a calorie deficit. Eventually I just got used to feeling hungry (while meeting my daily calorie and macro-nutrient intake). I think a lot of people just don't like to feel hungry (it's uncomfortable for the common American) and eat just to feel full.
    One of the main success tips for diets is to eat so that you are NOT hungry. Once you are hungry you tend to OVER eat because the response that you are full can take 15-20 minutes. By that point you have over eaten each meal by 100-200 calories or more. Eat to NOT get hungry, but stay within your goal.
  • w8sarge
    w8sarge Posts: 3,859 Member
    You've gotten lots of good ideas here, about changing your weight-loss goal to 1/2 pound per week and upping the calories and protein.

    I changed my macros to up my protein to 20%, which is hard for me to meet, but when I do I feel less hungry. I also eat fats from nuts, peanut butter, and whole milk! (Those keep me happy, too!)

    Good luck!
  • WhoDat5o4
    WhoDat5o4 Posts: 50 Member
    i got light headed just looking at what you are surviving on. Your goal is to be healthy so that you can enjoy life more. That's a great goal... eating this little and not doing any sort of physical activity (unless you do and just don't log it- in which case you are being even more unhealthy in placing demands on your ill-fueled body) is not conducive to your goal. To be healthy does not mean that the number on the scale is low.. being healthy means that you nourish your body with clean foods and excercise your heart, lungs, and muscles. Find a sport or excercise you enjoy and do it. When you are hungry, eat delicious healthy food. Your body will thank you :)
  • holly0171
    holly0171 Posts: 19 Member
    Im not an expert by any means..however, I found that ceral does nothing for me..its seems to fill me up at first, yet, I think it messes with my sugar levels and then I get the shakes and am super hungry with super low sugar......So I avoid cereal....

    My suggestion, would be to eat more whole vegtables and fruits....and less carbs..eating alot of carbs will spark cravings and hunger in my case.....

    and you might just have to face the hunger demon..and accept that as you strive to get healthy, hunger is going to be a part of it...As for me, since I have started my journey, my hunger has been a constant...Trying to not be hungry is part of the reason I am fat. But as long as I can control my sugar from going to low, and I dont have an episode, I came to terms that I will be hungry until my adjusts to eating less. It sucks, I get so annoyed sometimes, but I am trying very hard to maintain my will power over the situation.....Sometimes I just try to look at from one meal to the day at a time.

    anyways just some insights....hope this or the other advise here offered helps you through....good luck.......
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    I can eat eggs for breakfast, drink water at work, and still be hungry by 10-11am. Cereal however will not fill me up like protein.