
Hey Peeps - just been to docs and my blood cholesterol was high over all - but the bad cholesterol was lower than is worrying and the good cholesterol was higher than average - I got all confused, should I still be trying to lower it, or is it fine cos it's the good one? Should I actually try to maintain it? Hope this makes sense?!


  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    If your total cholesterol was high, but your LDL and HDL were both good, then your triglycerides must be pretty high. If so, then that's something to work on and reduce.
  • FitFi74
    FitFi74 Posts: 129 Member
    Yes my HDL was high (good) and my LDL was low (also good) - so how does that combine to make bad triglycerides and how do I lower them? Is it a diet thing?
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    Yes my HDL was high (good) and my LDL was low (also good) - so how does that combine to make bad triglycerides and how do I lower them? Is it a diet thing?

    From what I understand, and I'm not a Dr., your total cholesterol is made up of three numbers; your HDL, LDL and Triglycerides. HDL is usually a small number, so if your LDL is low, but your overall cholesterol is high then triglycerides must be what is pushing your total cholesterol higher.

    Triglycerides are a type of fat found in the blood. Your body needs them, but too many can raise your risk for heart disease, which I guess is why it's lumped in with the two cholesterol numbers.

    You can lower your triglycerides by losing weight, avoiding trans-fats and refined carbohydrates, and taking fish oil or some other form of omega-3's.
  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    I'll put #'s down for you to chew on. Doctors want to see total cholesterol below 200, LDL less than 100, and HDL less than 60. Personally I want my #s way lower than that.
  • FitFi74
    FitFi74 Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks for responses all really helpful, have a history of heart disease in the family so wanted things checked out.
    But wasn't explained very well by nurse - I just know that it totalled 6 which is higher than recommended but that the balance of bad and good where fine - but she didnt really say much else, but obviously if there is room for improvement then I want to do it - any advice on easy steps? I exercise 4 times a week, not overweight so i'm thinking food choices are the way to go!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    If the total was 6 what was the HDL or the ratio Total/HDL. It's the ratio that is used on heart risk charts.

    My total is just over 5, average UK level is 5.5.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    HDL should be over 60, not under. Triglycerides should be under 150. My father had a heart attack at age 41. His cholesterol numbers were good, but his triglycerides were astronomical. Increase veggies, decrease fats in the diet (especially saturated fats).

    Edited to add: These are US numbers. Different countries use different units so you need to determine the recommendations in your country.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    In the US, the ratio should be less than 4.

    Personally, I would call back and ask for your actual numbers. Tell them you like to track your numbers :-)
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
  • FitFi74
    FitFi74 Posts: 129 Member
    I know myLDL was 2.6 - probably not much help really!
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    I would call back and make them explain it to you better. My hubby takes flush free niacin and fish oil for his blood pressure and cholesteral. Both have been very benifical as well as diet and exercise in getting his numbers in the normal range. He also happens to be a pharmacist so he kinda knows his drugs. lol
  • djsullivan616
    djsullivan616 Posts: 3 Member
    My cardiologist says the the "good" cholesterol no longer subtracts from the bad... the number is just what it is. I have hereditary high cholesterol and as he put it "i could exercise till the cows come home and it won't make a bit of difference :-( " I am personally on meds...
  • FitFi74
    FitFi74 Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks so much for all the advice...Ok - well I guess the mission is to lower it overall then. I do the exercise, I don't smoke, I'm not too heavy but I know my diet is not the best and I probably drink too much alcohol.