Bummed out

I just started counting calories and have had seven straight days of eating 1200 calories a day, or maybe 100 or so under. I have not lost one ounce. Has that ever happened to anyone?


  • Adureeuh
    Adureeuh Posts: 24 Member
    How much do you have to lose? You may be eating too little.
  • sdilona
    sdilona Posts: 3
    I have 35lbs to lose. My friend told me that as well but I didn't believe her, as I am only short 100 calories or so each day...would that really have such an impact? Thanks for your reply by the way!
  • Adureeuh
    Adureeuh Posts: 24 Member
    35lbs isn't a whole lot so you will most likely need to lose slowly. Try calculating your BMR, which is how many calories you need everyday just to function. Most would recommend to eat at least your BMR, but this is your choice. You will still lose eating your BMR because you expand energy throughout the day therefor, unless you are in a coma, you are burning more calories than your BMR.

    Also, try and make good, healthy choices when eating. If you are used to eating fast food or processed meals, try limiting them and introducing whole, fresh fruits and veggies along with lean protein and good fats. I wouldn't go cold turkey at first because you will be craving anything you used to eat and possibly set yourself up for binging. You also need to give your body some time to adjust to different foods.
  • MoganHorse
    MoganHorse Posts: 39 Member
    Ya, you are probably eating to little. I did the same thing. Try stagering your days. Like Monday do 1200, tuesday 1400, wed. 1100, thurs. 1600, ect, ect. I did this for three weeks adn excercied and lost almost 10 pounds! I swear, i know it sounds scary eating 1600 one day, but it tricks your body so it doesnt think you are starving!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    you just started, give it a few weeks. weight loss isnt instantaneous
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Try reading up and following the MyFitnessPal recommendations for steady, healthy weight loss.
    Your self-sabotage is not dependent on intentions but action.
    Change your actions.
    Start with again, following the MFP recommendations for you to lose 1 lb per week.
    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I've had periods of up to 2 weeks when the scale didn't change at all. Just keep doing what you're supposed to do and it will work. I promise you.

    Be honest about ALL your food and log it all. The good and the bad

    Be accurate about the exercise calories you burn. Don't trust MFP estimates or what you see on the machines in the gyms. Unless you're doing extreme cardio just figure 6 - 10 calories a minute burned. Only log exercise for things you don't normally do. Things you did while you gained weight don't count. (Vacuuming, mowing the lawn, lifting beer bottles)

    Follow the MFP calorie estimates and stick with it for a few weeks before you make adjustments. If you must adjust things only pick one thing at a time to change so you know what it is that works or doesn't work.
  • Drastiic
    Drastiic Posts: 322 Member
    Has that ever happened to anyone?
    Anything you've ever been through, someone has experienced before. It can be frustrating. What separates people that fail from those that succeed is time. If you put in the effort day in and day out, you'll start to see small changes. After awhile those small changes will turn into something visible. The important thing is to get in the right mental attitude to get to that point. If you're ready to give up after encountering your first hill, you might want to re-evaluate your motivations.
  • sdilona
    sdilona Posts: 3
    Thank you everyone. I'm not giving up at all; I'm very motivated--thanks for the feedback!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    And are you going towards your period? (You don't have to answer, but think about it.) I'm 5'10" and I always fluctuate up 3-5 pounds the week before. It's gone the week after. It makes week-to-week weighing sometimes depressing.

    Plus at least in our part of the country it is HOT and hot outside plus air conditioning tends to make me, at least, hold water.

    It's only a week. You're only supposed to be losing a pound a week. My scale will move that much if I wiggle.
  • orishp
    orishp Posts: 214 Member
    Yeah, it could be that your body needs time to adjust. Keep at it, even if the scale moves up, push through it, in my case that usually means a larger drop is ahead.

    If you want additional input, you can make your diary public, and we can comment on what you are eating. For me, low carb, low sugar, no dairy has helped tremendously!

    Also, don't forget to get that body moving, someone told me that to maintain you needed to hit the gym 3 times a week, to lose it has to be at least 4 times a week. I am working out 5-6 times a week (for the first time of my life) and I have been losing steadily