Anyone else find this odd?



  • izoom3
    izoom3 Posts: 56 Member
    I used to find it odd but after thinking about it I don't anymore. People who know and love us have their own wants and needs and tend to project them on others. Here on the forum we all have the same want and need and to an extent project the same on everyone else here.
  • lauras777
    lauras777 Posts: 237 Member
    I've gotten mixed comments, most very positive, some of the "you aren't going to lose any MORE weight are you?" husband is also on MFP and has lost 40 pounds and is within 10 pounds of his goal, it is a dramatic weight loss for him, and he's gotten so many weird comments....his own Mother asked if he was sick....since she hadn't seen him at this weight since he was a teenager!! :laugh:
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    My kids are CONSTANTLY supporting me, coming on walks with me, asking me if I'm sure I want to eat something (lol). Other people are definitely less so. I think maybe it's because people generally don't like change, and when they see YOU changing, it makes THEM uncomfortable in their own skin, because of a change they have not been willing to make (doesn't even have to be weight-related, we all have changes we know we need to make that we procrastinate on).
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    I completely agree with you. I definitely have more support on here. However, I do have support in my life as well. In the real world many people want you to be like them. I have had criticism from people. Just the other night I was exercising, since I split up my exercises yesterday, got a call from someone, and told them I couldn't talk because I was exercising. The person replied, "Who exercises at midnight?" It wasn't even midnight. So, I replied, "When was the last time you exercised?" Needless to say the conversation went dead. A lot of times people are jealous because you are doing something they would like to do. I love the support here on MFP because it definitely keeps me going.
  • blynn2708
    blynn2708 Posts: 275 Member
    I agree! I was told today that I am getting too thin, to stop losing weight. I'm at my goal, focusing on maintaining and definition now. I get absolutely NO support from my real life friends and family. It's sad, no one is interested in what I'm doing, the first time I ran 5k I was so excited, but none of them cared, I actually cried! I turned to MFP to share my excitement! And I share nothing with my family anymore:grumble:
  • sapienti
    sapienti Posts: 17
    I have been fortunate that my family is supportive, but people who do not really have a "weight" problem don't realize that the fat on our belly is a reflection of how bad our health is, and in some cases their health probably is probably as bad, since they eat the same or worse than we do, it just will eventually manifest as something else besides fat.

    My wife is thinner, not skin and bones, but slender, and she has to try to keep her weight up to her healthy self image. It's taken me years of explaining to help her realize that whatever is good for her might not be good for me, and lately we've been eating differently. it helps for family members to realize this. people in general are programmed to eat the same food at the dinner table.

    Some of it has to do with ones persona. if the Jolly Green Giant suddenly became a skinny purple dude, he'd not be worth putting on a vegetable label. i figured it out when my wife freaked out about McGee on NCIS. Last season he came back to the show thin, and she freaked, said he was too skinny, etc.

    So, sometimes it is not about what features people find attractive or healthy looking in general, but what physical features people associate with your personality. when you change - or threaten to change - your physical looks, it messes with people's heads. they become insecure about their relationship with you. it takes time for people to associate the change or the new look with your personality.
