Fighting to re-lose with PCOS

This is a restart of my journey to lose weight. I am hoping for support this time! :flowerforyou:


  • mariposaflutterby
    mariposaflutterby Posts: 17 Member
    I have PCOS too :( it's been such a struggle. Hang in there
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Glad your can do it!
  • Moviedust
    Moviedust Posts: 110
    Ugh I know PCOS is so hard, but don't give it girlie :)
  • new_blossom
    new_blossom Posts: 111 Member
    Ditto! I have it as well. Just curious, but do yall have the thyroid issue too? Hypothyroid. It makes it so much harder to lose the weight. I wish I could just get motivated to excerscise more. I have the eating healthy down, but my metabolism is not getting a kick start.
  • nysgyrl
    nysgyrl Posts: 18
    Thanks Y'all!
  • nysgyrl
    nysgyrl Posts: 18
    I was checked for thyroid isses and was advised that I didn't have any but that if I didn't lose the weight it could develop.
  • megmo_7
    megmo_7 Posts: 98 Member
    I have it I will add you! Plus there are a few good groups on here for PCOS you can join.
  • queelove
    queelove Posts: 3
    Hi Everyone- Thanks for sharing. I have PCOS too. I really dont know what to do. I am 26 years old. BMI 42 which is not good being only 4 feet 9 inches and weighting 195lbs. I battle with weight issue, acne and irregular cycle.I am developing more male hormones.:sad: I am hoping to find some support for this journey to take back my health. Please add me. I am new to fitnesspal.:flowerforyou:
  • I was just diagnosed with PCOS last week (though I could have told them it was an issue for about forever now).
  • thisisjl
    thisisjl Posts: 1,074 Member
    Hi there I too have PCOS and while it's harder to do, it is possible to lose weight! Back in 2009 I lost 45 pounds and I've kept it off until recently I gained 13 pounds back in about 4 months so I'm back to attempting to lose the weight again. I have about 70 pounds to lose and would love to have the support of others with PCOS many people don't understand the struggles that come with it. We can do this!
  • supergroverxxx
    supergroverxxx Posts: 1 Member
    are people tending to follow any particular diet with pcos? or is it just a matter of eating healthy and excercising more?

    theres so little help around, i never know whats right and whats wrong! drives me mental!

  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I have PCOS - I am a member of several PCOS groups. You can find them by searching under groups. One group is even doing a challenge to lose six lbs. in June (a little late to start that but hopefully we will keep doing these) and another challenge to commit to a particular positive change and then do it. Feel free to add me and /or search for our groups. The support of others going through the same thing is amazing!
  • I have pocos add me if you would like support
  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
    I am trying so hard to figure out my health issues do I have PCOS? I gave up going to Doctors after hearing only bad news and they were no help. This is what I recently wrote on my wall. I need someone to let me know if you understand what happened. I know I have hypoglycemia but there was no rise of energy and fall after eating 126 carbs only a crash. I wanted to sleep while I was eating! My calories are set 1650 I should be losing 2 lbs a week or more. It is a struggle to lose 2 lbs in a month no matter how low I cut my calories, only LC works. I cannot do 20 carbs or less again when I did Atkins induction for 2 weeks close to 3 weeks in March the severe depression,anger was off the wall, but I did lose weight.

    I have many no known cure health issues that are described on my profile and adding lymph edema to the list which I consider the worse of all,even if I force myself to exercise with no energy the exercise just swells my body parts more. My wrist is now 2 inches larger than my right wrist and the swelling remains and does not go down. lymph edema has nothing to do with water retention it is blockage in the lymphatic system. No known cure or what causes it. More health issues I struggle with are severe Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome aka Epstein virus,Adrenal Gland fatigue, hypoglycemia, heart issues, spinal damage, i am one hot mess for a woman as young as I am.

    I was under calorie goal 1650 by 250 calories, but OD on my carbs which I try to keep feel good at 35 lowest to 50-64. I ate a lot of fruit today 32 cherries,black berries,raspberries, apple, plus 1 hard taco shell it came to 126 carbs OD! Fruit for me is a trigger and I must do it sparingly. Good on sodium 1500. It is so hard to get everything perfect truly each meal is a work in progress. I realized today my body did not feel better with extra carbs. I was extra hungry,kept craving more carbs, extra tired and felt very weak when standing even staggered when I walked so weak getting out of bed. I ate good protein for Dinner 4 oz rib eye steak grilled, plus lunch was a steak fajitas on a hard shell. I know now my body cannot handle that 126 carbs.

    Does this mean I am PCOS where my body refuses to use the carbs for energy but stores it as fat it will only use protein and fats for energy? If anyone who has it reads this please tell me because I have all symptoms of PCOS but no extra body hair. I can go as long as 3 -4 months and hair growth on my legs is hardly noticed.

    I did have fertility issues, I had many miscarriages before I gave birth to 3 children, but never used birth control and it was not easy getting PG. I am hypothyroid and use to take up to 5 synththyroid a day Dr. started me at one and 5 yrs later with every blood test kept increasing dosage until i saw a vicious pattern I would take synthyroid lose weight, get energy, 6 months later or sooner it was not working anymore, and I felt worse. I refused to continue with this cycle and stopped going to Dr. I only take raw bovine thyroid capsules now. I have not noticed any change but it is not quite a month.

    Now I wonder when you go low carb for extended time does it make your body less tolerable to carbohydrates others can eat with no problem? Or is this PCOS? I receive no energy from excess carbs it only drains my energy worse than what it already is. I would eat and I am immediately exhausted. I am asking experts who have done LC longer than me, what is going on? Tomorrow back to VLC please see my open profile to explain more about my health issues. Please email me if you have same symptoms and if you know how to fix this broken down body.
  • lfrank688
    lfrank688 Posts: 8
    I too have PCOS. I'm so glad to see so much fellowship and support here. Also anyone else should feel free to add me too.
  • sylmcguigan
    sylmcguigan Posts: 48 Member
    I just found out I have PCOS a few weeks ago and could always use some friends for support (as I'm sure all of us could). I've got about 60 pounds to lose to reach my goal weight, and so far I'm down 6 pounds in month and a half.
    Feel free to add me, ladies.
  • are people tending to follow any particular diet with pcos? or is it just a matter of eating healthy and excercising more?

    theres so little help around, i never know whats right and whats wrong! drives me mental!


    What has worked for me is to eat a higher protein and lower carb diet. While everyone needs to find their mix of what works for them, I try to keep my carbs around 100 g a day. This helps me to have a diet that I can live with (and I mean diet in the sense of what I eat every day). I also try to exercise regularly (4-6 times a week).
  • Risynyc
    Risynyc Posts: 1
    i have pcos too! i've been seeing a nutritionist for 2 years and lost 30lbs. my basic "diet" is high protein 25-30 grams at lunch and dinner and being mindful of protein for breakfast and snacks. i only eat healthy carbs and try to eat no more than 30-35 net carbs (carbs minus fiber) in a sitting. i'm also on metformin and workout with a trainer 2x a week and 2x on my own. i try to not eat my exercise calories. i have a high protein snack within 30 minutes of working out. i am supposed to eat 1200-1500 calories a day, but try to stick to the lower range because of the pcos. i drink 10 glasses of water a day and have green tea daily as well. it sounds exhausting writing it all out, but when i do everything consistantly i very slowly take off weight.
  • 7nthsign
    7nthsign Posts: 5 Member
    I have PCOS also. Wish I knew that when my doctor recommeded fertility drugs to help me get pregnant. Those lovely helpers gave me my 3 wonderful children, but OMG what it did to my system. I have found in the past...not recently by my weight gains, that I lost most of my weight following a Diabetic diet or even a High protein diet which helps me loose in the always difficult middle area. I also have to work out twice as hard and longer than the recommended 30 mins a day to see any results.
  • I also have PCOS. It was a relief to *finally* be diagnosed because I'd had extremely irregular cycles for my entire life yet no doctors until the very last one had fully investigated it. I have not had trouble losing the original weight but I've had A LOT of trouble getting through my last plateau. Incidentally, this weight is about the weight at which I started taking BC pills to correct my cycle. There hasn't been weight gain, but I am having more trouble losing.

    Add me if you would like support from someone who's there with you, definitely. :)