Any Coffee Drinkers?

jdruiz89 Posts: 42 Member
edited December 2024 in Chit-Chat
Let me know what brand and type tastes good. How it is made as well. I do enjoy some of the Starbucks blends but I do like Archer Farms Tierra Del Sol made in a percolator. Starbucks Komodo Dragon is famously known in our family.


  • Kenco Rich - premium blend granulated.

    3 mugs per day, black and no sugar.

    Used to drink 11 cups a day, with milk and 2 sugars, those were my FAT days.

    Once in a while I will treat myself to a Starbucks Latte, with milk and sugar, emphasis on Treat.
  • felicia8604
    felicia8604 Posts: 274 Member
    I drink folders medium blend. I put 5 tbsp in the pot so its fairly strong and i always put creamer in. Usually vanilla caramel coffeemate or cafe mocha is good also. When i first started i would put in alot of creamer but now its only about 1 tbap per cup.
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    Iced and it better be caramel.
  • jdruiz89
    jdruiz89 Posts: 42 Member
    I prefer my coffee black. I used to use cream and sugar and I always felt bad after drinking a few cups. Not a guilty feeling but like artificial sugar overload with synthetic failure. However, I was also drinking the moderately cheap end coffees. So I started trying different more expensive blends and so far I enjoy coffee now.

    Has anyone tried any Gevalia?
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    Folgers Black Silk compares favorably to the gourmet beans my wife buys.
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    nescafe original 2/3 mugs a day with 50 or 100ml of semi skimmed milk...religiously. I love my coffee (+sweeteners)
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Starbucks Breakfast Blend, 11 cups daily, black. Awesome!
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    I have a Keurig & Newman's Own is my fav
  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    I drink Maxwell Housemaster blend. I like it medium bold not too dark. I have to have creamer and sweetener usually splenda.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I am an old soul black coffee drinker. Just some Folgers brewed in a plain old coffee machine, medium roast :) best before workout drink, ha !
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    I buy whatever coffee is on sale, usually Foldgers or Maxwell House and it has to me medium dark to dark, none of that light flavor crap. I use a insulated metal and plastic coffee press made by Thermos. I put 2 heaping tablespoons of coffee in, then pour in boiling water till full and stir. I add 1 tablespoon of sugar free creamer and 1 packet of sweetener to each mug of coffee.
  • LillysGranny
    LillysGranny Posts: 431
    You had me at coffee......

    I used to drink either Starbuck's house blend or 5 O'Clock french roast until my grinder I'm drinking Maxwell House Original and Green Mountain Coffee Nantucket Blend in the keurig. I hope I'll have a new grinder soon. I drink my coffee black most of the time and every once in a while I'll splurge and add some cream.

    I love, love, love my keurig for those times when I'm only going to have one cup. My son is a coffee snob and even he was impressed.
  • piezoeyjune
    piezoeyjune Posts: 186 Member
    Peets Italian Roast whole beans

    Grind them @ home and you have the most perfect cup of coffee ever.

    I add a tsp of Coffee Mate Natural Bliss Caramel.

    My other addiction is Dunkin Donuts Iced. Black with 1 splenda.

    Love coffee!
  • dragomom
    dragomom Posts: 88 Member
    We have 2 coffee makers (his and hers) going in the mornings. My husband drinks folgers classic belnd and I drink Gevalia Irish Creme. With the Gevalia I only use 2 1/2 TBSP per 5 cup pot.
  • Millstone Breakfast was a great day when they finally had it in k-cups! My Keurig is one of the things I would grab in case of a fire! I love it....this morning I have recreated my latest Starbucks addiction and am pretty pleased with myself...Cup of coffee, 2 tbsp of sugar free torani vanilla syrup, dash of milk and 1 splenda over ice! YUMMY
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    At home I drink Dunkin Donuts whole bean ground in my coffee maker just before brewing with one equal. At work, I try to find the least offensive swill they have lol.

    Not a huge fan of Starbucks because I tend to find their beans "burnt" tasting.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    French Market!
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    We got the Keurig about a year ago - so I'm still trying so many different kinds! So far, my favorites are Carabou DayBreak and Tully's Italian Roast. Truvia & fat free creamer an absolute must! Speaking of... I think I'll have a cup now!
  • lanzaroteblue
    lanzaroteblue Posts: 198 Member
    The best coffe I've ever had is Spanish leche lech. A double espresso
    with steamed milk and condenced milk. Not good but I have it about
    once every 2-3 months for a treat. Coffee kick and sugar high in one
    go. It's rocket fuel for me.
    Nicola x:drinker:
  • Welsh_Rarebit
    Welsh_Rarebit Posts: 14 Member
    Lavazza beans if I use my Bean to cup coffee machine, or Kenya Peaberry ground for cafettiere. The former makes a good esperesso and black coffee, the latter works well in a Latte or with Coffee Whitener.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I love coffee! My favorite is strong smooth Brazilian coffee. Here in the states it as not as easy to get, but a good Colombian that is smooth is best. I am not a big fan of Fivebucks or Dunkins; I prefer McDonalds over both.

    I don't care for too many "roast" coffees as the burnt taste over powers the flavor of the "bean." The worst coffees are the ones with acidic after taste. I never drink perfumed coffee with flavors. I just like good smooth coffee and when it's really good, black is just fine.

    But if I were to have something with extra stuff in it, it's a Dunkin Coffee Coolata with whipped cream.
  • wurgin
    wurgin Posts: 241 Member
    we are serious about good coffee in our house.

    Freshly roasted beans are important. We buy Bridgehead, Kicking horse or Happy Goat all available online. Usually we go for a medium or dark roast with a preference for Mexican beans in the medium.

    We always but shade grown, frog friendly, fair trade, ethical coffee. It doesn't cost more than other good coffee and it costs the earth and humanity much less.

    We have a grinder which we set to between drip and espresso so the coffee is strong (fairly finely ground) and use a manual drip or a french press (bodum) or the espresso maker/cappuccino maker. Automatic drips do not keep the water hot enough to be very good, fyi.

    We also keep cinnamon and nutmeg on hand to sprinkle on if the the mood takes us.
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    any flavor of van houette's, especially creme brule!
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    i used to get Gevalia.. it's ok. I didn't think it was worth the price at all and you have to watch for the double super secret special shipments that they send without asking and automatically charge to your credit card.

    I know it's not high brow (and i am a huge starbucks fan) but at home i mix Maxwell house South Pacific blend with freshly ground 8 O'clock original. 1T per cup of coffee brewed. Use COLD fresh from the tap water; the air in it makes a difference and starting with cold water keeps the coffee beans from "burning". People who come to my house always ask for more coffee, and want to know my secret.
  • Guatemalan, whole bean ground fresh at home daily.
  • GrokOn
    GrokOn Posts: 39 Member
    Kauai Coffee Company Vanilla Macadamia
  • momwhosbusy
    momwhosbusy Posts: 154 Member
    There are only 2 places where I will buy coffee...Magnum, a small local roastery which ships all over the world, or Mexico...I can't drink any other kinds. From Magnum I prefer the Kona but will drink any of it, the organic guatamalan is also really good. I get the whole beans and grind them myself and use a regular ole coffee maker to brew them! The coffee from Mexico in NEVER bitter and always good, they have a different roasting process and roast the beans with cane sugar. Doesn't make it sweet, just really smooth and tastey! I will drink it black or with just a hint of flavored creamer.
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    I prefer my coffee black. I used to use cream and sugar and I always felt bad after drinking a few cups. Not a guilty feeling but like artificial sugar overload with synthetic failure. However, I was also drinking the moderately cheap end coffees. So I started trying different more expensive blends and so far I enjoy coffee now.

    Has anyone tried any Gevalia?
    Answering to the Gavalia it is smooth but feel its over rated for the price,,Had A Jamican coffee which is sold in the states much better I think its called Blue mountain? haven't bought it in awhile as can't seem to find it now.
  • ShazMc73
    ShazMc73 Posts: 106 Member
    Coffee? Yes thank you! Right now I have at home:

    Blue Mountain coffee - Jamaica
    Cafe Santo Domingo - Dominican Republic
    Cafe Azotea - Guatemala
    Folgers - Black Silk

    All are bold yet smooth ground coffees, enjoyed black or with milk depending on the day. No need for sugar! This morning, Cafe Santo Domingo

  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    I have tried the Gevila years ago It is smooth but no richer than any other I have tried. I think your water you use and fresh ground at home makes a difference in any coffee flavor. Love my coffee grinder! My fav believe this or not is Mcdonalds coffee, have them add an espresso shot, 1 cream two splenda..PERFECT. Rich in flavor not to strong not to weak, jusst right.
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