
Hey Everyone! I was on here for a while and then got really frustrated and deleted my account (MereBear1985 now MerBear1985 - sorry to those of you who friended me and I bailed). I have been having a really hard time emotionally and am now ready to really change my life for good. I really need the motivation to change my life, not just lose the weight, I did that before and now here I am again!

I most definitely need some people who are ready to kick my butt when I start slipping! If you could please friend me and I promise not to bail this time!


  • carloc
    carloc Posts: 135 Member
    Hi MerBear,

    You can add me. I have been over weight for a longtime, a few months ago I ad enough of my fat *kitten* getting in the way of life. I joined up and have decided that I am nor worried anot the weight, although it nice to lose some. Instead I am concentrating on the healthy me that is slowly coming out.

    Changing everything slowly so that the good becomes normal everyday choices. No matter what life throws at us we always have the strength to fight back if we chose to.

    Add me as a friend.
  • YvLess
    YvLess Posts: 8 Member
    Hi MerBear,

    My situation is similar to your. I have being doing exercice but a lack of control in my eating made me gain about 20 pounds. I'm ready to help you, you can add me if you want.

    Good luck on your fitness journey
  • violetta88
    violetta88 Posts: 117 Member
    Hiya! I'm guilty of bailing on more than one occasion - maybe we can keep each other on track? Sending you a FR.